
Re: As an Original Vampire in a Fantasy World

*You will get a cruel MC who was a greedy, unsympathetic officer who became an Original Vampire in a Fantasy world and now plans to build a Kingdom for himself.* In "Re: As an Original Vampire," meet Lucious Valentine, a 38-year-old rogue ex-military officer who's been betrayed by those he once trusted. His life takes a dark turn when he stumbles upon a hidden tomb, a mysterious and ancient secret that sets in motion a series of events that will change his destiny forever. Tragically, Lucious meets his end within the tomb's depths. But death is not the end for Lucious. Instead of finding peace in the afterlife, he awakens in a fantastical world, reborn and youthful at the age of 20. As he comes to terms with his strange second chance at life, Lucious discovers he possesses newfound powers, including the ability to control minds with hypnotic abilities. Even more bizarre, he has a relentless thirst for blood that's impossible to ignore. ____________ Evil MC [yes] Handsome MC [yes] God Complex [yes] Over Powered [yes] Harem [yes] Manipulation [yes] Lots of Slaves [yes] No Yuri ____________ Please give it a read and give your precious reviews with lots of constructive criticism, But please just don't give straight-up hate or I will have to delete it. Enjoy!!!

KuNaLsAmA · 奇幻
18 Chs

Chapter 16: The Gathering Shadows

The human mind is a curious thing. Often when one is given everything they could want or need, they will still fixate on pursuing the one thing denied to them. Such is the nature of desire—it seeks not what we have, but what we lack.

Such is the nature of desire—it seeks not what we have, but what we lack. For example, Lucious possessed immense power and command over the night. Yet he was still bound by his reliance on darkness.

The one limitation that remained was his inability to stand before the sun's light unscathed. It was this final challenge, more than any material wants, that drove Lucious to continue experimenting until he found a way to conquer even that which had been forbidden to his kind.


The early morning sun filtered through the windows of Lucious's chambers, its warm rays pulling him from his slumber.

"Fuuu.... Another day another set of experiments-.... oh!" As consciousness returned, memories of the previous night came flooding back. He recalled discovering the strange slime's resilience against fire, providing a glimmer of hope that had kept him pondering long into the night.

"I..." "I think I should at least give it a try..." *Step-Step*

Lucious stood before the window, gazing out at the rising sun as it chased away the last remnants of night. He took a deep breath, trying to still his racing thoughts.

"It's now..... or never," he said aloud, though there was no one else to hear. "You've come this far - don't back down now from some instinct. Face your fear and conquer it once and for all."

Truth be told, Lucious could have continued on perfectly well even without the ability to walk under the sun's light. As a powerful Vampire, the night would always be his domain.

 But Lucious was many things - powerful, cunning, determined - everything except a coward. The mere thought of the sun instilled in him a primal fear rooted deep in his subconscious as a survival instinct.

It was a fear that festered inside him, one he had come to despise with every fiber of his being.

"Maybe it is a desire like the desire to drink blood..? or maybe it's instilled inside a vampire's gene... the hungry wish and arrogance to conquer the sun...? " Lucious thought out loud.

"Not that it matters. In this life.... I refuse to fear anything.." Lucious abhorred any limitations, but even more so the idea of living in perpetual fear and allowing anything, even the sun itself, to control him so absolutely.

No, he would not simply accept such fear as an immutable part of his existence. And so Lucious was driven, not simply by curiosity or a desire for greater freedom, but by an unrelenting compulsion to overcome this one last thing that had power over him - to conquer his fear of the sun once and for all. Only then could he truly claim total mastery over himself.

Summoning his courage, Lucious summoned the slime with a wave of his hand. As it flowed across his skin, he muttered encouragements to himself.

"You can do this. Trust in what you discovered. The slime protected you from the fire - it will shield you from the sun's touch as well." Lucious said as he was ready to sever his hand like last time.

Steeling his nerves, Lucious pushed open the window with a creak. Golden light spilled into the room, warming his face. He tensed, waiting for the anticipated agony, but none came. Slowly, he extended a hand out into the glow.

"Steady...steady..." he breathed, watching with bated breath. Still, nothing happened. "N-No way..." "Heh, Hehe, Hehe, HaAAhahahaha....."A disbelieving grin broke across his face and then he started laughing like a madman. "By all the gods.... This slimey shit, it's working!"

Emboldened, Lucious leaned further out, letting the sunlight wash over him fully. "Ahahaha! T-This is really happening!" He laughed aloud, the tips of his fangs glinting. "Ha! Take that, you fucking bastard of a sun! Your flames hold no power over me anymore."

Turning his face up to the sky, Lucious enthused, "Just look at me, standing here without a care! I never dreamed I'd feel your warmth upon my skin without pain again. What other limits can I break, I wonder?"

Lucious, in high spirits after his successful experiment with the sun, rushes down the stairs of the house.

Rushing down the stairs two at a time, Lucious spotted Megan dusting in the foyer. "Get ready," he told her, unable to contain his excitement. "We're going to the nearest city."

Megan turned in surprise. "Master?" she asked hesitantly, taking in Lucious's beaming smile. "But...it's daytime. And what of Gea?"

Lucious let out a carefree chuckle. "Gea has already left for school no?"

"Y-Yes.." Megan answered "But the sun-" She wanted to say something but, Lucious cut her sentence in the middle.

"As for the sun, let's just say I've made a fascinating discovery." He held out a hand, letting the golden light of the sun coming from a small hole catch on his unblistered skin.

Megan gasped. "How is this possible?"

"All in good time, my dear slave. For now, know that a whole new world has opened itself to us. We're taking a trip - I think it's high time your daughter Tina and her boyfriend met me properly, don't you?"

Joy mingled with wonder in Megan's heart. Her stoic Master, embracing the daylight? It seemed she was forever learning of his hidden depths. "Yes, Master. I'll ready ourselves at once."

As Megan bustled to prepare, Lucious hummed a merry tune. The future stretched before them, brimming with promise. At long last, he was free to savor all that existed beyond the veil of night. And with any luck, this was only the beginning of greater wonders still to come.





The chamber was dimly lit with flickering candles, casting dancing shadows across the polished table at its center. Around it sat shrouded figures, their identities concealed beneath dark hoods and cloaks.

A hoarse voice spoke first. "The report of this magical fluctuation...can it be trusted?"

"My artifact does not lie," replied another, their voice carrying an airy lilt. "A surge was detected, strong enough to give its location. These woods you name...Travera was it..?"

 Another voice chimed in, "Yes sir, The artifact's readings indicated that the source of the disturbance is located at the coordinates corresponding to 'The Forest of Travera,' in the farthest reaches of the Kingdom of Veridia."

From the head of the table came a smooth, sonorous tone. "If true, this could prove favorable to our plans. We must glean all information we can." The figure nodded slowly. "Send Maggie. Her skills are well-suited for such covert operations."

A figure inclined their head. "It shall be done, Master Authus."

"One wonders what mystery dwells in those woods to cause such a reading," mused another in a breathy whisper. "This could alter the tides of power in the region, for good or ill. We must be vigilant."

Master Authus spread slender fingers upon the table. "For now, we can only speculate. Maggie will discover the truth and report back her findings. Until then, we continue preparations as discussed. Dismissed."

/To be continued.../

Aaah! The Mondays.... sigh

KuNaLsAmAcreators' thoughts