
To The Capital...!

Chapter 11 - To The Capital...!

"Aaron-niisama, look! Look! I managed to split the lumber into two!" Luka cheered as he showed the result of his work.

"Hoo, very impressive." Aaron commented as he observes the lumber that was chopped by Luka. It was rough and unclean. However, he can tell that the wood that was separated were equal in shape. "You did this by yourself?"

"My dad helped me." Luka admitted sheepishly. "He said that I can't hold the axe without him watching since I was too young." He grumbled, seemingly unhappy that he can't hold the wood cutter.

"Don't show such expression." Aaron admonished. "He made the right decision, you might hurt yourself if you hold any sharp object, let alone one that has a blade sharp enough to cut a tree."

"I know! But it doesn't mean I like it."

As the boy was sulking and whining under his breath, Aaron can only shake his head. Seriously, when he was at Luka's age he already got shouted at for holding a pen because his parents were afraid that he might stab himself.

Is this what a medieval age boy used as a toy? An Axe and other sharp weapons? Or is it just Luka? Whichever it is, Aaron didn't think it was good thing though.

"It was all thanks to Aaron-niisama's training!" Luka said with a grin, his sulking demeanor previously gone. "Dad said it's not just healthy for the body, but also it makes me know how to swing it properly!"

"Is that so." Aaron said, eyes glimmering with amusement and pride. "I'm glad that I could be of help, keep in mind that exercising every morning is healthy for your body."

"Uhn!" Luka nodded, his face showing an admiring expression as if he just received some kind of gospel. "And don't forget to eat your veggies and fruits to grow strong!"

Aaron's lips quirked in amusement, his hand raised and ruffled the boy's hair. "That's right, don't forget to eat veggies and fruits to grow strong." He repeated.

Luka's grin was so bright and Aaron was sure his teeth for moment were sparkling like a certain bowl-haired ninja in a green spandex.

"Luka! Bothering Aaron-sama again I see."

Aaron and Luka turned to see a certain young man approaching them. Luka's face immediately turned to one of annoyance while Aaron only smile kindly.

"Ken-nii! What are you doing in here?" Luka asked.

"Oi, oi, what kind of question is that? This village is where I live too you brat, so of course I'm in here." Ken answered with grin that annoys the boy.

"Not that! I mean, why are you here?"

"To make sure you do not bother Aaron-sama too much." Ken said. "Seriously, Aaron-sama comes here to enjoy the village, not get bothered by a brat like you."

"I don't mind, Ken." Aaron chuckled. "Luka's presence can be... Exhilarating."

Hearing that, the boy's annoyed face turned into one of joy while Ken only shakes his head. "You're too kind Aaron-sama."

"Not really." The pseudo Saber replied smoothly. "By the way, are you done with your own exercises?"

"You can say so." Ken grinned lightly while flexing his muscle. "It was kind of tiring and troublesome at first, but after you move for a few minutes it becomes refreshing."

"Indeed, it's actually healthy for the body to move in the mornings after sleep." Aaron said with an approval nod. "It gives your body good metabolism and makes the blood flow inside you more smoother and better which prevents strokes or other blood-related illness." He may not be a medical student, but he's mom was a doctor and she always forced him to live a healthy lifestyle as much as possible

"I don't know what you are talking about, but that sounds good." Ken said with laugh. "By the way, Aaron-sama. I heard you talked with the elder about crops around here before exercising with the children."

"That's right." Aaron nodded again, this time in confirmation. "Emi has an idea and theory that might work in the winter."

"Emilia-sama?" Ken blinked "Really? She found a way to grow crops in winter?"

"You can say so." Aaron said "We already discussed it with Roswaal-sama and, theoretically, it could work. No," He shook his head. "it will work. I believe in that, but we need to test it first." Of course, it will since it was practically already tested in his World, but since he's in a different one, he needed to make sure how it would go, the mana in atmosphere may affect the crops after all.

Hearing this Ken, turned to Emilia who was talking with Petra and a few other ladies, the half elf smiling and seems to be enjoying the conversation she was having. Aaron himself can't help but smile at the sight of Emilia that looked quite happy.

The next day, after the Wolgarm incident, Aaron brought Emilia with him to the village to take care of some of children that got cursed, just to make sure they were safe. Needless to say, there was small panic when they saw the half elf come to their village, but thankfully Aaron's presence managed to calm the villagers.

After that, the blond explains to Emilia about her status as a Royal Candidate and why he brought her to the village. The people obviously were wary and skeptical of her, however, once again Aaron managed to make them at least tolerate the silver haired girl's presence. It seems the words and support from him who saved most of the children of the village and slaying the Wolgarm made the villagers willing to give the half elf a chance.

It also helped that Emilia was nothing but kind and polite to everyone. She even showed positive behavior and supporting those who seemed down... And it also was more helping that the children liked Emilia... And apparently, they liked to tease her, and every time she fails to notice it thanks to her obliviousness.

'As expected from Charisma rank B.' Aaron thought smugly. 'I know that convincing a village won't be problem.' For him to have Charisma that was worthy to deem him King, it shouldn't be shocking that he managed to get people to trust him quite easy, as long as he behaves in righteous manner and approved by the village, it shouldn't be problem.

"If Emilia-sama truly does have a way to grow crops in the winter, then that will be very helpful." Ken commented while rubbing his chink.

"Indeed, since the kingdom right now is in quite a crisis in the economy aspect. We're going to need all the help that we can get to make it return to its former glory." Aaron said with a nod.

Ken let out hum while nodding, eyes drifted to where Emilia was before he shakes his head in exasperation. "You know, if you ask me a month ago that we'd be friends with a half elf, I would be screaming while running in circles." Ken said with chuckle. "But seeing Emilia-sama... It's kind of hard to imagine her as the Witch of Envy." He shuddered a bit, obviously recalling the horror tale that spoke about the witch.

"I know what you mean. I, myself, was also wary at her in the first place." Aaron agreed. "However, it's hard to imagine her as the Witch after she got played by Petra right?"

Ken grinned at that, he also remembered the event that was mentioned by the pseudo Saber. Petra was drawing a picture of Emilia and wish for her to be the model, but at that time the half elf was about to go back to the manor. But then the little girl made teary eyes and needless to say, Emilia immediately canceled her schedule for that day just to make sure the girl did not cry.

And it was very obvious to anyone but the half elf that Petra was faking it.

"I don't know either, I should be terrified that Petra had managed to learned that from such a young age, but I can't help but laugh at the sight of woman that looks like a monster from a nightmare being played by child." Ken commented while shaking his head in exasperation.

"I don't know why people are afraid and hate Emilia-neesama." Luka murmured "She is kind and beautiful." He said with small pink hue adorning his cheeks.

