
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · 奇幻言情
716 Chs

Healing Flame and Darkness

"Do you want to save her or not? If so, don't apologize and concentrate, now isn't the time to cry. She isn't dead yet, you still have time." Listening to the voice in her head she tried to calm herself as best as she could while listening to Xelfia's rhythmic breathing that sounded like she was sleeping. "Alright I'm ready, what do you want me to do?" "Use the gift you were born with." ".....?" "Don't play dumb, we all remember the day you burst into a ball of walking flames." Hearing the unknown voice mention that event sent a shiver down her spine while she tried to make sense of it.

"Maybe, but what does that have to do with this." All she did that day was cause the destruction of many along with her own life so she couldn't imagine anything good coming from such a memory. If that day never happened she might have been living a normal life to this day. "It has everything to do with this, It's your ability after all." Hearing that, it took her a second to process that as she sat there but the voice didn't give her time to ask any questions. "Enough talking, if you delay it anymore it'll be too late. For now just create a fire small and inject it into her body, let your body do the rest, Though you should be warned you will collapse after this. For that period of time We shall help you." Doing what the voice said she spawned a ball of fire and pressed it against Xelfia's body where the large open wound was and hoped for the best while one question came to mind that kept bugging her.

"Why are you helping me? don't you usually-" "No talking." Feeling a headache pound at her head along with that voice Relia chose to drop the question while she continued to work on what she was doing. With a few moments passing by and nothing happening she was beginning to worry that it wasn't working, however soon she watched as the wound in her stomach slowly started to close itself. "Such healing power...no wonder, She isn't human, Maybe we weren't needed after all." Ignoring the voice in her head relief filled Relia's mind as she continued while thinking back to what happened.

At first after talking to the voice she wanted to rush back to there side to help but was cut off from them by the large Lightning wall that showed itself and after a few attempts at breaking it she was forced to accept the cruel reality that she couldn't do anything but watch from the other side as the two of them fought. Knowing she could do nothing to help she watched on in sadness as she did nothing until eventually the barrier weakened but even then the strength she had wasn't enough. "Xilo was right...." Forced to accept that reality she began to cry as she watched Xelfia get stabbed along with Xilo falling into a sea full of Astral Beasts with that woman.

"I hope he's alright." After that the voice once again spoke up to her telling her she could save Xelfia but she was a little scared of it. "What exactly am I?" Looking down at her flames as they began to turn a different colour until eventually becoming blue Relia had a lot of questions but no answers. Yet she continued on for the next ten minutes or so until eventually Xelfia's wound had completely closed and her breathing became a bit stronger. Sighing she wiped the sweat off her forehead at the sight as she finally relaxed, drained of energy completely. "Her body will fix the rest on it's own, for now you should rest. We'll see each other again someday." "Than-" "Save your thanks, It's not needed." Hearing that she didn't really know what to say so she chose to be quiet as she looked at the cliff side and spotted something.

Slowly making her way over towards the edge she carefully made sure it was safe as she approached a small piece of metal that was on the ground buried slightly. "What is this?" Picking it up she brought it back to Xelfia before examining it. Once she was back beside Xelfia she took it out and brushed all the dirt off of it to get a look at it before holding it up in front of her eyes. "....!" Looking at the badge's symbol that showed itself, Relia's whole body Shuddered uncontrollably as her breathing quickened.


Indeed It was a symbol of a large bird with four wings and a long tail that the Selturn clan used as a sign that it was them and only the people near the top could give out such badges. However what made her scared wasn't just that, it was the fact that their symbol was so far out here in this place and most likely in that woman's hand before. "So this is Selturn's doing.....Why?" Feeling a large amount of mixed emotions upon such a discovery she felt a wave of exhaustion overcome her. "I guess this is what they meant by feeling tired." Suddenly being barely able to keep her eyes opening she felt like collapsing on the spot.

"Sleep..." Moving closer to Xelfia to be close to her Relia felt her control slowly slipping from her grasp as she collapsed right next to her on the ground and watched her sleep. "We'll find Xilo together." Thinking that she slowly felt her conscious slip away from her as she closed her eyes. Falling asleep soon a ball of gentle fire started to expand from her body as it slowly encased the two of them almost as if it was protecting them while some of the grunts that patrolled the mountain finally started to show themselves. Yet once they spotted the fire and tried to do something about it, everything failed as their bodies burned when they got too close to it.

Left with no other choice they left it alone as they started to look around for their leader. Meanwhile Xilo slowly woke up after blacking out from the fall. "Ouch, it hurts....everywhere." Opening his eyes he looked around only to see nothing but darkness in front of him. "Weird, I don't feel like I slept that long for it not to be day still, so why's it dark?" Sitting up that question filled his mind as he recalled what happened to Xelfia as his body froze unwilling to move. "No she can't be dead. She's way stronger than me, She's just a little injured at the moment...that's all" Thinking that he moved his stiff body as he felt the darkness around him.

"Or maybe I just don't want to believe she would die"

Seeing nothing but darkness around him he moved again trying to find out where he was but nothing he did worked as he sat there. "What is this place?" Looking around he didn't see any Astral Beasts around him or anything else for that matter.


A bit late, sorry.


Thank you for reading...

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts