
Chapter 36: MY PLEASURE

Flynn gave his eulogy and sang a song he'd written especially for the family. It was an amazing gesture, and it touched the hearts of everyone present. He told me later that his record company was going to release it in the boys' memories with all proceeds going to bereavement counseling for anyone who knew them. I was choked with emotion by his thoughtfulness, and it would ensure the boys would not be forgotten.

Once the family had paid their respects and our part of the memorial was over, Ziggy's family paid their tributes to him, and I cried when most of them mentioned his affection for me, saying, "He was the happiest boy alive because Valerie was his girl."

How we all got through that heartbreaking morning in church, I had no idea. When it was done and we'd gone to the graveside, I felt totally wiped out from crying. When we got back to the house for the wake, I couldn't go inside and face all the people telling me they were sorry for my loss.