"It's complicated, Luka." Aaron told the boy who looked up at him. "The Witch of Envy had done something so terrible," He turned and stared at the sky for a moment. "that she has brought the World to its knee, devouring countless lives and caused damage that left a scar until now. People can't easily forget what she has done."

"B-But Emilia-neesama is not the Witch!" Luka spoke in slight vehement voice "T-True, she does have silver hair, but so what?! I-I think it make her look pretty!"

Ken laughed at the red-faced boy's words while Aaron's lips twitched upward slightly. It's obvious that the boy fancies Emilia, it can't be blamed since Emilia herself is beautiful and kind to the children, and it also not uncommon for young children to be attracted to an older girl that beautiful is beautiful and kind.

"Give it up brat, Emilia-sama's clearly not interested with you. She is a Royal Candidate and to be Queen of the Kingdom, why would she bother with a brat who can barely cut wood?"

"Shut up! At least I'm better than someone who's spending his time stalking Anko-nee!"

Aaron let out small chuckle at the sight of Ken, who's sputtering while Luka was poking out his tongue in mocking manner. "Why you brat! Come here you little!"

"You have to catch me first!"

The pseudo Saber watched as Ken started chasing Luka, who's laughing while poking his tongue at the young man. The blond must admit, spending time in the village like this was refreshing. It was kind of gloomy if he keeps staying in the manor- not to mention he's still not allowed to train by Emilia. This is one of the reasons why he came to the village this morning.

The man from another world briefly spared a glance to Emilia, who's still chatting with the villager. One of the women took noticed of this and softly tapped the half elf on the shoulder, making her glanced at her. She then whispered something to the silver haired girl ear while looking at his direction, much to Aaron's confusion and surprise, Emilia's face turned pink slightly before she turned to the woman and said something in an exasperated manner, making her let out giggle.

'Huh? I wonder what that was about.' He thought as he smiled and waved his hand at the women that were still looking at him. And as he expected, the group of women explode into blushes and giggles. Truly, it never ceases to fascinate him that he can make people react just by a smile and a wave of hand, it feels like he is some kind of artist from Korea that just met their fans.

"Seems like you're having a lot of fun in there." Aaron said to Emilia who began walking beside him.

The duo was already done with their businesses inside the village and now on their way back to manor.

"You can say so." Emilia admitted with a smile. "I have fun talking with Anko, Cleo and the others." She said. "We talked about shampoo and hair treatment, I don't know why but they seemed very surprised when I told them that I used herbs and some other plants to clean my hair."

Aaron turned and stare at her almost in an incredulous way. "You're not using shampoo?"

"No." Emilia shook her head.

"... Why?" Aaron questioned.

"Why not?" Emilia asked back with confused look. "I was using them ever since I was little. And those 'shampoo' also uses herbs and plants as materials, right?"

Technically that was true but...

"You're really something Emi." Aaron commented in an exasperated manner.

"The way you said it... It makes me wanna whack you." Emilia replied with twitching eyes.

"My, what an abusive behavior, is that how a Queen is supposed to act?"

"Violence is necessary sometimes, and in this case, to discipline you." Emilia huffed her cheeks cutely. "Seriously Aaron, you treat me like a kid."

"I do not." Aaron defended himself "I treat you like someone who doesn't know what they're doing."

"That's actually worse!"

"But that is the truth. I mean, really? Herbs and plants?"

"And what is wrong with that?!"

Aaron responded to the half elf by pinching her cheek, making Emilia yelp. "Nothing wrong, just unusual..." He said with a sigh. "And it's also unhealthy. While true it makes you smell nice, but that doesn't help if your hair might fall off in any second. Please use shampoo from now on for sanitary..."

"Lwet mwy chweek gwo!" Emilia squeaked as she tries to pry Aaron's hand away, but as expected, the hand remained locked in there.

Fortunately for her, Aaron decided to only pinch to her for a short amount of time, he released his grasp from the girl's face and allows her to rub her cheek that was stinging. "Think of that as punishment, now please tell me at least you use soap to wash your body."

"Originally, I also use herbs and plant." Emilia grumbled as she rubs her sore cheek, her eyes widened when see Aaron hand rose again. "BUT, now I use soap!" She added with a slight squeak, hands raise and covering her own cheeks.

"Good, at least you're clean." Aaron grunted in approval. While hair can be washed using certain types of plants and herbs, he doesn't that think using them for the body is enough, he may not be a hygienic person, but even he know that this was not healthy.

It was his turn to yelp when he felt a hand poking him in the ribs, he turns and glares at Emilia who, in response, was poking out her tongue at him.

"Very funny, you really have a good sense of humor, Your Highness." Aaron deadpanned.

Emilia glared at him, obviously aware of his sarcasm. She opens her mouth to retort only to shut it. She let out sigh, she can't win against him. She knows that, if she's going to argue against him it will only end with her getting more teased.

'How does Ram keep up with him?' The half elf wondered as she glanced at Aaron who just walked while staring at the front.

"Hm?" Aaron let out his voice as his eyes caught something from afar.

"What is it?" Emilia asked.

"We have guests." He answered as he pointed at the manor that was now already in their sights.

In front of the Roswaal mansion's main gate was a single horse-sized lizard carriage. The lizard is familiar to Aaron, who recognized it in an instant. It may have different color of scales, but it's still the same type.

"So, the envoy from the Capital has arrive." Emilia murmured.

"It seems so..." Aaron commented, eyes scanning the carriage from far. "What do you think would they want to talk about?"

"... It would probably be about the Royal Selection." Emilia answered after a moment of thinking. "The date must've been already set in place."

Aaron did not make any comment save for nod of approval.

Both of them finally arrived at the manor's gate. On the carriage it was pulling, there was a stand built to seat a coachman, sitting on which was a person who fits the bill. Spotting the two approaching, he began to climb down to the ground.

His stature was not much taller than Aaron, well nobody was taller than Aaron but he was almost, his head was dyed pure white with abundant hair that showed no sign of thinning. His attire was that of a coachman, that is a formal, extremely expensive looking, black uniform. His back was straight, the muscles under his clothes showed no sign of age and one could tell at a glance that they were finely toned.

"Welcome back. I beg your pardon for parking our vehicle in front of your gate." He greeted Aaron and Emilia with a conduct fitting for an old-gentleman while offering a bow to them.

Then he straightened his back again and focused his gaze at them, and Aaron felt his body went stiff when those blue eyes fell on him.


Aaron knew that Wilhelm van Astrea is someone that's considered as one of the strongest characters in Re:Zero. He managed to fight against Petelgeuse without knowing his ability, the Unseen Hand, and still come out as victor. He has beaten Reinhard's predecessor when he was still young, and even in his old age, he still manages to claw himself out from Hakugei's body, which was clearly something that deemed worthy to be considered as Servant level achievement.

And now he faces the man himself...

All the Instinct in his body practically warns him to not mess with this man without good reason.

He sensed the old man's intense gaze locked on him, emerald green meet sapphire blue. The pseudo Saber refused to look away from the Sword Demon, refuses to step back in front of eyes that are scanning him like a hawk tracking its prey. He doesn't know why, but he feels as if he did, he's going to lose at some point.

And Aaron doesn't like losing.

"The emissary are already inside the mansion I take it?"

Emilia's question is the one that broke their glare contest as Wilhelm turned to her and gave another bow. "Yes, the envoy is already inside the mansion holding an audience with the count."

"I see..." Emilia murmured, her curious face changing seriously. "Very well then." She turned to Aaron and blinked when she noticed how close he was to her, it's as if he's protecting her and still have his gaze locked to Wilhelm. "Aaron?"

The call broke the man away from his intense look. When he turned to Emilia, his face was calm and collected, it reminded the half elf of how he looked the first time they met.

"Sorry for not paying attention Emilia-sama." He gave a small bow to her in a polite manner and this made the silver haired girl surprised that she was addressed with such formality. Then she remembered that Aaron said he will treat her with respect when things come down.

It's actually kind of strange to see this side of him once again after spending time with him in a... Informal way...

'Then again, that is the reason why I...' Emilia unconsciously smiled at Aaron's display of attitude. "It's okay."

"Shall we enter then?" Aaron suggested.

"Yes." Emilia nodded as she walked pass the old man in suit with Aaron following her.

"Do you want me to accompany you to the meeting?" Aaron asked as they enter the mansion and out from the old man's hearing range.

"No, it's not necessary." Emilia denied with slight anxiety "But you can guide me to there though."

"Understood." Aaron responded with nod, his face stoic with no emotion presented on it.

"Aaron-sama,, Emilia-sama."

Both of them turned and see Rem approaching them, her face also stoic and composed, just like when she met Aaron for the first time.

"Rem." Aaron give a nod of greeting to her. "I will escort Emilia-sama to the meeting place, in the meantime can you serve drink for the old man outside? It won't be polite to leave him waiting just like that."

Rem blinked once before giving a bow to him "Yes, Aaron-sama."

"And offer him to enter the mansion as well, I'm sure Roswaal-san won't be bothered by such things."


"... Be careful though." Aaron added with sharp look. "That man... He is dangerous, though I doubt he will do something with Roswaal-san in here, but we must stay vigilant."

"... Then isn't it better if we just let him stay outside?" Rem asked

"It can be labeled as impolite. Roswaal-san is the Count Magician of Lugnica, he is someone with a high reputation. Surely someone at his caliber shouldn't have problem with such trivial things."

"... Rem understand the big picture, very well, Rem will do as Aaron-sama said."


"Then, Rem shall prepare drink for the guest."

Rem bowed to Aaron and Emilia before leaving. The half elf turned to Aaron with slight awe in her eyes. "I know that you are very good at things like this but... It never ceases to amaze me to see you behave like that so easily."

"It's nothing special, really." Aaron brushed the compliment. "I just use simple logic and common sense, then I try to place myself in Rose's position."

"... Aaron, I maybe not the brightest person when it comes to something 'common' but even I know that is not 'common' sense."

Aaron feel his lips tugged upward at the blank and dull look that Emilia is giving to him. "Maybe..." He said mysteriously. "Now let's go, you have guests waiting for you."

"To the Capital?" I asked as I stare at Roswaal.

"Indeeeed." Roswaal answered with nod. "I want youuu to come with us."

The one that's showing a surprised expression was not just me, but everyone. Especially Emilia. She seems very opposed to the idea judging from her expression

It has been few hours ever since Wilhelm and Felix left the manor, and right now we're having dinner. I did not try to greet Wilhelm or make contact with any of them. Why? Because I don't have anything or any reason to talk with him

Unlike Subaru, who worked here, I'm a guest. An honorary residence of this mansion. And I also know everything that's seems necessary so I don't need to get information from him, yet.

True, in the future I do plan to get close with Wilhelm -he is clearly a very useful ally after all- but right now I don't have any good reason to do that. If I don't have a solid reason, or any reason at all, to get him to trust me, it will only end with suspicions and mistrust. And with Crusch, who can detect any sort of lie she hears, on his side, it would be better to wait for the right time, along with phrasing my word's correctly.

"Roswaal! Why is Aaron supposed to come with us to the Capital?!" Emilia asked, no, demanded to know judging by the disapproval look on her face.

"Becaaauuseee Aaron-saaan is needed." Roswaal answered. "There are peopleee who want to meet Aaron-saan in the Capital."

"... Me?" I blinked while pointing to myself.


"People who would want to meet Aaron?" Emilia asked while glancing at me.

"Who are they?" I asked with suspicion. I never contacted anyone outside of Arlham village and this manor ever since I come here. Other than Reinhard, I don't know who else is an important character that I might meet. "And why would they want to meet me?"

Roswaal answered my question with smile. "Anastasia Hoshin."




I blinked, once, twice and open my mouth to-

"Anastasia Hoshin?!" Emilia cut me before I can speak with loud gasp. "One of the Royal Candidates?!"

"Yeees, the same oneeee."

Emilia turned to me, face demanding explanation. "Aaron! Explain!"

"... Anastasia Hoshin... Beautiful girl with purple hair?"

"Yeeess." Roswaal nodded.

"You know her?!" Emilia seems more agitated at my reply. "Where did you meet her?!"

"Nope, never met her." I answered nonchalantly.

The half elf goggled at me, her face scrunched to a mixture of pure disbelief and shock which resulting in a comical expression that I enjoyed.

"T-Then how?"

"I've seen her drawing, Rose showed it to me." I said while pointing to Roswaal and barely able to hold the twitch on my lips at the half elf's reaction.

Emilia's shocked face slowly turned to one that showed irritation, her eyes twitching and she glared at me. "Aaron! This is serious!"

I'm very tempted to make another joke but seeing her expression, that would be unwise. So, I let out a sigh and shake my head. "I know, sorry for that." I apologized sincerely. "But to be honest, I never met Anastasia Hoshin or even once talked with her."

Honestly, I was also surprised to hear this. If I recall, Anastasia was the head of a mercenary group, and very greedy girl -to the point she admitted it herself-. She also has some kind of artificial spirit that was made by Echidna by her.

She is no threat in direct combat, but her mind and ambition... Now that was something else. She is basically a weakling character that worked hard from her early age to the point she managed to build a large trading company with nothing but her intelligence.

Still... Why would she want to meet me? We never talked to each other and I did not recall ever seeing her when I was in the Capital. Sure, there might be a chance that she saw me but... What would be her reason to wanting to meet me?

"Your reputation injuring Elsa Granhiert is not a secret you knooow?" Roswaal said as if he was reading what was in my mind "A compliment frooom someoneee like Reinhard van Astrea is noot something thaaat's easilyyy dismisseeeed."

Wait... What?

"My fight with Elsa?" I repeated with a slight dumbfounded voice.

... Is that it? But I don't understand, Subaru himself...

Oh... Oh... Ohhh...


Of course! Of course! I should've seen this coming in the first place! Why in name of hell didn't this crossed my mind?! Gaah! I'm really stupid! Stupid! Stupiiiiid! How in name of Akasha did I not think about this in the first place?!

In canon, Subaru did nothing but defend himself, and even so, it was clear he was totally outclassed by Elsa. However, in here, that did not happen. As matter of fact, it was the total opposite. I beat down Elsa. Granted, it was a lucky shot but Reinhard did not see our battle. And judging by how Elsa talked to me before she retreated, it was clear that I'm the winner!

And Elsa has quite the reputation. While she clearly was not the strongest fighter, but it doesn't change the fact that she is incredibly strong. She can probably go toe on toe with Wilhelm, who is a legend and dubbed as the Sword Demon from his reputation in the war.

And I just beat her... In outside perspective some unknown person just appeared and manage to defeat a notorious criminal that has killed more than a hundred of her victims and many knights in the past...

That was more than enough to make people pay attention to me...

"My suggestiooon is to go to the Capital of courseee." Roswaal said with smile "Youuu said yourself thaat you don't waaant to just stay in here and do nooothing, right?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Theeen! Why don't you go meet her? Yoouu can ask her for a jooob."

That... That is technically true and not a bad idea... However, seeing that I support Emilia among the Royal Candidates, it could be risky. True, I'm sure despite her manipulative personality, Anastasia will at least stay professional when it comes jobs but...

The big question though...

What business does Roswaal have with Anastasia?

Why would they talk in first place? It is clear that Roswaal supports Emilia, and he would've known that it will be quite risky to...


So that's it huh...

He doesn't care if I meet with Anastasia or not... He said this because it can be a reason for me to go to the Capital along with him... Just like how he manipulated Subaru to go to the city...

And, unfortunately, I was also aware that I needed to be in the Capital. Just to make sure there is nothing urgent that I might miss. Not to mention, I can't miss this chance to open negotiations with Crusch and the others to hunt down Hakugei...

I already have plan for the Witch Cult, but my biggest worry will be Hakugei... And I would clearly be going to need them. Not to mention, I can get a favor from Wilhelm as well. It would be like hitting two birds with one stone.


I hate this situation... Knowing that I was being manipulated. But I can't do anything to oppose it...

You got this round Roswaal, you got this round...

"... Perhaps..." I agreed reluctantly. "I will go to the Capital then."

"Theeen it is decided!" Roswaal clapped his hands in a cheerful manner. "Aaron-saan will come with us to the Capital."

I only can shake my head and focus myself on the dinner so I can hide my discontent. It seemed it was not just me that's not happy with this result, I caught Emilia briefly glaring at me. She's obviously dissatisfied with how things had gone, but because of different reasons.

I know I should say something to reassure or at least make her feel better, however, it will be better if I don't. I mean, she should be adjusted to this kind of things since in the future I won't always be there for her.

"When are we going to the Capital? Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeess. After breakfaast, which is around ten in the morning." Roswaal answered genially.

"Hmmm..." I hummed and glanced at Ram and Rem, the former is stoic as always while the latter always smile at me when she notices me look. "Then, what about Ram and Rem?"

"Reeem will come with us to the Capitaaal while Ram will be taking care of the manoor." Roswaal answered with a sing-song voice.

I stared at him, stared, and stared for few seconds, hoping that he is joking but it was clear that clown mage was not joking "... Are you out of your mind?" I asked.

It was Roswaal's turn to blink at me. "Excusee me?"

"You want her." I rudely pointed to Ram who glared at me. "To take care of the house, alone?"

"I truuust in Ram's ability."

"So, do I, IF it's related to cleaning and chore, but what about food?"

"Don't worry Aaron-sama." Ram chimed in. "Oni can survive for three days without any food."

"How about Beatrice-san?"


I turned back to Roswaal with look "See?"

Roswaal open his mouth to respond before he slowly closed it, face scrunched to a thoughtful one. "Goood point..." He admitted. "Theeen, we should bring Rem with-"

"Absolutely no!" I denied in an instant. "Rem, go with us! There is no way I want to part away with her cooking!"

Say what you want, but Rem is the best caretaker I ever had. She is pretty, kind, clean, efficient and her food is amazing! There is no way I was going to leave without her if I was going to another city!

"But theeen what about Ram?"

"Let her starve!"

"... Yoouu woouuldn't even hesitate to go back on your word aren't you?"

"Hmph, rubbish." Ram let out sniff of disdain. "Aaron-sama reason is absolutely unacceptable. Aaron-sama just wants to spend more time with Rem, that obsession with blue of yours started to be more dangerous." She shook her head and give me a disapproving look. "Ram shall go to the Capital instead of Rem, it's too dangerous for Rem to stay with Aaron-sama."

"... Alright then, that's it." I slowly stood from my seat. "You and me, we go to kitchen now." I said while pointing at Ram. "I'm going to teach you how to cook."

That made everyone in the dining room stare at me, all of them blinking in sync.

"You know how to cook, Aaron?" Emilia asked in disbelief.

"Impossible, a brute like Aaron-sama can cook?" Ram asked in equal tone.

"Aaron-sama can work in the kitchen?" Rem added in, surprised.

"Myyyy that was very surprisiiiing." Roswaal commented. "Theeen again, seeing you know how to make a delicious treat like Ice Creaam, I guess it shouldn't be a surpriseeee."

Let it be said that our first try to make Ice Cream in this World was a success, since it wasn't difficult to make in the first place and added with Rem's superb skill. And Roswaal absolutely loves it. As matter of fact, he is the one who loves Ice Cream the most in this manner.

True everyone likes it too, but they did not eat five bowls of ice cream continuously.

And don't start with Beatrice. Seriously, that spirit reaaallly loves ice cream. She's even worse than Roswaal.

"I can't cook like Rem, but at least I know how to feed myself."

That was not a lie, I can't cook big food like curry or such things. However, I know how to make simple dishes, like fried rice, omelet or such things. Oh, and I also know how to cook salmon -it's not that hard since salmon already tastes good-, all you need is butter and milk, then mix them together in a pan.

And like hell I was going to let Ram give Beatrice bad food. Right now, my relationship with her is stagnant, between good and bad. Hopefully this can make me get an extra point from her...

