
Chapter 15


The kid started slowing down as he reached a couple of feet away from Gohan's house, and as he arrived in front of the house the kid released the dead Pig and ran towards the side of the house where I and Gohan were sitting.

"Grandpa," the kid shouted as he rushed towards Gohan.

"My dear Goku," Gohan said with a chuckle and caught the kid in a hug.

"Huh, Grandpa who's that," Goku said as he finally noticed me.

"Ho-ho-ho, Goku, he is Arlic, a fellow student of Master Roshi," Gohan explained.

"Huh, that name sounds funny, it sounds like something to eat," Goku said with a giggle.

'It's okay, Arlic, he's just a kid, and hey he's Goku, Goku a super idiot, calm down,' I thought as I took a deep breath to stop myself from bonking Goku.

"And now that I have mentioned food, Grandpa I'm hungry," Goku said innocently as he looked at Gohan.

"Yes, Goku, we'll eat, but first let us help our guest for what he has come to us," Gohan explained to Goku as he patted his head.

"Hmm, What do you want," Goku bluntly asked me with a sour face.

'Calm down, Arlic, he's just a kid, control,' I thought and took a breath.

"He is here to borrow the Power-Pole from us," Gohan said to Goku.

"Huh, but this is mine, and I don't want to give it to anyone," Goku said as he pulled out the Power-Pole from his back and hugged it tightly.

"It's okay Goku, I just want it for some time, I'll return it as soon as I finish my task," I said to Goku to reassure him.

"No, it's mine," Goku said while shaking his head.

"Goku, Arlic needs it to go to a certain place where he will get trained by a very strong person, so let him borrow it for some time," Gohan explained to Goku.

"Huh, are you also a Martial Artist like Grandpa, Garlic," Goku asked me with a curious look.

"Yes, I'm also a Martial Artist, and my name is Arlic, not Garlic," I said with a smile as I tried to contain my anger inside.

"Okay, if you want this," Goku said as he showed me his Power Pole, "Then fight me, Garlic,"

"Oh, you want to fight me," I said with a kind smile, then I looked at Gohan and asked, "Can he fight,"

"Yeah, but be careful, Arlic, Goku is not weak like other children, he is a strong child," Gohan said to me.

"He-he, it is okay, I'm not that weak," I replied with a chuckle.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, what is that Bird, it looks tasty, can we roast it," Goku suddenly exclaimed as he noticed Phoenix on top of the tree.

Gohan sighed and said, "Goku, how many times have I told you that there are things that are not food, Phoenix is not someone you can eat,"

"But Grandpa, that bird looks so colourful and tasty," Goku said while making a sulking face.

"Goku," Gohan looked at Goku with narrowed eyes.

"Humph, fine," Goku said with a low head.

Goku then turned his face towards me and grinned with excitement, "Yosh, let's fight,"

"Alright, both of you follow me," Gohan said as he got up from the bench.

I and Goku followed Gohan, we walked until we were a little away from the house.

"Okay, this place is good," Gohan said as he stopped in a clearing, "Both of you get ready,"

"Yosh, be ready to get beaten up," Goku said as he pointed his finger at me.

"We'll see… wait," I exclaimed, and then pointed at his tail, "Why does he have a tail,"

"Oh, I don't know about that as well," Gohan replied, "He has it since he was little,"

"I see," I nodded, and then looked at Goku, "Come at me, Monkey Boy,"

"Humph," Goku harrumphed and rushed at me, "Jan ken,"

"Choki," Goku yelled as he tried to attack my eyes with two of his fingers.

I chuckled and shifted towards the left. Goku got surprised at my speed and then turned his head to the left to look at me.



Before Goku could do something I bonked him on his head with my fist.

"Ouuweee," Goku cried in pain as he rubbed his head.

"Goku, are you okay," Gohan called out in concern.

"I'm okay," Goku replied angrily as he turned towards me.

"Jan Ken," Goku yelled again as he jumped towards me.

"Gu," Goku shouted as he threw a punch towards me while he was in the air.

I caught his fist and pulled him towards me. Goku, shocked that his technique did not work on me, threw a kick towards my face and I moved my face away to dodge the kick.



"Ouuweee," Goku squatted and rubbed his head.

"Stop punching me on the head," Goku yelled at me with tears in his eyes.

"He-he," I chuckled and gestured to him to come towards me.

"Humph," Goku stood up angrily and pulled out the Power Pole.

"Haah," Goku jumped and attacked me with his Power Pole from above.

I raised my hand and blocked Goku's Power Pole with my forearm, then used my other hand to catch the other end of the Power Pole.

"Let go of my weapon," Goku exclaimed as he tried to pull the Power-Pole out of my grip.

Realizing that I was not going to let go of the Power Pole, Goku gripped the other end of the Power-Pole with both of his hands and started grinning, "Power Pole, Extend,"

Before I could move the Power-Pole started extending and struck me at my chest, then started pushing me backwards. I firmed my legs on the ground to oppose the push from the Power Pole, now as the Power-Pole was not able to push me, the other end of the Power-Pole started pushing Goku back.

"Power Pole, Retract," Goku shouted and the Power Pole retracted back to its original size.

"Hmm, it seems playtime is over," I said and stood straight.

I smiled then rushed towards Goku, and Goku who was surprised by my speed, raised his hands to block my attack. I appeared in front of Goku, then raised my hand and carefully flicked his forehead with some strength.

"Ouuweee," Goku cried in pain and pressed his hands on his forehead.

