
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · 玄幻
195 Chs

Zola's Algorithm

Nie Long " How are you doing Mr. Madara? " Madara " We are doing fine Mr. Nie Long. " Nie Long after some chit chat. Nie Long " What is your current situation in the world. Have you joined the Ten Rings? " Mandalin on the side heard Nie Long's conversation twitched his lips but anyway grateful since for him his Wife is the most important person in this life.

Madara " Actually, We have met Mandalin and he is right before me. We have revived his wife by Reanimation Jutsu and resurected using Spring of Life. Though there were some problems in the process. Most of it went fine with the help of Sorcerer Supreme. " Nie Long was stunned and then his face turned grim. Nie Long " Mr. Madara, don't do anything affecting the boundaries of Life and Death in that world. Especially in that world, the consequences will be disastrous. "

The Warning was responded in this room. Mandalin's face face became stiff. But nearby Mandalin's wife Ying Li placed his hands on her husband's shoulder and shook her head. Madara " I will not break the rules anymore. " Nie Long nodded and said " So you obtained the Ten Rings in exchange of Mandalin's alliegence. " Madara nodded. Nie Long " Good, but use the Ten Rings for Intel Gathering. But use their persons to select reliable people and train a elite Ninja similar to Anbu. "

Madara nodded and he also had similar ideas. Nie Long " Madara, there is a mission for you and I want it to be completed perfectly without any mistakes. Any kind of mistake is not tolerated and it must be done within 2 days. " Madara and the others in the room became serious. Nie Long " You will obtain a miniature Soul Computer with AI Wendy in control. I want you to take it to the Camp Lehigh where Captain America trained. It is a old base of SHIELD. There is Anim Zola a German Scientist's Consciousness was transferred to a set of Computers to a Artificial intelligence. "

" Prepare a Jamming Device and connect the Soul Computer to the Old set of Computer's rest Wendy will take care of it. The Process will take maximum of 5 mins. But there must be no information leakage and Wendy will take care of Zola's Memory. But make sure that others do not find your existence. And contact me after the task is completed. " After that Madara nodded and Nie Long cut off the communication.

In MHA Wood Style Mansion Base. Strange, Wanda and America were stunned. All Might was confused for Nie Long's set of Operation. Strange " Are you going to use Zola's Algorithm to find Eri and Chisaki's entire network!? " Nie Long nodded. All Might " What is Zola's Algorithm!? "

Nie Long " It is an program written by the German Scientist of that World Anim Zola. It can predict a person's future upto 95% accuracy. The required inputs are Bank Transaction, his Call Records, Messages and pattern of his behavior. and etc. Chisaki's life experience, his Calls and Messages for Last one month must have been monitored and recorded by you guys. By using the Algorithm, We can track all his Gang like Chain links from Bottom to Top and all the crimes they have committed. "

Nie Long " We can even use this to find his Hidden Bases. And the same can be used for All for One. As long as a single clue is obtained. We can use Zola's Algorithm to deduce almost all his plans. Zola wanted to use this Algorithm to deduce his enemies in adavance and extreminate them. But I am going to use it to Identify our enemies and catch them in full swoop. "

All Might was terrified. He never imagined there would be such a perverted genius person in that world and that to be a villain. If such a person was with All for One. He cannot imagine the consequences. Wanda " I don't care about the rest as long as Eri is saved as soon as possible. Everything is fine by me. "

After that day, Nie Long trained Midoriya to adapt to his Quirk. He is not like All Might who is worst at teaching. He taught him about energy Control. And Nie Long taught All Might necessary Meditation Excercise to cultivate the remaining Embers of One for All to a brand new power Enhanced Quirk.

Meanwhile in MCU at Camp Lehigh, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito appeared in the base. They immediately activated the Signal Jammer. And there were supporting Ten Ring Members who were made sure that there is a short problem in Network Connection and Landline. As there is maintanence work is going on. In order to not let Zola send any news through Land Line.

Obito went directly inside the base with Itachi and found the Series of Computers of Old Generation Models connected and there were several Monitor Screens. And the base being abandoned gave Obito and Itachi's infiltration lot easier. When they saw it Itachi and Obito without any hesitation connected the Soul Computer and The Computer through a USB Cable.

Soon the Screen flickered and a distorted Green Face was forming. It was Anim Zola " Who are you guys!? What are you doin..... " As he was speaking his speaking is becoming distorted. Wendy who is with the high processing power of a Soul Computer playing with Zola who only has little Processing power of 70's computer was thoroughly defeated.

And the Soul Computer was made with many layers of Anti Intrusion. Only Reason Zola was able to hold Ultron is because Ultron does not guard against Zola. So Wendy defeated Zola thoroughly and copied all his researches, Information and Programs. He made a silent Virus that may destroy his software when Zola finds the Abnormalities. He deleted this portion of memory and replaced with a power outage problem where is a problem with underground Cable.

So even Hydra will not be able to find anything and Obito and Itachi will release Lightning style attack on the Transformer to cause that problem. After the task is done. The entire power gone off and Obito and Itachi escaped from there. They sent the Soul Computer to Nie Long via Quantum Portal. Nie Long " Atlast I have the Zola's Algorithm in my hand. "