And I was also going to give her some mana so she can have enough power to last for the next few days before leaving...

"To think there will be a day I have to teach a maid to cook." I sighed and gave a look at Ram who glared at me. "Seriously, what kind of maid doesn't know how to cook."

"What kind of knight in armor can't swing a sword properly."

"For your information, I can swing sword fine."

"And for Aaron-sama's information, Ram can clean better than most people."

"Okaay, okay, stop right theeere." Roswaal interjected our argument with chuckle. "Whileee it was amuuusing and fuuun to hear your two high-spiriteed as alwaays, isn't it betteeer to use time wiseely? It's already daaark after all."

I sighed. " You're right." I turned to Ram "Let's go to kitchen then. Rem, you can join us too after Emi and Rose done."

"I-I want to join too!" Emilia exclaimed while she stood from her seat.

"Huh?" I blinked in confusion. "Why?"

"I-I uhh..." Emilia seems deflated at my question, her face showing unsureness and an hesitant expression.

"Perhaps Emilia-sama wants to watch Aaron-sama in the kitchen? It's quite... uncommon and unexpected, even for Rem." Rem chimed in, helping the half elf, who was losing words by the minute.

"And it will be also very amusing to see Aaron-sama fail." Ram added.

"Yes! That's it! Uhh, not what Ram was saying but Rem!" Emilia nodded vigorously while shooting a grateful look at Rem.




"Suspicious..." I said aloud while glancing at Emilia and Rem, the former nervous under my gaze. Seriously, what's with those two? Could it be that they... Nah. "But I guess no harm with you two watching us." I added with a sigh.

She felt power surging through her, flowing inside her body, they come not in a rush like the first time. They were now controlled, neat, clean, and tamed. She must say, she was slightly surprised with this advancement.

"There." He said as he released his grip from her hand. "Is that enough Beatrice-san?"

She stared at her palm. Even until now it never ceases to amaze her how the boy was transferring mana and wasting them without giving any effort. Seriously, doesn't he know just how precious mana is to an artificial spirit like her? And he just throws them all away as if they were leaves!

"For five days it is more than enough, I suppose." Beatrice grunted. "Although, Betty doesn't need it in first place, the mana Betty stored is already enough."

"I know, but nothing wrong with taking precautions, right?" He chuckled gently. "Very well Beatrice-san, I will go now, is there something you want from the Capital? I can bring it to you if you wish."

"No. Now go away, Betty want to be alone."

"How cold." He let out laugh at the blunt refusal. "Even if it's only a few days, I'm going to miss the silence in here Beatrice-san."

"Hmph, of course. Betty's library is the best place in the manner." She sniffed her nose in disdain manner. "As if it could be compared to others."

"I can agree with that." He nodded. "Then, I will take my leave. See you in the next few days Beatrice-san."

She offered no words to the boy, just letting him leave and keep her eyes locked to the book she held. However, the door opened again and the boy's face popped in.

"Oh, by the way Beatrice-san, I already told Rem to made stocks of ice cream for you. They're all in the fridge, please don't eat them all in one go if you can." He said before retracting his head and leaving for good this time.

Beatrice stares at where the boy's face was for moment ago before she shook her head. That boy. Seriously, she doesn't know what to say about him.

She already had Puckie to watch over her and him when they spend time together in the library. And what he detected from him is, the boy has no ill or hostile intention. As a matter of fact, he seems content in her library, he really does enjoy the silence. Although, he also felt nervous and confused a lot of times, and Beatrice wasn't blind to see that the boy wants to say something to her, only for him to pull back his words after the attempt.

It's obvious that the boy wanted to be friendly with her. However, he doesn't know how to do that, and Beatrice was grateful that he didn't say anything to her.

That boy probably doesn't know it, but there is nothing she can do to push him away from her library. She already tried secretly, but it gave no result and the boy seems oblivious to it as matter of fact -much to her annoyance.

And if that boy starts to talk and annoy her... It will be troublesome. Sure, she can push him away, but it will cause a mess in the library. Something that she does not wish to happen since it's kind of troubling to clean this place.

And Beatrice had to admit... She does enjoy the boy's presence...

It might be because of the power and charming aura he radiated... It reminded her of her creator... Reminded her the time she spent with her Mother before she was consumed by the Witch...

There was never a single day she wasn't thinking about her creator, Beatrice miss her a lot... For the time she spent alone in this place, nearly half a millennium...

And now, come this boy, annoyingly bursting into her life. Granted, he didn't do anything other than keeping her company but...

It... actually felt nice...

Other than Puckie, it was really nice to have someone else to be on her side...

Not that she was going to said that aloud of course, she's not that desperate to admit it and grant that boy her permission.

Though she admits, the treat he made, that "Ice Cream", is indeed very delicious. At least she won't hesitate to give him the credit to introduce such treasure to the World.

She let out sigh and closed her book, what was she thinking? Dwelling in things like that... Thinking about that ice cream made her wish to have one now.

Time to check the fridge then, a six or seven bowls would suffice for now.

"Hmm... Now that I see it directly like this... It is indeed quite lively..." Aaron commented as he was looking around the place. Last time, he did not manage to see the town much since he was helping Emilia, but now that he was walking by himself...

Clad in his black and red outfit, the pseudo Saber was looking around the Capital with a slight awed face. The city's structure and design were very unique to him, who came from a modern age. The way the buildings are arranged was clearly like a city that came from a fantasy game. As matter of fact it reminded him of...

'Prontera, the city capital of Rune Midgard.' He thought, amused. A big castle, a barrack for a Knight, and a district for shopping. Yeah, this city really reminded him of Prontera from Ragnarok. That wonderful game.

To be able to walk in a city like this... Truly amazing. Never in his life did he get such a good view like this...

'Time to Selfie!' Aaron thought with smile, one of his eyes seemed to let out a "CLING" sound by the way it sparked. Now, he doesn't have to worry about his phone battery anymore, he can use it as much as he wants.

If he can recall, there was supposed to be a higher ground around here. It was near one of the gate entrances, the stairs there led to a small garden on top of the gate that has quite the view.

He's gonna take a lot of pictures, and by the time when he's going home, he'll have a lot to show to everyone. Heck! He'll make videos as memorials when he's no longer here.

'Hmm... The entrance gate doesn't seem too far away and the range of the Conversing Mirror should be enough to cover it so...'

The reason why he allowed himself to go alone, despite not knowing the city very well, was because Roswaal had given him a Conversing Mirror that would help him if he got lost. The range of the mirror that was given to him can cover around six kilometers, and that was quite a distance.

Rem was busy cleaning the house that Roswaal had in the Capital, while Emilia and Roswaal himself had gone to the Guard Barrack to check into the noble's area for their businesses. Aaron himself also wants to go there but decided it would be on another day, he was more interested with the city than spending time in there.

