
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · 奇幻言情
716 Chs

Not All About Power

"Since we have some things to do today Drahal, is there anything else you would like to say before you leave or is that all?"

Clasping her hands together Lexia tried to sound as cheery as possible as she ignored all the background noise. She was trying to sound as polite as possible while also telling him to screw off. The sooner this all ended the better it was for all three of them there. Drahal blinked his six eyes, a bit taken aback by Lexia's words. "No, she's just an idiot." He doubted she was intentionally trying to lead the conversation. She was probably just saying what was on her mind without thinking. "There is one more thing I wanted to say." He didn't come here just to cause complete trouble, he also wanted to confirm one more thing.

He was already able to confirm another thing he wanted so this had worked out perfectly for him.

"Yes, before I go there is one more thing I wanted to ask. There's been a lot of rumours lately about one of your Astral Zones being completely destroyed along with the City above it. If it was just a small Astral Zone it wouldn't normally be a big deal so I came here to confirm it myself. If something has the capabilities to destroy an Astral Zone that large then we might all be in trouble as time goes by. We all rely on them for a lot of our resources and strength and that isn't something that can be ignored."

He had already heard the reports his spies had given him but he needed to hear this in person. Regardless of the grudge and upcoming potential war between them this needed to be asked. If more of the Great Astral Zones were destroyed it could be disastrous. "Especially if whatever attacked it happens to ours." Hearing the Astral Zone being mentioned, Landal set aside some of his personal feelings as he answered Drahal. All of this information would be public eventually so there was no point in hiding it. "He already knows anyway." Lexia didn't stop him as well except when he was about to mention who had done it.

"Well! It looks like you got what you came here for now, yes? It'll take some time getting back so you should be leaving."

Raising an eye towards Lexia's interruption, Landal didn't speak any further. Drahal was confused about her outburst as well but decided to leave it alone. He had figured out the three things he had wanted to do today. There was no more reason for him to stay unless he wanted to cause more trouble. He figured if he pushed Landal's buttons any further though then he would actually explode. A fight wasn't what he was after, he wanted a clean one sided fight that would keep his strength. Saying his goodbyes he commanded everyone he brought with him to leave as he raised himself into the sky. Staring down at the King and Queen, he waved goodbye and flew away.

"Why did you stop me from talking, Lexia and why are you here? You were kicked out for a reason so why did you come back?

Landal felt Drahal's presence disappear as he immediately turned towards Lexia. He had kicked her out weeks ago and told her she wasn't allowed to come back. Yet here she was showing up during an important meeting and getting in the way of things. Noticing Landal's stare Lexia raised her hands up in the air and put them behind her head ignoring him. Scowling, Landal dismissed everyone in the room. It seemed like he needed to talk to her alone for a bit. Drahal flew through the air as he watched the land underneath him disappear while he thought about things. One of his advisors flew closer as he asked about what just happened.

"Drahal, sir. Are you sure we should have just left like that?"

"Yes. Unless we wanted to start the war right there. Otherwise there is no point in staying."

"Wouldn't we win though?"

"No. At least not without suffering heavy amounts of damage. If I were to be badly wounded or worse someone would take the opportunity to kill me. Right now there are simply too many eyes on our Countries so we need to play safe. As much as I hate to admit it as well, we shouldn't just underestimate them because they are humans. Landal seemed eager for a fight and he's no idiot. For now I'll just keep them on edge and have the seeds I planted do the work for me. Once they're weakened we can fight them and deal with all the troublesome pests in our way."

The advisor listened to Drahal as they soared through the sky with a few doubts in his mind. He didn't ask another question in the end though no matter how curious he was about those seeds. Drahal would have told him if he thought he needed to know anymore. "Is he talking about what he did a few years ago or?" Left with only his own imagination they quickly made it back. They had their own plans to continue making. Hopefully they could speed up this war if they played all of their cards properly.

"If not..this war might last a while."

Now that they were alone and everyone had left, Landal once again asked the same question.

"I came here because I knew about your little plans for today and Drahal showing up. Don't get pissed at me, if I weren't here you would have acted rashly and started to fight right here. That wouldn't have done any of us good so I put a stop to it. Instead of looking at me like I've done something wrong, why don't you thank me?"

"I have the situation under control, I don't need your help. You only made it worse and made me seem weak."

"It's not always about appearing powerful, you idiot."

Talking with Landal again Lexia was frustrated, he was always about power nowadays.


Thank you for reading...

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