
Cermony Start

The Hao Clan's City was bustling in celebration today, the reason was simple, the new generation of the Hao Clan was going to have their Coming of Age Ceremony, after today the cultivation level of all the youths would determine their future.

The ceremony was going to happen in less than two hours and all the youths were currently cultivating intensely, the one at the peak of the 7-star Dou Zhi Qi realm were doing all their possible to breakthrough before the final moment, those which didn't reach this step were depressing about their future, in a big clan like the Hao Clan, a Da Dou Shi realm practitioner wasn't considered as something rare, so the fact that they probably wouldn't be able to surpass this level made them depressed as it also means that they wouldn't be someone important in their whole life.

The people who could be considered the happiest were the descendant of the multiples branch families who had reached or surpassed the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm, for them, they would be able to change the life of their whole family.

In all of the branch families' disciples in this generation, two people were considered as geniuses, one had reached the top three genius in the whole clan and could even be considered as a young genius in the whole Jia Ma Empire, he was Hao Li, and he had already reached the 5-star Dou Zhe realm at the age of fifteen, and the other was also a Dou Zhe realm practitioner, she was Hao Mei who had reached the top 8 in the competition with the Yun Lan Sect, she had reached the 1-star Dou Zhe realm a month before the ceremony.

The two of them could be considered as the treasure of the multiples branch families and they were heavily nurtured by the little resources they could get, because in the Hao Clan, normally no one from the branch families could gain an official position, but there was an exception, and that was the Jia Nan Academy, if a disciple from the branch families could graduate from the Jia Nan Academy, he would be able to receive an official position, there had been only one of such a person in the last five generations of the Hao Clan, and that was the Second Ancestor who was currently at the Dou Huang realm, but he now stayed in seclusion most of the time since his whole branch family had been exterminated by an enemy gang in their city, it was said that the Second Ancestor had exterminated the whole gang the same day he had learned about the incident, and from then onward he had never come out of seclusion.


Two hours later.

The youths of the Hao Clan were all standing on the Hao Clan's Martial Arena. The Martial Arena was filled with spectators who came to observe the results, they came from all the corner of the Jia Ma Empire, and there were even some Elders of the few big clans in the Jia Ma Empire, like the Yun Lan Sect who had sent two Dou Ling Elders. Most of the peoples present today had come to see the results of the two geniuses of the Hao Clan, Hao Shen, and Hao JinJing since the two of them were famous for their fast cultivation in the whole Jia Ma Empire.

All the noise shut down when Hao Tian suddenly walked on the main platform.

"I thanks all of you for coming to our youths' ceremony today, I hope that you will be satisfied with the spectacle. For now, we will call the youths one by one to test your current cultivation, and as always, for the one who didn't manage to reach the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm, I'm sorry but you will be sent outside of the clan. Let's start the ceremony." Hao Tian then walked off the stage and the ceremony began.

The ceremony was quite simple, one only had to the testing stone to test their current cultivation, the one with less than 8-star Dou Zhi Qi were sent on one side while the ones above were sent on the other, but there was a third side, and that was the side for those that had reached the Dou Zhe realm.

"Branch Family's Hao Mei, it's your turn." the seventh elder who was in charge of today's ceremony called out. Hao Mei was well known by the different Elders of the Main Family because she was a woman from the Branch Families who possessed great potential and could do a great wife for one of their descendants who had less potential than her, of course the Hao Clan prohibited any forcing toward this, if both were consenting then all was good but if an elder forced someone to marry, he would be demoted and lose his position as an elder.

"1-star Dou Zhe" The Testing Stone announced and noise spread in the crowd, it was very rare for someone of the side family to reach this level at this age.

"Good, you are the first Dou Zhe to be tested today, so you can go to this side." The seventh elder said to Hao Mei with a smile.

Some time passed and that was finally the time for the good things to happen.

"Main Familly, Hao Wei, it's your turn to be tested." Hao Wei was the first of the four genius of the Hao Clan to be tested.

"4-star Dou Zhe" This time, the crowd made a lot more noise, a 4-star Dou Zhe at the age of fifteen, that was even higher than Nalan Yanran of the Yun Lan Sect, the two elders of the Yun Lan Sect furrowed their eyes when they saw this, but this was not the end.

"Branch Family's Hao Li, it's your turn."

"5-star Dou Zhe" The crowd was shocked this time, a member of the branch's family reached this cultivation this soon in his life, he had the potential to even surpass the Second Elder of the Hao Clan.

"Main Family's Hao JinJing, it's your turn."

"9-star Dou Zhe realm." This time the crowd was sent in a frenzy, the young lady of the Hao Clan was a well-known talent, and her master was the Old Mistress of the Hao Clan, who was already a Dou Wang realm practitioner, but nobody expected her to reach the peak of the Dou Zhe realm while being this young.

"Good, Good, the ancestor would be happy to know of this." The Elders of the Hao Clan laughed.

"And lastly, Main Family's Hao Shen, it's your turn." The Seventh Elder said while looking at Hao Shen with a smile, this was what the crowd had waited for, the young man who had reached the Dou Zhe realm at eleven years old was finally going to reveal his cultivation to the world after four years.

First chapter today.

Haha, I had a good sleep till this morning, sorry about yesterday guys, and also for the cliff at the end.

As Always, Thanks for reading this chapter.

YeChenZhicreators' thoughts