Not to mention, Priscilla was nearby if he recalled...

Yeah, he clearly doesn't wish to meet the girl that has a personality like Gilgamesh.


He can't help but let out his voice, full of awe, as he stared at the city from ontop of the gate. It truly was a magnificent scenery. Aaron may have gone on a few countries and had seen many beautiful and wonderful places, but this... this instantly enters in the top ten in his list as one of the best cities he has ever seen!

The way the buildings stretched and arranged, their design, their architecture, the demihuman's and people's cloths, and the supernatural animals that are pulling the carriages... This is clearly a city that can be described as 'Fantasy turned to Reality' in his opinion.

He pulled out his cellphone, humming merrily as he begins to open his camera, he snapped a photo of the scenery, taking the best picture from every single angle he can get.

He won't be lying if he wasn't enjoying himself right now, since in the Mansion he was always being watched, be it by Emilia, Rem or Ram. True, he can be himself and behave like usual, but... when he with them there was always a weight on his shoulder, an unpleasant feeling that's burdening him since he felt guilty for hiding things from them, but at the same time, he knew that he can't tell them since it's for their own good.

The only time that he was actually alone was when he was about to sleep, but even that did not give him much time since he's mostly exhausted after training in the day. It can be said that in the last two weeks, he spent his one-third of his days swinging his swords, while the other two-third were used to gaining 'points' from everyone.

Well, there was the time he enjoyed and that was with Beatrice, he feels that he can relax in there but can't enjoy it to the fullest since he doesn't know what to say to her and thinking how to start a good path with her... So, while it is indeed counted as one, it's still not enough.

Even right now, going to the Capital he also has work to do, planning and strategizing to be done, and trying to find information as much as he could get.

'Hakugei... In next the few days there will be an assault from the Witch Cult, and at the same time, Hakugei will also going to be wandering around the path from the Capital to Arlham village.'

He'd needs to take care of the Witch Cult first, that was obvious. Hakugei was a big 'unknown', so he doesn't know the Great Demon Beast's precise position and tackling it alone would be too risky. The Witch Cult meanwhile, is something he can handle. Other than Petelgeuse, he doesn't think he would need to worry about the others. Their magic was practically useless against him, true their numbers were threatening but Aaron has no intentions to becoming their enemy when first meeting them.

Petelgeuse is insane... He can barely when tell Subaru was lying, and Aaron was a better liar than the Japanese man...

If the worst came, then Aaron would just use Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King and blow them all. He was already far more better at using it than when the faced the Wolgarm, and he can use the 'technique' that he was practicing lately, it can make him stand on equal ground with another Servant.

He let out a sigh, even right now he was barely able to relax. There was always a negative feeling that remind him of his plan and hearing whispers of how he would fail, how his plans were not enough, and how things would turn to the worst.

'I need a vacation, seriously.' He thought while ruffling his hair. Seriously, he really needed it. Just one or two days where he can spend his time lazing in a room and doing nothing.

Now can be considered as one though, albeit short and only less than an hour, but seeing the view of Capital alone like this...

It was quite relaxing in a way...


It was after half an hour spending time alone that he heard sounds of footstep from below, the stairs were made of stone after all, so it was quite loud when it was stepped on -especially since he's the only person there right now.

'I wonder who it is?' He thought questioningly as he sat on one of the stones huge enough to be used as a seat. He pulled out his cellphone, pretended to playing with it and doesn't care to not look suspicious or trying to get any unwanted attention.

The sounds of the footstep were getting louder, before it finally reached the point where the person was now already on top. Aaron secretly stole a look to see who had come, before almost dropping his phone when his eyes laid on the person.


Long orange hair that's tied, red eyes that reminded him of blood and a certain arrogant King, a beautiful and healthy face that was enough to consider her as someone from royal family, and an elegant red and black dress that wrapped her alluring figure in a refined manner.

Standing not far from the pseudo Saber, carrying her fan, was Priscilla Barielle, one of the Royal Candidates and Future Queen of Lugnica. The Bloodstained Bride and the Sun Princess herself.

Aaron felt his mind shut down for a moment when his brain was registering who just appeared in front of him. This is ridiculous! Why is she here for God's sake?! Shouldn't she have gone to the slum area and get herself harassed by the Big, Thin and Short Trio?!

While Aaron's brain was rebooting, Priscilla noticed his presence. The orange haired girl narrowed her crimson eyes and began to approach Aaron, who was staring at his phone blankly.

The Bloodstained Bride stood straight in front of him and looked at the Pendragon with a calculating look.

"Hey, you." She called, her voice sounding prideful and arrogant.

The sharp voice of the Royal Candidate broke Aaron from his daze, making him look up from his phone and stare at her. Emerald green eyes meet crimson red,and they found themselves staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Yes?" He asked dully, breaking the silence between them. His voice practically screams 'I don't want to talk with you, go away' aloud.

Priscilla kept eyeing him with her sharp glare, keenly observing the man in front of her in detail from his outfit, to his whole appearance.

"I have decided." She spoke in a solemn voice as if she just received a gospel from God, she dramatically pointed her fan and gave a serious look at him. "From now on, you will be my Knight!" She declared loudly with a voice that was comparable to a Queen declaring her law.







"Fuck no." Aaron refused bluntly, not even making any attempt to hide his rudeness. "Go away, I'm not that desperate to become a Knight just to serve under someone like you."

Priscilla's right eye twitched, before she unfolded her fan and started waving it at her face. "Someone like me?" She questioned. "And what is wrong with me? Hmph! Just so you know, I am the most blessed person in the World." She brushed her hair elegantly, causing them flail silkily. "Serving under me mean success and victory, you should be grateful that I declared you as my Knight in the first place."

Aaron stared at the orange haired woman with a dull face, just before his face scrunched to a displeased expression. Wrinkles appearing along the forehead, and eyebrows arching upward, his nose seems to disappear into just nostrils, while his mouth reveals teeth that clenched, and eyes narrow and look to the side as if looking at her brings up a bad memory.

It was the famous "Excalibur" Face.

"What's with that ugly face?!" Priscilla yelled, a random vein appearing on her head comically. "How dare you look at me with such a face! Even if you're my knight, I will not tolerate such insolence! Get on your knee and apologize right now!"

Instead of doing, that Aaron simply planted a hand on his face, while a heavy sigh escaped from his lips. His head was starting to feel like a steamed pot. He was very tempted to say 'Fuck you' again to the woman in front of him. However, he knows that that will only make the situation much worse.

"Who are you anyway?" He asked, pretending to be ignorant. "Coming here, disturbing someone's peace. How rude."

