
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · 奇幻
296 Chs

Rallying the Last Stand

The horizon was obscured by a vast sea of humanity. The rolling hills, which were once green and vibrant, were now swarmed by soldiers in shimmering armor. The resplendent sun, setting in its brilliant orange hue, reflected off the shields and spears, creating a shimmering mirage of light. Flags bearing various insignias of the human cities fluttered in the wind. Huge trebuchets and siege engines were being prepped for battle. The massive camp was alive with the hum of war preparations.

The number was overwhelming. Over one million soldiers, all gathered in one place, ready to face the looming threat. This was the might of humanity in its entirety.

As Amukelo, Eliss, and Kael approached the encampment, they were immediately stopped by a sentinel. His armor bore the mark of the king's guard, a sign of high rank. "Halt! State your business!" he barked.

Before any of them could respond, a voice from behind the sentinel boomed, "Let them through!" The soldiers turned to see a tall figure riding forth. It was General Aldric, a known figure in the human realm, and recognizable by his unique silver armor adorned with golden edges. His reputation was not just as a fierce warrior, but as a fair leader. He was also known for having an astute memory.

As he dismounted his horse, he approached the trio with a welcoming grin. "Amukelo! The champion of the Grand Tournament and his companions! I watched your matches; it's an honor to meet you in person."

Amukelo nodded in respect, "General Aldric, the honor is ours. We've come to offer our aid."

Eliss stepped forward, "We've just returned from aiding the dwarves. The threat is bigger than we imagined."

Kael added, "And we believe it's pivotal for all races to unite to stand against this menace."

General Aldric looked at them with a mixture of concern and determination. "The situation is dire indeed. We march against the mad wizard Valarian. The undead are just the start. We've received reports that he's managed to bind other creatures to his will."

Amukelo's eyes narrowed, "Then we definitely must to reunite with other races. Where do we fit into your plan, General?"

Aldric smiled, "With your abilities, right at the forefront. But first, let's discuss strategy." He beckoned them to follow him into the heart of the encampment, where the leaders of the army were already engaged in deep deliberation.

General Aldric led the trio to a large war tent in the heart of the camp. A long wooden table stretched across the tent, covered with maps, markers, and tokens representing troop divisions. Officers and strategists crowded around, deep in conversation.

As they entered, the discussions paused, and all eyes turned to Amukelo, Eliss, and Kael. Aldric gestured for them to approach the table. "Ladies and gentlemen, these are our allies from the Draconian realm, and they have vital information to share."

Amukelo leaned over the table, marking a point on the map. "If we're to face Valarian, we can't do it as separate forces. The dwarves have just faced a massive onslaught, and we managed to repel it. But it was no small feat. Valarian's power grows with every passing moment. Our best chance is to unite all races, fight as one front."

One of the officers scoffed, "Wait for the other races? We could be losing valuable time!"

Eliss chimed in, "You don't understand. Valarian's forces are vast. Each time we faced them, the undead seemed unending. And with him binding other creatures now, it's not just about numbers. It's about strategy, strength, and unity."

Aldric, looking thoughtful, nodded slowly. "Amukelo speaks wisdom. We need to pool our resources and strengths." He turned to a scribe, "Send a raven to the king. Ask him if we should wait for reinforcements from the other races."

The scribe hurriedly scribbled a note, attached it to a raven's leg, and released it into the evening sky. They waited in tense silence. It was not long before another raven flew in, bearing the king's response.

Aldric read the note aloud, "We cannot delay. Time is of the essence. March forth and quell the threat immediately."

A murmur of surprise ran through the tent. Aldric's face showed clear disagreement with the decision, but his voice was firm when he spoke, "The king has spoken. We march at dawn."

Amukelo looked frustrated, "General, with all due respect, we've seen firsthand what Valarian is capable of. We need to reconsider."

Aldric placed a hand on Amukelo's shoulder, "I understand your concerns, and I share them. But I am bound by duty to follow the king's command. However, know this: we will fight with every ounce of our strength. And with your aid, perhaps the odds will tilt in our favor."

Kael stepped forward, "Then let's prepare. If this is the path chosen, we'll face it head-on."

Eliss nodded in agreement, "We're with you, General."

Aldric gave a determined nod, "Then let's strategize."