I used the After-image technique to reach behind Goku and then attacked Goku's neck with a chop.

"Aaa…" Goku cried and then lost his consciousness.

I caught Goku before he could fall and then put him on my shoulder to carry him around.

"It seems like I won," I said to Gohan as I turned towards him.

"Yeah, you won," Gohan said with a sigh, "I'm just happy that Goku wasn't hurt,"

Gohan came to me and took the unconscious Goku in his arms.

"Goku has a lot of potential," I said to Gohan with a smile.

"Yeah, one day my Goku will become the strongest fighter," Gohan said with a proud smile.

"We'll see," I replied with a grin.

"I'll be borrowing this for a while," I said as I picked up the Power-Pole from the ground.

"Sure," Gohan nodded with a smile.

"Phoenix, time to go," I called out to Phoenix.

"You're leaving already, at least stay for the Lunch," Gohan asked.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, I still have to travel to another place, I'll be late if I stay for too long,"

"I see, if that's the case then I won't force you to stay," Gohan said with a sigh.

"By the way, Grandpa, do you know about any city around, I want to buy a map," I said with an embarrassed smile.

"Ho-ho-ho, sure I know, there's a town in the North about 70 km from here," Gohan said with a laugh.

"Thanks," I thanked him with a bow.

"Pii," Phoenix chirped as he landed on my shoulder.

"NIMBUS," I called my nimbus.


[Whoosh] [Woosh]

Nimbus came flying and stopped in front of me, and I jumped on top of it.

"I'll see you after my training finishes Grandpa," I said to Gohan.

"I and Goku will wait for you, Arlic," Gohan said with a smile.

After giving my goodbye to Gohan, I directed my Nimbus upwards.

After reaching a certain height, I identified the North direction and sped my Nimbus towards the town Gohan had told me about.


[2 Later]

It took me 2 hours to find the town Gohan mentioned. The town is kind of small for what I hoped it would be. I hope I'm able to find a map, so I could be on my way.

I descended towards the town and looked for someone I could ask the location of the book store.

I found a man waiting at a bus station, so I went near him.

"Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearby bookstore," I asked the man politely.

"Ye… Yes, that way straight on the left side of the road, Sunshine Book House," The man said with a shocked face.

I followed the instructions of the man and found the bookstore. The owner took some time, but he was able to find a map among some old crates.

I immediately returned to the sky after buying the map. After marking my destination on the map, I sped my Nimbus in full speed towards the place I wanted to go.


[4 Hours Later]

It took me 4 hours to find the location I was looking for, well what can I say it's just a small town, finding such a small town using a world map is kind of difficult. After reaching the town, I directly went to the place I missed too much.

Bow standing in front of an old building I was taking deep breaths to prepare myself for what was about to come. Before I went to the Door, I left Nimbus in the compound of the building and ordered Phoenix to wait on top of Nimbus while I did my work.



I let out a breath I was holding and looked up at the door, 'I can do this,'


[Knock] [Knock]

I knocked on the door to inform the residents of my arrival.



The old door opened with a creaking sound and an old woman peered out from the other side.

"Yes?" The woman tried to look at the person who just knocked on the door and then noticed me.

"You… came..." The woman said with a shocked voice.

"I'm back, Madam Chiyo," I said with an awkward smile.

The place I'm currently at is the orphanage I grew up in, and the woman in front of me is Madam Chiyo, the Matron of this orphanage.

"Ar… Arlic, you… you came back," Chiyo stuttered as she tried to believe what she was seeing.

"Yeah, I'm back," I said with a smile.

"Arlic," She cried and took me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I left without telling you," I said in a sad low tone, as I caressed the back of the crying Chiyo.

'My previous self was stupid to do this to you,' I thought as I felt guilty for causing so much pain to the poor woman.

"Madam, what's the matter, why did you scream..." another woman came running after hearing the voice of Chiyo.

"Ar… Arlic," The woman stuttered in shock as she noticed me.

"Yoo, Sister Ren," I said with a smile.

The woman that came running after hearing the voice of Madam Chiyo is Sister Ren. She too grew up in this orphanage, and after she became an adult instead of leaving she took the role of Madam Chiyo's helper.

Ren was so happy to see me, she got emotional and broke into tears, then ran towards me and hugged me together with Chiyo.

Both of them kept crying while hugging me, and then in a minute other children who were present at the orphanage also came following the voice of Sister Ren.

"Arlic is back," one of the kids yelled as he recognized me.

"Hey," I raised my hand and greeted them with an awkward smile.

"Sniff… I'm so happy that you came back without any injuries," Chiyo said as she caressed my face lovingly.

"Now, will you tell me the reason why you ran away from the orphanage," Chiyo asked me with a kind yet terrifying smile.

"Yeah, I want to know that too," Ren said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Uhh, he-he, Uhh, about that...," I tried to explain but.



Chiyo and Ren both bonked my head with their fist filled with love.

"AAgh," It didn't hurt but I had to act, you know the reason don't you.

"Piii, PiPiPiPi," I heard the voice of Phoenix laughing at me getting yelled at.

"Wha… what is that," Chiyo got shocked when seeking the voice of Phoenix, she saw my Nimbus floating in the compound.

"Yeah, let me explain," I said with a sigh.


{Current Power Level - 360}


If you have any suggestions for me, please tell me.

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If you have any ideas that I can use in this story, tell them to me, if your idea is selected in the story I'll give you a shout-out.

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