"Hmph! Is it rude for a Queen to poke something that belongs to her? Of course not!" Priscilla brushed the insult easily with a sneer. "And don't try to lie! You know who I am the moment you laid your eyes on me. You should introduce yourself to your Queen, Knight! Seriously, not just you dare to stare at me with such a face, but trying to trick your Queen, clearly I need to teach you more after bringing you home."

"Aaron Penndragon." Aaron did so in irritated manner. "Well, nice to meet you, soon to be Queen of Lugnica." He said in a voice filled with sarcasm, with a little hint of wanting the opposite, as he stood and pocketed his phone. "See you later then." He waved his hand and began to walk away from the woman.

Only for a hand to grip the back of his collar, preventing him from waling away. The pseudo Saber glanced back and narrowed his eyes at the hand that was glued to his shirt.

"And where are you going?" Priscilla asked in an annoyed voice. "Leaving your Queen just like that."

"You're not my Queen." Aaron replied rudely, his emerald green eyes shifted and meets the crimson red that was leering at him. "You just declared it out of whim. Now, kindly remove your hand from my shirt Priscilla-sama, or I will remove it from your body." He said coldly.

He was bluffing, he won't do that, such a thing was too barbaric and violent for him. However, he knew if he was not using such harsh words it won't deter the woman that was currently standing in his way.

However, instead of being afraid or offended, this seemed to make the orange haired woman amused judging by her eyebrow that quirked and her lips that curled into a smirk.

"Hoo, so you have a bark." She said in approval, she removed her grip from the collar and left Aaron to fix his shirt "From your eyes, I can tell right now you already have a path and goal in mind, I respect that. However, I wonder how long will you able to keep that facade of yours."

Aaron eyes narrowed, his gaze was cold a moment ago but now it's borderline murderous. Facade? Is that what she calls his behavior? He maybe hid many things from Emilia and the others, but never once he acted out of character to them. He always keeps his personality and treats them with genuine kindness and care.

They are his friends... Granted, he manipulated and lied to them, but what he had with them now... He already considered it as something precious to him...

And yet, this woman has the nerve to make that comment and insult him? This woman, who had never experienced the hardship in her life and rely solely only on luck?

He briefly wondered. 'Was this why Saber hated Gilgamesh so much?'

"Mind your tongue Priscilla-sama, it would be a bad sight if that pretty face of yours lost the ability to make coherent words." Aaron responded stolidly.

"Hmph, resorting to threats now?" Priscilla waved her fan and began cooling herself. She seemed unafraid of the man's ominous words. "How rude. For someone who look's gallant and royal, you have a personality that's unfitting."

"Only to those who's rude to me in the first place." Aaron snorted. "Why are you here, Priscilla-sama? Someone with a high stature like you shouldn't go alone without guard."

"Hmph! I do and go wherever I want! There's no need for me to be accompanied! I'm free to do whatever I wish!"

"In other words, you ditched your guard because you were bored and had nothing to do." Aaron summarized while rolling his eyes. "How very responsible of you, truly you are a prime example for all Queens in the World."

Priscilla glared at him. If she could inflict pain through her eyes, Aaron would be writhing on ground now. "Such trivial and mundane things should not bother me in the first place. Besides, I have you with me now, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"I'm not your caretaker or knight, Lady." Aaron rebuked with a glare. "Go way, bother someone else and-" the blond-haired man cut himself off when he heard multiple footsteps echoing from below. His eyes narrowed as the steps seemed to quicken and there was a lot of them. Priscilla also seemed to hear it judging from her gaze that shifted to where the stairs were.

The duo watched as a group of people emerged from the stairs, around a dozen or more, three of them were familiar to Aaron who recognized them in an instant.

'The Big, Thin and Short Trio!' He exclaimed in his mind.

"Found you!" Ton the Big growled as he glared at Priscilla. "You think you can get away after mocking us huh, Lady?! We'll teach you lesson that you'll never forget!"

Aaron stared dully at the group of thugs that come out of nowhere before glancing at the orange haired woman. "Your friends Priscilla-sama?"

"As if!" Priscilla rebuked indignantly. "To compare someone at my status to them... Are you an idiot?!"

"No, but I think they not too different from you in one or two ways."

The glare Priscilla gave him would've immolated him into nothing but ash if it can burn. Nonetheless, she turned away from him and faced the thugs.

"Listen to me you mongrels! Go away from here, you're bothering my eyes. If you do, I may be generous enough to let you all leave without an injury."

"What did you say, you bitch?!" Ton growled menacingly while cracking his knuckles. "It seems you-hmm? What is it Chin?" He asked when he noticed the shorter thug tugging his arm.

"That guy... doesn't he look familiar?" Chin asked while pointing to Aaron who just boringly yawned.

Hearing that, the trio who led the group stared intensely at Aaron. The shortest one, Kan, immediately recognized him and let out a squawk.

"T-That guy! H-He's the one who beat us up two weeks ago!" Kan shouted while pointing at Aaron with a trembling finger.

Hearing this, Priscilla can't help but give some small payback. "Your friends?" She asked the question that was given to her a moment ago.

"No, I'm their bully."

"... I approve that answer, fitting for someone with their status." Priscilla said with a nod of approval after a moment of silence.

Aaron's right eye twitched once, he felt like losing despite winning easily. "You three, go take your friends somewhere else. I'm not in the mood to see your faces." He casually said, but his voice was slightly filled with annoyance, while glaring at the group of thugs. But then he blinked once. "Actually, stay there. You all would make a good stress reliever." He turned to Priscilla and handed her his Converse Mirror. "Hold this for me a moment." It was a fragile object after all, he doesn't want to risk it.

Priscilla blinked as she took the mirror. "Sure."

Aaron turned back to the group of thugs and grinned menacingly. While the group behind the trio seems oblivious, the front of them took some take steps back when they saw his expression. "Don't take any offense, I don't care if you dump this lady into the sewers, but I'm in a bad mood and you're all in my way so..."

"W-Wait!" Ton waved his hands in panic. "M-Maybe we can talk about-"



Priscilla watched with a smile, nodding in approval as the pseudo Saber charged and began pummeling the worthless peasants. Feh, serves them right for bothering her in the first place, lowlifes like them should know their place in begin with.

The orange haired woman blinked when she saw the mirror she was holding began blinking, she of course knows this mirror and it's uses. Wondering who was calling her Knight, she flipped it open and answered the call.

A reflection of a blue haired girl appeared from the mirror after she had done that. "Aaron-sama the- You're not Aaron-sama…" She corrected herself when the unexpected Priscilla was presented to her instead of the pseudo Saber. "Who are you and why do you have Aaron-sama's mirror?" Rem asked back with narrowed eyes.

"How rude of you." Priscilla sneered at the maid. "It's just proper manner to introduce yourself to someone who's superior, but you don't even do so."

