
Re: Player

Being thrown into the game-world of [Call of the Black Magicians], Adam was forced to survive with no prior information. Except for his memories of the Game-World and his name, he did not have any memories of his previous life. But fret not, even though the Game-World had many perils and was on the verge of extinction at every next step, it also had its beauty and magic, one to die for. With the authority of [Player], he could save and restart until he achieved his desired result.  He could learn skills of the ‘NPCs’ and achieve the results like the ‘Players.’  He could literally solo the entire game world to achieve his desired results. Whether he wants to save the world or destroy it, he could do it… as many times as he wishes. Even the [Black Magicians] won’t be able to do anything about it… probably. But was it all there was to it? [Beta Version 0.1 will begin in 6 Months: 29 days: 23 Hours!] I guess not… … Description: In the World of Zarraf, their lives Gods, not all Gods are good and certainly none are without motives.  They rule the world’s 7 nations:  The Nation of Light and Sun The Nation of Water The Nation of Fire The Nation of Life The Nation of Earth The Nation of Moon The Nation of Wind Each ruled by a goddess that has their own stance in their ruling.  But that is only the first page of this world. The second page colors the Ancient Gods of Corruption, Rage, Curse, Death and Hate. The third belongs the Seven Sins’ Incarnations that are ready to succeed the Ancient Gods. The Fourth is of the Witches who stand against all Gods equally. And the Final Page colors the [Immortals] or otherwise known as [Players] that will be summoned to bring Chaos to this world. A World that was meant to be destroyed. Such is the fate of the world of Zarraf, as powers beyond the realm of mortals threaten the dynamic equilibrium of their existence. In the end, the world was prophesied to be destroyed by one cause or another. Nothing could prevent looming destruction… Or so... It was supposed to happen… … Hey, Author here to give a quick glance at a couple of things that are normally asked. Harem? Yes Romance? Yes System? Obviously Smut? Oh yes! Adventure RPG? Yes. Power Creeping? Not really. Overpowered? Depends on how you see it Smart MC? I guess so.  Wise MC? Yes Something you need to know before you read The MC has the ability to [Save] a point (there are some conditions), with which he can return in time. So basically, he is an immortal. Though that doesn’t make him invincible from the start, rather he grows by making correct choices. The World is dynamic and pretty much anything can happen anytime. (It’s just my way of saying that there will be twists… pretty much unexpected ones as well).  And then there will be solutions to those unexpected situations as well, depending upon the absurdity of it. (I won’t have any more plot armor since I gave him a pretty big buff of immortality, so everything will be connected and won’t just happen by luck. Everything will be cleared by the end of an arc, so you need to be patient before deciding on it.) It has a mix of everything. Thriller, Adventure, Action, Smut, Romance, Slice of Life, etc. so there is that as well. ……. [Mature Warning: This Novel Contains R-18 Content!] https://discord.gg/2swHXduWg3

Ethel_Imaginations · 奇幻
260 Chs


[New Quest: Shadows(II)!]

[Description: You have found the location of the Root of Darkness in the town center, against the Church of Amelia. You have also found the information related to the summoning of the Goddess of Curse, Miraka, which is going to happen in 6 hours from now, exactly at dusk. The array contains more information about the summoning process.

Grade: Epic!

Difficulty: Impossible


-Find information about the Array that is going to summon the Fallen Goddess!


+2 All Stats

+5 Free Attributes

+5000 Exp!

+Skill: One way out!

Remark: There is light in the shadows. There are shadows in the light too.]

While the pain was a lot… the reward, especially the [One Way Out!] was more than enough to freshen me up. Was it because of the difficulty?

[One Way Out!] was a skill that allowed you to combine all the stats in one, shifting the other stats to 0 for a limited time. It was a double-edged sword but was an excellent one, nonetheless.

[Dexterity: 19 -> 30]

Putting all my free attribute points in Dexterity, I then moved out, picking up the dual blades from Mira's grip. Jumping out of the room, I reached the bottom, this time pretty much with no injuries.

