
Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · 现代言情
218 Chs

Chapter 201

"Don't worry, Mom would never do anything foolish."


If the Feng family discovered it was her doing, they would likely retaliate against Saira. How could she gamble with her daughter's life? To resolve this and ensure Zuri is taken care of, Zuri must meet with an accidental death. Only in the case of an accident would the Feng family refrain from pursuing the matter.


The bright afternoon sun was blinding. As soon as Zuri returned to the neighborhood, she noticed a group of elderly people gathered in front of one of the building entrances. Zuri approached; it was the entrance to her building.


"Auntie, what's going on in front of the building?" Zuri asked.


The elderly woman eagerly replied, "Seems like some rich young man has taken a fancy to a girl in this building. He sent a ton of gifts! Those gifts look really expensive. Nowadays, young people spend so much money just to date."


Curious, Zuri peeked over and saw two trucks parked right in front of the entrance, blocking the entire building.


Who could be this extravagant?


Suddenly, one of the staff members noticed Zuri standing in the crowd, watching, and excitedly rushed over.


"Miss Zuri, thank goodness you're back."


At this shout, everyone turned to look at Zuri.


Zuri stood there, bewildered, looking at the overly enthusiastic staff member before her.


"Who are you?"


The staff member smiled ingratiatingly. "Miss Zuri, please come and see. All these gifts were prepared by Mr. Feng for you."


With that, the staffer signaled to his colleague.


The next moment, the truck doors opened, revealing one truck full of designer clothes and another packed with luxury handbags. The crowd gasped in amazement.


A young girl in the crowd recognized some of the handbags and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, I see a limited edition Hermès, Chanel, and LV. This is what I've always dreamed of!"


"These clothes are so beautiful. I can smell the money."


"Wow, just the handbags alone must be worth millions. This is insane!"


"Why can't a rich guy pursue me like this?"


The younger onlookers were all stunned, their eyes shining with envy and jealousy as they stared at the truckloads of goods.


The older men and women shook their heads in disapproval after hearing about the value of the items.


"What a waste!"


"With so much money, they could do something meaningful. What's the point of buying all this?"


"Young people today don't know how to be frugal at all."


Zuri watched as the staff started to open the boxes, quickly stopping them. "Don't open them!"


The staff halted immediately.


If her guess was correct, those boxes contained jewelry. Displaying such items in public was just inviting trouble.


Such a thoughtless move could only be the work of one of the Feng brothers. Zuri's mind automatically came up with a name—Owen.


She glanced around at the crowd and then turned to the lead staffer, saying, "Take everything back. I won't accept a single item."


"This…" The staffer looked troubled.


"Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him. Do you think this place can hold all of these things?"


The staffer looked around at the old, dilapidated neighborhood and finally gathered everything and took it away.


As they left, the onlookers couldn't help but feel sorry for Zuri, while also somewhat envious.


Just as Zuri reached her apartment, her phone rang.


"Hello, is this Miss Zuri?" A young voice came through the line.


"Yes, it is."


"I have a package for you, but I'm having trouble finding the address. Could you come and pick it up? I'm at the bus stop on Fushan Road," the voice on the other end nervously explained.


"Walk 300 meters further along Fushan Road, and after you see the supermarket, take the alley on the left. Ask someone there, and you should find it."


"I'm really sorry, I'm new at this and not very familiar with the area. Could you please come and get it? I also have another delivery that must be made by 2 PM, or else the customer will complain," the delivery guy admitted.


Zuri didn't want to make things difficult for him. "Alright, I'll come and get it. Just wait there."


"Thank you, thank you so much," the delivery guy repeated his thanks.


Zuri grabbed her keys and headed out the door.


Five minutes later, she arrived at Fushan Road and began walking towards the bus stop.


When she reached the bus stop, there were only three or four people waiting, but no sign of the delivery guy.


Zuri frowned slightly, glancing around, but saw no one fitting the description.


Did he leave?


She took out her phone, searched for the previous number, and just as she pressed redial, she heard a shout.


Zuri looked up to see a truck speeding out of control towards the bus stop. It was moving at an alarming speed, with nothing in front to stop it. In seconds, it would reach them.


Zuri quickly rolled out of the way, tumbling twice on the ground as the truck brushed past her.


If she had reacted just a bit slower, or moved a little less, she would have been crushed under the wheels.


With a loud crash, the truck smashed into a streetlamp. The lamp fell, pulling down some electrical wires, and they were about to hit a little girl standing nearby. Zuri gritted her teeth, got up quickly, and threw herself towards the girl, pulling her to safety just in time.


However, the cables struck the truck's cab, causing sparks to fly and electricity to crackle.


People saw the driver inside the truck convulsing as a small fire ignited from the cab, quickly spreading.


Onlookers rushed over to help Zuri and the little girl up.


The girl struggled to return to the bus stop, but people held her back.


"Mommy, I want my mommy," the girl cried out.


Her mother lay in a pool of blood, her fate uncertain.


This woman had pushed the girl out of danger at the last moment but couldn't save herself.


"Oh my God! This is horrible. I wonder if those two are still alive."


"Quick, call the police and an ambulance. Maybe they can still be saved."


But it was clear that the chances of survival were very slim.


Zuri glanced at the two people lying in blood, then at the out-of-control truck, narrowing her eyes.


Suddenly, a clean handkerchief was handed to her.


"Big sister, you have a lot of blood on your hands. Wipe it off," a little boy's sweet voice said.


Zuri looked at the small boy with large, dark eyes in front of her, and reached out to pat his head but stopped when she saw her bloodstained hand. She quietly took the handkerchief from him and said, "Thank you."