
Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · 现代言情
218 Chs

Chapter 204

The teahouse was particularly quiet today, with only a few tables occupied. A server kept glancing at the entrance, checking the time—almost half-past two. The woman they were expecting should arrive any moment.


The server straightened up, eyes fixed on the door.


Zuri sat quietly in a corner, her seat offering a perfect view of the entire room. Soon, a young woman stepped out of a taxi.


Saira looked up at the sign, confirming this was the right place, and walked in on her seven-inch heels.


Meanwhile, Leiting opened the door to his private room and called out to the server, "Waiter, come here and take my order."


A female server approached, "Sir, what would you like?"


Leiting waved her off and pointed to the other server, "I want him to take my order. Is there a problem with that?"


Seeing the guest getting annoyed, the server cursed his luck but quickly forced a smile and walked into the room.


As soon as the server entered the private room, Saira pushed open the door to the teahouse.


"Miss, do you have a reservation?" the hostess asked.


"Yes, North Bamboo Pavilion."


The hostess led her to the North Bamboo Pavilion. Once Saira entered the private room, Zuri left her spot and started walking toward the teahouse. Just before entering, she sent a message to Leiting.


After receiving the message, Leiting stopped pestering the server, who almost cursed aloud in frustration.


When the server saw Zuri at the entrance, he double-checked to ensure it was the right person, then eagerly greeted her.


"Hello, do you have a reservation?"


"Yes, North Bamboo Pavilion," Zuri smiled at him.


"Please follow me."


"No need, I know the way. I'm a bit thirsty, so please bring me a pot of Longjing tea, and make it quick." Zuri said, pulling a hundred-yuan bill from her purse and handing it to him.


The server gladly accepted the tip, "Certainly, right away."


The server quickly went to prepare the tea, while Zuri made her way to the North Bamboo Pavilion. She stopped at the door, waiting until the server arrived with the tea.


"Just leave the tea here, and don't disturb us unless it's necessary. Understood?" Zuri instructed.


"Understood, understood." The server pocketed another hundred-yuan tip, "Shall I open the door for you?"


"No need," Zuri said coldly.


At that moment, the door to Leiting's private room opened, and he called out to the server, "You, come here!"


The server's good mood vanished upon seeing Leiting again.


Zuri watched as the server was called away, then turned and entered the private room, placing the tea on the table.


Saira glanced at her watch, "You're late."


"Just by a few minutes."


"Tell me, what do you want me to do to get the antidote?" Saira asked impatiently.


Zuri leisurely poured tea for both of them, pushing one cup toward Saira, "It's something only you can do."


Suddenly, Zuri smacked her forehead in mock annoyance, "Oh, I forgot! I left it in the car. Wait here, I'll be right back."


Saira resisted the urge to roll her eyes, "Hurry up; my time is valuable."


"Don't worry, I'll be quick."


Zuri smiled and closed the door behind her.


Zuri headed to the restroom, avoiding everyone, and exited through the back door.


Once she was gone, Leiting finally let the server go.


The server pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Dalia.


Soon, Dalia's reply came through: **Do it!**


Upon seeing these two words, the server walked to the door of the North Bamboo Pavilion, took out a key from his pocket, looked around to make sure no one was watching, and quietly locked the door.


Inside, Saira heard the lock click and frowned. As she stood up, she suddenly felt dizzy.


The tea was drugged!


Her body went rigid, and she collapsed.


Not long after, flames suddenly burst from the teahouse's kitchen, quickly spreading to the entire kitchen. By the time the black smoke reached the front hall and the private rooms, everyone was aware.


Panic ensued, with people shouting, "Fire! Fire! Run!"


Leiting slowly followed the crowd out of the teahouse. The server, who had locked the door, was the last to leave. He watched with satisfaction as the flames spread to the door of the North Bamboo Pavilion before finally exiting.


Before leaving, he called out, "Is there anyone left inside?!"


There was no response, only the crackling sound of the flames.


As the server fled the scene, the manager asked, "Is anyone still inside?"


He shook his head, "No, I called out for a long time, but no one answered. Everyone should be out by now."


The teahouse manager sighed in relief, but as he watched the flames consume the building, his heart bled. The teahouse was an old-style structure, with most of the interior made of wood and bamboo—materials that burn easily.


The fire quickly drew a crowd of onlookers. Among them, a middle-aged woman stood with a satisfied smile, watching the flames with delight.


"Zuri, don't blame me. Blame yourself for existing in this world. You should have died twenty years ago. I've let you live an extra twenty years—consider that a gift."


Dalia smiled, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted.


While she was engrossed in the burning teahouse, a slim figure silently approached her, and a cold voice whispered in her ear.


"Mrs. Lin, what has you in such high spirits?"


Dalia jerked in surprise and turned around to find Zuri smiling at her. Despite the beauty of Zuri's smile, Dalia felt no warmth, only a deep chill.


"You… you…" Dalia's voice trembled.


Why was she here?!


Zuri blinked innocently, her eyes filled with mirth, "Mrs. Lin, are you that shocked to see me? Didn't we agree to meet here?"


Dalia forced a smile, masking her shock as she tried to regain her composure, "Yes, we did."


Suddenly, Zuri leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Weren't you scared that I wasn't inside? I have some good news for you—there's someone in the North Bamboo Pavilion. Do you know who it is?"


As Zuri's words sank in, Dalia's eyes widened in horror. In the next second, she broke through the crowd, running toward the burning teahouse.


The teahouse manager grabbed her, "Don't go in, it's dangerous!"


Dalia screamed desperately, "My daughter is still inside! Please, someone save her!"