Rem's face was stoic through the mirror, there was no emotion in her face. However, she knew the person that she saw right now was someone who seems in high stature, so a proper manner will be needed. "Head Maid of the Household of Margrave Roswaal L. Mathers, Rem." Rem introduce herself. "May Rem know Milady's name?"

"Hmph, I do not have to introduce myself to a servant." Priscilla sneered. "What is your relation with my Knight servant? Lover? He certainly has bad taste if that's true."

"I AM NOT YOUR KNIGHT!" Aaron yelled from the background as he kicked one thug, knocking said thug in the process.

Priscilla, of course, ignore his comment, but Rem did hear his voice. It was loud and clear after all. She was about to speak when someone cut her off.

"I heard Aaron yell Rem, did something happen?"

A voice came from behind Rem, Priscilla quirked her eyebrow when she heard it, this time it was familiar to her.


The mirror showed the reflection of a certain silver haired girl, with Priscilla's lips curled into a smirk seeing who it was.

The half elf.

What an entertaining existence, this girl is...

"You are..." Emilia, on the other side of the mirror, immediately recognized the woman that was holding Aaron's mirror.

"Well, well, if this is-"


Priscilla blinked when the mirror in his hand taken was suddenly taken by Aaron, irritation plastered on his face. "Don't go answer someone's call without their permission." He said with an annoyed tone in his voice. "It's rude." He added while fixing his shirt.

"Look who's talking, you know it's ruder to interfere on someone else's conversation." Priscilla sneered. "Hmph, you certainly work fast." She stated as she looked over behind Aaron. Not far from them was a pile of thugs that were sprawled in a chaotic manner, all of them groaning and writhing on ground from the beating Aaron gave them.

It him took less than a minute and the blond had already beaten more than twenty thugs that were chasing after Priscilla, and not a single hint of injury on him, not even a speck of dust on his cloth.

"It's my pho- mirror." He corrected himself. "So, I have the right to be rude." He said as he turned to the mirror, ignoring Priscilla's remark that it was him who gave her his mirror in first place. "Hello Emi." He greeted flatly.

"Aaron! Why are you with her?!" Emilia immediately asked, her face showing slight anger. "Do you-"

"Yes, I know who this annoying lady is." Aaron answered with a flat look. "And before you ask this woman is the one who approached me when I was alone, I have no intention to meet her in the first place." He ruffled his hair in annoyance, his face even showed his displeasure.

"Is... Is that so..." Emilia seems at a loss of words at the moment, taken back by how annoyed Aaron looked. Normally, he would try to hide it or at least control his face but now...

"How rude of you to dismiss your Queen just like that." Priscilla remarked as she took one of Aaron's arm and hung on him, allowing her wonderful assets to press into the pseudo Saber's limb. "And what business do you have with my Knight, halfwit?" She asked as she stared at Emilia in the mirror.

Aaron felt his cheeks warming up at the sudden closeness, but he felt more irritated rather than flustered now. "Priscilla-sama, kindly remove yourself from me. And I'm not your Knight." Aaron commented with irritation. "And the so called "halfwit" you called was my friend, so please at least address her properly." He told the woman with a stern look on his face before turned back to Emilia who... was glaring at him? "What's with that look? I'm not in the fault here." He said to the half elf with exasperated expression.

"Huh? Is that your voice I heard Hime-san?"

A new and unfamiliar voice reached Aaron's ear and his eyes narrowed, his red face gone and turned to one of calculating seriousness.

'Al or Aldebaran... A man that was summoned to this World from Subaru's World... Or at least, a modern World that was similar like Earth where things like this is fantasy. Having the ability to return from death, he seems oblivious to it as a matter of fact. While his Earth magic can't do anything to me, that ability though...'

It was troubling on some level, the ability to cannot die. It's unclear and mysterious... While he is weak, it doesn't change the fact it will allow him to learn more about his opponent and in just matter of time be able to bring them down, or to have enough time to disperse the problem entirely.

"That voice." Priscilla seemed to be perked up at hearing the voice of her companion.

"Ah, excuse me Emilia-sama, but can I borrow that mirror?"

"Huh? Umm, sure."

The reflection of Al soon appeared in the mirror and he was like what Aaron had expected, wearing a black knightly helmet that covered his whole face while wearing a green vest and an orange cloak.

"Al, I see you already prepared a way to contact me if you got lost, hmm as expected from my companion." Priscilla said in an approving tone.

"More like coincidence and luck, but whatever makes you happy Hime-san." Al replied flippantly. "And that man beside you?"

"My Knight."

"I'm not your knight. I would rather become a Knight for the slums than be one of yours." Aaron bluntly refused with an annoyed look as he turned to Al. "You're her caretaker, right? Wait for us in Guard Barrack, I will bring her to you."

"Ah, sure, sorry for asking that for you." Al replied, his voice slightly sheepish and apologetic.

"It's fine, now can you pass the mirror back to my friend?" Al did as he said, and soon Emilia's face appeared on the mirror. "I will see you in the Guard Barracks Emi, I promise to explain everything to you once I get there okay?"

"... Fine." Emilia agreed reluctantly, it was clear from her face there was still more that she want to say, but since Aaron promise her... "I will be waiting for you then."

"Sure, see you later."

With that, he flipped down the mirror, cutting the connection between the two, before stuffing it back into his pocket. He sighed after it was done.

"Befriending with that halfwit." Priscilla remarked while shooting an amused smirk at Aaron. "You certainly have some strange tastes my Knight."

"I'm not your knight." Aaron replied sharply. "While I appreciate the offer." He did not, that was a blatant lie. "And just for you know, I prefer that so called halfwith than you Priscilla-sama." He shot a look at the woman who clung on him. "Now kindly remove yourself from, me." He said, using a portion of his strength to unbind himself from the woman.

Priscilla allowed the blond to do so with a smirk, her red eyes seemed to glimmer with indecipherable light. "Hmph, that untamed and wild behavior of you... It just makes me have my full attention on you."

The way she said it... It was very familiar for some reason to Aaron that he can't help but shudder inwardly. Seriously, this girl's really like Gilgamesh -except she's more tolerant and was incapable to shoot thousands of legendary weapons.

'I should just jump straight down below, I'm sure I'll survive if I did that.' He thought as he stared at the city beneath him from his position. While he was high now, he was sure it was something that he can handle.

He was considering it the moment he saw her for the first time but decided that maybe the girl won't be that bad. And it was useless to avoid the confrontation since they will nevertheless cross paths in the future, so it'll be better if he'd be done with it.

Now he was starting to regret it though.

Yeah... he really needed a vacation. Maybe he can use some after finishing Arc Three...

That is, if Arc Four wasn't there waiting for him...

'I'm too young for this shit!'