
Rebirth in a Favorite RPG

The top player of Nexus, Earth's most acclaimed VR MMORPG, finds himself compelled to leave behind his beloved game due to the rising dominance of pay-to-win mechanics. Yearning for a touch of nostalgia, he dives back into his all-time favorite RPG, now enhanced with cutting-edge VR technology. However, he experiences nostalgic disillusionment as his dismay at the outdated graphics and gameplay prompts an overnight modding spree. Yet, as he immerses himself back into the virtual realm, he faces an unexpected hurdle: the inability to log out. -- [Passives:] -- -- [Elven Race:] -- Amplifies mana manipulation skills. -- [Human Race:] -- Grants a 50% boost in EXP gain due to inherent adaptability.

Bruno_oliveira · 奇幻
51 Chs

35 - Test Results!

Test Results!

The Advanced Simulation Room was eerily quiet, a heavy and unsettling silence that seemed to amplify every breath, every heartbeat. Sixty students were scattered around the room, some still in a state of shock, others touching their own bodies as if to confirm they were still alive.

Jon sat on the floor, his eyes staring into the void ahead. He seemed lost in deep contemplation, as if trying to process everything that had just unfolded.

Nortis, Elija, Elara, and Azul rushed over to him, their faces filled with concern and curiosity.

"Jon, what happened after we died?" Nortis asked, urgency coloring his voice.

Before Jon could answer, a clear and authoritative voice cut through the air. Seraphine, the instructor, stood at the center of the room.

"Attention, students," she began, her eyes sweeping across the room. "The aim of this test was simple: teamwork and focus. That should have been enough to successfully complete the mission. However, what we witnessed here was a collective failure."

She paused, letting her words sink in.

"Those who died from losing focus are not the only ones at fault. The failure lies with all of you for not working together as a unified team."

The weight of Seraphine's words was palpable, and a sense of failure began to spread throughout the room. That's when Lysander stood up, his gaze fixed on Jon.

"If we all failed," he said, "then continuing as Jon suggested isn't a viable option either."

Seraphine chuckled softly, a sound tinged with a blend of grace and irony. "I never said everyone failed," she corrected, "nor did everyone earn the same points for the test."

The air grew thick with a mix of surprise and anticipation. All eyes turned to the six individuals who had set out to complete the test's hidden mission: Jon, Gwen, Elija, Nortis, Elara, and the shy blue-haired elf.

"However," Seraphine continued, "even with the test concluded, the outcome is still a significant failure. Go rest. I know for many of you, the experience might have been shocking. Practical lessons will only begin on the second day, following this initial academy test."

She paused and looked at Jon and the others. "But I would like Jon, Gwen, Elija, Nortis, Elara, and... Serena to stay."

Jon raised an eyebrow, a thought crossing his mind. 'Ah, so her name is Serena.'

Seraphine looked at the young people before her, her piercing gaze evaluating each of them. "Firstly, I want to commend your decision to complete the test, rather than stand idle awaiting death. It shows initiative and courage, important qualities for any adventurer."

She slowly walked around the room, her eyes meeting those of each student. "Gwen, your magical prowess is remarkable. You have great potential as a spellcaster. Nortis, despite your injured shoulder, you fought valiantly. That's commendable. Elara and Elija, you are skilled archers. Your accuracy is something many aspiring archers should envy."

Then, she turned to Serena, formerly known as Azul. "Serena, you displayed great poise and skill with the bow. You have a promising future as an archer."

Finally, she turned to Jon. "And you, Jon. Your leadership and combat skills are exceptional. You possess a rare gift, and I'm eager to see how far it will take you."

Seraphine paused, letting her words sink in. "Test scores will be distributed this afternoon. For now, you are all dismissed. Go rest and prepare for tomorrow's practical lessons."

She gestured with her hand, signaling they could leave. Gwen, Nortis, Elara, Elija, Serena, and Jon nodded in gratitude and began to exit the room.

"Jon, please stay," Seraphine said, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

The others left, leaving Jon alone with Seraphine in the Advanced Simulation Room. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and curiosity, and Jon couldn't help but wonder what was coming next.

Seraphine closed the door behind the departing students, ensuring they were truly alone in the Advanced Simulation Room. She turned to Jon, her piercing blue eyes meeting his.

"Jon, I have a question that needs answering," she began, crossing her arms. "During the entrance assessment test, you were graded with an F-level talent, which is, to be frank, the lowest level. However, what you demonstrated today far exceeds that. Were you using some sort of magical artifact?"

The air in the room grew even heavier, laden with the gravity of Seraphine's question. She was clearly not willing to accept excuses or evasions; she wanted the truth.

Jon scratched his head, slightly uncomfortable under Seraphine's intense gaze. "Ah, about that... actually, the assessment artifact failed to accurately gauge my skill level," he began, choosing his words carefully. "A reevaluation was requested, but since I had already met the minimum requirements for academy admission, the official didn't give it much thought and graded me with an F."

Seraphine murmured, "So that's what happened..." Her expression showed that the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place in her mind.

Jon interrupted her musings, "Is there an artifact that can check a person's inventory? Also, could it identify racial passive abilities and the distribution of status points gained through leveling up?"

Seraphine looked at Jon seriously and said, "No, there's no such artifact that can do all those things you mentioned. The artifact we use for student talent assessment is quite basic. It calculates age, level, and magical affinity of the individual. If something interferes with the artifact's ability to calculate these factors, it flags an error and requests verification with a more potent artifact. That's how it works."

Seraphine, her expression increasingly curious, leaned forward and asked, "So, do you have any idea what might have caused the artifact's verification error?"

Jon hesitated for a moment, pondering whether or not to reveal such personal information. However, recalling his goal to gain Seraphine's favor in order to become her disciple, he decided it was worth the risk.

"I believe my racial passive may have interfered with the artifact's ability to accurately calculate my magical affinity," Jon finally said, looking directly into Seraphine's eyes.

Seraphine arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Ah, that would certainly explain the artifact's error."

The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, as if a new level of understanding had been reached between the two. Jon felt he had made the right choice in revealing this information, and Seraphine seemed even more interested in him...

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