
How To Apologize pt. 1

Why can't this guy just tell me if he knows something?

"How about the rest? What happened to them?" I couldn't help but inquire.

Are they living well? Happy? Did my brother make a family of his own? Did Ezekiel successfully inherit the throne?

What about Eon? Luther? And Conrad? Did Gwen and Conrad marry and have kids? How about Bea? Since Ezekiel likes Estelle, then what happened to her? Did she marry someone else?

What about Kai?

I'm so curious about an alternate reality that I am not a part of. Those people don't even know me, and yet I'm feeling wistful about them.

"Ezekiel seemed to be doing fine the last time I saw him. I don't know about it now."

I fretted for a moment and then cautiously asked.

"The–then what about Lukas and Estelle…?"

Janus raised his brows. "Hmm?"

I became wistful again and sighed.

"No, forget I ever asked that. You don't need to answer."