And without any further ado…


I began running. This time to the center of the town.

I could feel myself being chased. A welcomed improvement compared to being watched no matter how fast I was.

Walking through the alleys, I jumped from one point to another, using parkour with my increased Dexterity, it was easy to move through the obstacles in between the streets. While it was fun, I was more concerned about the Array in the center of the town.

Frenzy ended after 20 seconds from the start, but with the speed I was running, I reached a point where the Summoning Array was visible about 500 meters away. It was like a big magic circle at the center of the town. The dark clouds were especially dense at its center.

"Almost there," I mumbled as I kept running… however, the one who was chasing me… I could feel her getting closer to me… and after a few seconds…

[You Have Died!]

[Game Over!]

[Loading from last Save Point!]

[Loading Complete!]

I woke up again as I got ready again. This time, once again, using [Frenzy!]

But when I reached the near spot where [Frenzy!] ended and the Array was visible.

[Battle Zone!] I locked onto the Array as I activated my skill and began running even faster than before.

As expected, I reached the Array, placed on the ground. It was a red-coloured Array made up of blood… probably of the people of this town. Looking at the it, I did not know what to do with it…



I used all my strength to hit it as hard as I could, breaking the stones that formed the array.

[You Have Died!]

[Game Over!]

[Loading from last Save Point!]

[Loading Complete!]

"Let's do this the other way," I decided as I used [Battle Zone!] this time, locking on the Array that I knew existed in the center. I couldn't see it, but since I have seen it before, locking on it was possible.

The problem, however, was…


After going completely blind, I ended up hitting the wall on my first try.

[Loading Save Point!]

I tried again. Failed again.

[Loading Save Point!]

Made through the first turn. Hit the wall on the second.

[Loading Save Point!]

It was like a puzzle game for me, as I tried over and over as fast as I could.

Using [Mana Zone] wasn't an option since even the air was polluted with dense mana. Everything was pretty much dark no matter where I looked. All I could do was try and try. All I did was try and try.

And after over a hundred tries…

'Finally,' I smiled as I reached the Array, turning my [Battle Sense] off.

Looking around, I found the area rather bland, with nobody around. Except for the blood Array, the entire area was rather empty… too empty, in fact. My eyes looked at the Array as I questioned myself if I should go destroy it?

"So. You have found the Array of Summoning, huh? Congratulations are in order, I presume," an old feeble voice came from the dark alley opposite to where I came from. An old lady in her late 60s, walked out of there as she looked at me with a rather calm look.

[Name: ???

Class: ???

Level: ???]

"I guess so. Grandma… you sure someone as feeble as you should be walking out alone on these lonely streets? You might get robbed, you know?" I joked as I put my dagger in. Letting my guard down.

I still can't fight these monsters. I need information… as much as I can have.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! You don't need to be so cautious about me. The one whom you should be worried about is yourself, young one," she spoke with a gentle and calm smile.

"I guess so. We should all look out for ourselves first. What do you think this Array is for?" I asked, feigning ignorance a little. She looked at me and then covered her face as she spoke,

"It's just a children's drawing on the streets. Pay no heed to it."

Well. Doesn't seem like I am getting any information by pretending to be an idiot here.

"Is that so? I almost thought this was an Array of Summoning for the Fallen Goddess Miraka. Phew! Almost had me there," I wiped a fake sweat as I looked at the granny with a bright smile, making her cautious of me.

Her eyes, previously calm, now were narrowing at me.

"Who are you?" She asked as she looked at me with a slight glare.

"I am… Batman," I spoke in a serious low pitched voice as I moved closer to her. One step at a time, not worrying about death as of now.

'Let's measure her powers for this turn. We can get the information, the orthodox way later,' I nodded in my mind as I just got an idea that would help me finish the quest fast.

But for now… let's gauge the old lady's power.