

"As long as we are able to keep the tension off him for the next couple of minutes, I am sure he will be alright," Hler whispered to the woman standing beside him. "What do you say?" 

The two are hiding behind a pillar, looking at a group of people in the distance, surrounding a man in the middle of it all. 

"I think so too." She said, nodding her head furiously. "By the way, why do I keep falling asleep the moment I am around my lord?" 

"Well, I have a speculation," Karr said, sitting on the other side of the woman as the two turned to him. "You are not able to relax or even fall asleep until you see him. So, the moment you see him, your body relaxes immediately and you are out." 

"That makes sense," Hler said, turning back to the people in front of him. "I wonder when they are going to make their move."