
Free! Free At Last!

I wish...

My lovely doctor is a fantastic worker and the nurses that came to take care of me were just amazing. But I still wish to get out of here sooner.

Between Bonnie, Kim, and Tara babying me, or the twins taking advantage of me, I just need a break. I asked a nurse if I could have a book and she brought me Lord of Scoundrels... Desperate times...

I'm glad at least the girls kept me up to date with the schoolwork. Guess what? Don't give a crap if that makes me sound like a nerd! Even if I am not aiming to be a scientist, doesn't mean I can't learn the material!

And generally it gets me brownie points with Mrs. Dr. P when I tell her I admire her work as a neurosurgeon that worked hard in progressing her field of study.

She is one amazing woman...

Eventually the day I could leave had finally arrived! I had asked the staff to be quiet on my release date so I could surprise my constant tormentors... I mean guests.

That sneaky nurse from my first night in was not present so I was sure I could escape easily.

I ran home. I wanted to be with my buddy Rufus and play games all day like a normal kid! Well, until I realized that the Possible's were taking care of him with me in the hospital. I'm really feeling bad not having him with me.

So time to change that! I went over to their house and knocked. I waited a long time with no answer. I kept pacing up and down, wondering if I should just let myself in. (It's only been 5 minutes)

Nah, I'll just go around the back...

And oh my. Mrs. Dr. P. is sunbathing. Now I know I should not stare, but well, kinda hard not to. With those long and smooth legs, it was easy to see she was a runner with how toned it was. Whew, her bubbly butt was squeezed tight in that swimwear.

I can go for days..

Mrs. P: "Ahem, it's not nice to stare Ronald."

Ah crud.

Me: "Hard not to..."

I thought I did not say that out loud but apparently I did.

Mrs. P: "Aw you're sweet, Ronald. But I'm too old for you and again, it's rude to ogle a lady. I'm assuming you are here for Rufus?"

Me: "Oh! Ahem, yes ma'am! Where is he inside?"

Mrs. P: "He's in Kimmy's room. Go on in. The boys and him were playing most the day, so he's a little worn out."

Ahh, the twins. Future tweebs to Kim. But they are honesty like little brothers to me. Even with these missions I always made sure to spoil them.

I, ahem, had to turn my eyes and head inside and grab my buddy. I had an 'aww' moment when I saw my little buddy sleeping between the twins. There was no way I could seperate him now, so I'll have to come back later.

Me: "Sorry Mrs. Dr. P! I will have to come back later. I couldn't pull him away when they all looked so cute together."

I ran out the backyard and didn't look back. Though I swore I heard her chuckle at my quick getaway.

I now had no idea what to do. Just go home then? I mean I could but, to be honest, my feet still betrayed me and led me to my doom. Middleton Middle School.

Even with the school's games over, the cheerleaders were still hard at practice. Like I said before, apparently cheerleading is serious business.

I did appreciate the hard work being put in. These girls could go regional. Especially with the three girls that worked out in the dojo in addition to their gymnastic talents. I enjoyed all the spinny spins and flippy flips. One girl even put an extra rumble in her tumble!

Then came the grand finale. A simple pyramid but if not supported right, well, everyone gets to tumble! I was already walking my way over, ready to cheer and ask for an encore too!, when one of the girls lost her balance and went head forward to the gym floor!

Guess I'll apologize to Masha for being rather mean then. I say that because my roll skill came in handy when I lunged forward and grabbed the fair maiden! Booyah!

So anyways, I grabbed her, cradled the head safely in my arms and rolled her to safety. Tis good to be in shape and lickity split quick! But now my back hurts again! Ugh! I'm too young for this shite!

Liz (one of the main cheerleaders in show): "Marci! Oh my god, is she okay?!"

Marci? Never heard of this one. Then again, my memory is pretty spotty on the show.

Liz was on her friend, hugging away like her life depended on it. Which, with how hard she was hugging, she may very well kill her friend. Heh.

Marci: "I'm good Liz. I'm good! Let... go..."

May she rest in peace..

Liz: "Oh my god! What have I done!"

I swear I will never diss showtime dramas anymore with seeing this weird scene develop in front of me.

Bonnie: "Get up Marcella. Liz is gonna go into panic overload at this rate."

Oohh! I remember that one! One of the snooty ones. Well.. 'popular' cheerleaders tend to be like that. I think it's a defense mechanism? Who knows.

Marcella: "Um, thanks Ron."

Me: "No big. Always here to help."

Bonnie, why do you have to loom over me? Seriously gurl friend. You is scurin' me. And what'd up with the big smile?

Bonnie: "Oh Ronnie... Have you forgotten?"

Me: "Maybe? What did I forget?"

Oh gods no. Her smile just became a cheshire smile. Now I'm really scared.

Bonnie: "Puuuuunishment."

I swear I did not scream. Not at all. I most definitely was not get dragged by my feet into the clutches of the evil girls..

I was forced to lift them. Toss them in the air. Catch them when they broke off formation. Hell, they even made me wave the pom poms.. My masculinity was put to the test in this ordeal.

Bonnie: "Alrighty girls, practice is done! Good job everyone!"

Finally... Finally I am free!

Bonnie had grabbed me by my shirt collar before I could escape though.

Bonnie: "You're coming with us, Ron. You wouldn't just run off, would you?"

Did I mention that Kim taught Bonnie and Tara the puppy dog look and pout? No? Well she did. And I'm getting triple the effect now.

I thought I was free. But no. The three girls took me back to Bonnie's place. But why?

Tara: "Oh this is great! Finally we get a turn!"

Me: "A turn? A turn for what?"

Tara: "You'll see.."

Saying it in a sing song tone of voice don't help, just so ya know!

When we made it to Bonnie's home, which is a freaking mansion like the ones those tv evangelist preachers have, she had us divert off thr path a little... Which lead to the twins home. Um, why? Ya know what. I'm a little scared.

Bonnie: "Connie always leaves a spare key above the door. They made a spare room into a massage parlour."

Hold up? They did what? Bonnie gave me a side look when she unlocked the door. Oh no.. She knows..

Kim: "Yeah, I wonder why... Tara, they say anything to you?"

Tara: "Hmm, something about a guy with magic hands."

They all know?!?!?

I should have paid better attention to my surroundings. It wasn't until I heard the door click as it was locked that I realized I was walking on auto pilot.

I'm now stuck in here...

With three girls that have the biggest smiles.

I may be crying.. I thought I was free..

I'm surprised. Very surprised. Went from three hundred people who saved this story to over one thousand only two days later.

I feel bad for my viewers on my main story since I'm enjoying writing this more atm. >. <

Anyways, enjoy the story. /bow

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