
Reality Apocalyptic "Revenge"

Like a man teetering on the razor's edge, his body a palette for excruciating self-inflicted torment, he danced with a desperate and unwavering determination. Bound by the thinnest thread of life, his very existence hung in precarious balance, entwined with the pages of a macabre tale of blood-soaked horror. Every step he took sent waves of searing agony through his being, yet he pressed on, propelled by a raw and volatile concoction of fear and indomitable resilience. His heart, burdened by the weight of an unfathomable destiny, throbbed in anguished symphony, its rhythm mirroring a haunting melody that echoed his unwavering resolve. In this cruel performance, his emotions weaved a tapestry of unrelenting anguish and unwavering determination, painting a vivid portrait of a man left with no choice but to forge ahead. For his life and fate were inextricably intertwined, suspended by that single fragile string, and he would not yield to the forces that conspired against him. With each agonizing step, he faced the tempestuous tempos of pain, his spirit shattering and mending itself repeatedly, like a delicate stained-glass window caught in the eye of a raging storm. His soul bled with the intensity of his struggle, etching scars upon scars, each telling a story of his endurance, of his defiance in the face of overwhelming odds. Tears welled in his eyes, not solely from the physical torment, but from the emotional depths that threatened to consume him. The tendrils of despair clawed at his resolve, whispering doubts and tempting surrender. Yet, like a flame flickering amidst darkness, he clung to that fragile strand of hope, fanning it into an inferno that fueled his determination to survive. In his tortured existence, he became a testament to the indomitability of the human spirit, a warrior who battled not only the demons within but the relentless tides of fate. Through the ebb and flow of excruciating agony, he transcended his mortal limits, reaching a realm where pain and purpose intertwined, birthing a strength he never knew he possessed. And so, he danced, his body trembling with every step, his face a mask of both suffering and defiance. In the depths of his anguish, he found solace in the knowledge that his struggle was not in vain. For within his tormented soul, he held the power to redefine his destiny, to reshape the very fabric of his existence. With each torturous movement, he dared to believe that the symphony of pain that played within him would one day yield to a symphony of triumph. And as he continued to dance on that perilous edge, his heart bleeding with the weight of his journey, he became an embodiment of the human spirit, an inspiration to all who witnessed his relentless battle against the odds. For in his relentless pursuit of life, he defied the darkness that threatened to consume him, and in his unwavering determination, he etched an indelible mark upon the annals of human resilience.

CoffeMan · 历史
1 Chs

0 Prologue

Five hundred years ago, an asteroid shower named 'The End' abruptly terminated the modern era, reducing the Earth to a charred meatball in the blink of an eye. It claimed the lives of three-fourths of the global population and pushed most other life forms, apart from humans, to the brink of extinction due to food scarcity and depleted fertile soils.

Fortunately, after a month of despair, a group of human scientists known as 'Domino' proclaimed that they had discovered a drug capable of rejuvenating the Earth. However, they required an individual with exceptional brainwave resistance to venture into the treacherous 'hole' and retrieve the crucial ingredient they referred to as the 'last piece'.

Enthusiastically, many people seized this opportunity to become heroes and earn the honor that awaited those who succeeded in obtaining the 'last piece'. Amidst numerous sacrifices and deaths, one individual ultimately triumphed and secured the 'last piece'. His visage concealed behind a mask, his true identity and name remained a mystery, leading people to dub him "Mr. Shy".