
Say Less

He chuckles and I wondered what he found so funny. "He wouldn't dare touch me because if he does they'll be sending hitmen to do their jobs. But you on the other hand well, nobody cares about you, so not my problem."

I scoff and cross my arms, he notices and says "stop pouting, you're in the big leagues now, Angel and trust me you will not be the weak point in this society."

He continues "now, would you like to show what you can do or are you going to let Elijah's words become true."

I don't know why but Elijah fans my flames. I already have a burning passion to surpass him in every way.

I smile and say "say less."

He takes me into a room next to his office, it looked to be a shooting range.

He hands me a gun but I soon realize I am much more comfortable with a knife. I've never been good at long ranges and knifes you could usually see the fear in their eyes.

I stay still for a couple seconds and he mentions "if you're wanting to surpass Elijah, you're going to have to learn the basic mechanisms of a gun. And yes, I know all about how you prefer to use knifes but in this line of duty you're going to have to perfect both. So, go on, I'm waiting."

He had setup up a doll maybe twenty feet away from us and I start aiming.

I release the trigger and then just unload the whole set of ammunition.

He was taking down notes every time I released the trigger and at the end of all the bullets all he said was "hot tempered one again, just like her."

Everybody keeps on mentioning a her and Elijah had a romantic relationship with the same girl I presume. Who is she?

I finish shooting and he walks along the concrete. His hard souled shoes making a noise every time he steps down.

He grabs onto my waist and straightens my posture. At first I was uncomfortable but the loosened up. He had his chest against my back with his hot breath going down my neck.

He whispers "loosen up, you're too tense. I do realize you're use to a knife. But you have to get use to everything and I can tell you have a goal of surpassing Elijah."

I wondered how he figured it out so quickly so I ask "how did you figure that out so quickly."

He grabbed the gun and while filling it back up with ammunitions, he told a story. I had also noticed on his wrists when the sleeves of his shirt were lifted, there were scars all up and down."

"In this job you'll learn all the emotions, from the victims that you are given as tasks, you'll see in there eyes that something changes. You get it the very first time somebody in pleading for their life, but in life you have to learn to be a heartless monster and for most that is the hardest part of this job," he sighed and continued "you see, Elijah struggled in taking the final blow. It doesn't matter how much experience you have in this job; you're a basic human and a human comes along with morals and sympathy. Only about five years ago is when Elijah really found what drove him. The moment he stepped into this office covered in tears and blood, everybody figured out what happen. Without her by his side he was truly lost. But he learned from it and to this day has become the best assassin, but at some point, he lost his soul."