
Rising Star Tournament (13), Final Round

"The final round is extensive. The five of you will fight each other, and your ranks will be determined based on the points. Victory will give you two points, draw will give one point, and losing will result in a deduction of one point."

"The matches have been arranged by us already this time, so let us start without further ado. Please come forward, Xavier and Adrian!"

Amidst the cheers of the audience, both of them arrived at the center of the platform, standing with 20 meters of distance between them.

The countdown appeared, and both contestants became ready to clash.

Xavier with his rapier and Adrian in his Flameheart suit and Flameborn gauntlets from his specialized class.

Their battle began with Xavier unleashing a piercing beam that Adrian dodged before closing in towards Xavier.

"Your beams won't work," Adrian grinned and punched in Xavier's direction right as a projectile of a blazing punch shot at Xavier.