
The Knights In Training pt. 2

They weren't even aware that Nathan would hold a mock test today when it's just supposed to be an assembly. A briefing. They had a clue, yes, but not to this extent. Nathan had arrived and just told them to bring a lot of swords and nothing else. They just thought that they probably had a demonstration or something. But alas...

A mock test with Nathan as the opponent. How unfair...

When no one immediately came forward, Evelyn stepped in which made everyone go silent.

"Ohh, a lady? Interesting..." Luther commented upon laying his eyes on Evelyn.

"Anything is interesting to you as long as it's a woman," Eon rebuked him.

Luther only smiled cheekily, "She's cute too. Not bad."

Eon shook his head at his friend's antics and focused his eyes back on the spectacle in front of their eyes.

'A woman huh… This is the very first time a woman joined.'