
Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way

A man had given his all to walk on the treacherous martial way. He was once great, however, just like everything else in the world, he had reached the end of the rope and disappeared without being able to reach further on the the path. However, fate has something else in store for him. Suddenly waking up in the mysterious and grand tower, all of his fiber being will tested. Will he survive in this dangerous and unforgiving place with many ancient monsters reigning on the top? Will he manage to survive and find the next path of the martial way and fulfill his ambition? Only time will tell.

Heavenly_Raven · 漫画同人
206 Chs

Chapter 44- The Workshop and Its Influence 

A/N: Read up to 50 chapters in advance in Kö-fi



As the massive Archimedes came in the open, showing its beautiful masterwork, many regulars couldn't help but to be stunned by its beauty. Despite its enormous size, the creator could still create and maintain such a beautiful design of the ship!

Even Adori was taken aback and mesmerized for a moment by its beauty, let alone Xin, and most importantly, Liu Guanyi.

He came from a backward civilization without any modern technologies so it was easy to see how shocked he was to find out there was a gigantic, f*cking Floating Ship!

Furthermore, Liu Guanyi could easily see its amazing artistry despite its already miraculous feat. It clearly showed them and the regulars and reminded them again who was behind this masterpiece, the Workshop!

'Looking from this, the Workshop is certainly extremely influential and affluent in the tower. Having such an enormous Floating Ship just to hold a tournament for E-ranked regulars every five years? If it's me it's not worth the cost.' Liu Guanyi thought after seeing the ship.

Looking objectively, the cost of maintaining and operating Archimedes should be high. And using it just for E-ranker regulars? That was extremely wasteful. Not only the Workshop was the one who funded all of the costs and prizes, but their targets were also only E-ranked regulars.

Who were E-ranked regulars?

They were just above the garbage that was unranked regulars. Not only did they have little wealth, but their connection and relationship were also nonexistent, and their individual prowess was nothing even just compared to C-ranked regulars.

Furthermore, not many of them would be able to progress to become C-ranked regulars let alone Rankers.

'Basically, they are throwing up money and burning it. Setting up this event every five years yields more costs than benefits for the Workshop, and they know it.'

'The biggest benefits they could earn are probably the good reputation and presence in the tower. Those two are most likely what they are after.' Pondered Liu Guanyi.

Indeed, with the event, the Workshop's reputation and presence in the hearts of the tower's residents would become bigger and better. With this, they could cover up the shady, inhumane practices and experiments they committed behind their "good and majestic reputation" by doing social acts like this.

Liu Guanyi didn't know this yet, but he already felt that there was something off and shady with how the Workshop acted. This happened because he had researched the Workshop with Xin from the invisible and over-reaching network of information they called "Internet".

To be honest, he personally felt that the internet was truly amazing. He could access many kinds of information just from the tip of his finger. Furthermore, he could even sell a piece of information if he wanted to just to earn some points.

Anyway, from the information he obtained on the internet. The Workshop was a massive organization created by what they called "Great Father" with the purpose of researching every kind of thing and phenomena from shinsu, organisms, weapons, to even the most bizarre things in the tower.

The Workshop was even older than the Zahard Empire and the ten great families, shockingly. So it was pretty clear for Liu Guanyi how big their influence was. From its history alone, it won by a big margin against the empire and the ten noble families.

However, there was a catch. They were able to operate without any mishaps and obstructions from the ruling parties because they wouldn't meddle in the politics. At least, that was what they had said and sworn on their part.

But looking at the giant ship and the event that was about to be unfolded, Liu Guanyi felt that they were pushing the boundaries a bit.

With his experience back then in the royal court, as the ruling party, the royal family mustn't lose the respect and good reputation from their subjects, at least not beyond a certain point, to be able to rule stably.

What would happen if they lose it or someone or some organizations had a greater reputation and presence more among the subjects than the royal family?

It was obvious! That someone or organization could move the masses and organize a rebellion!

They could replace the royal family without too many problems since the public supported them as they were seen as "better and more deserving to rule" than the royal family themselves.

Liu Guanyi knew that the king of the tower and the ten family heads were immortal as they had made a contract of immortality with the guardians even though he was pretty skeptical at first.

How could immortality be sold and bought like it was nothing? Even if the seller were the almighty guardians.

But it seemed that it was true, and they did get the contract after paying whatever price it had been, it must have been a steep one, Liu Guanyi assumed.

Moreover, the guardian he met had told him something wrong about making contracts with them, another point he must find out later.

Anyway, even if they were undying immortals, it was a bit too much to give the Workshop the opportunity to gain so much reputation and public favor just freely like this without any political setbacks or anything noticeable.

It was like the king and the ten family heads didn't care due to their arrogance and negligence as they banked their confidence on their "bought immortality" or it was because they gave the Workshop too much respect.

However, even if they respected the Workshop so much, they still shouldn't have given them so much leeway and power. It was as if their political sense and ability were f*cking nonexistent seeing their incompetence in a clear daylight like this.

Even Liu Guanyi would fare much better than them despite never being a politician himself.

'I bet there will be many rebellions all around if there's something that can break their immortality. They are really degenerated beyond beliefs, to not pay attention to a dangerous, subtle political move like boosting reputation."

'However, it's clear that the Workshop is truly powerful from this alone.' Liu Guanyi marveled at their boldness and power.

'To be able to do this in a clear daylight, they are probably the true powerhouse in the tower even compared to the Zahard Empire.'

'It seems that under the peaceful façade of the tower, there are many undercurrents raging in the darkness. Well, it's obvious from how incompetent the ruling parties are, so it's natural for such things to happen.' Liu Guanyi pondered deeply.

'It seems I have to be even more careful, especially toward this Workshop. Let's let Adori do the job and attract their attention and just grab the items quickly.'

'She is a princess of the royal family, after all. She has a backing so it's fine.' Liu Guanyi smirked as he rubbed his hands together.

Your powerstones, please?

Heavenly_Ravencreators' thoughts