

Hiatus mode on Listening to the professor teaching, welp that's boring stuff. I wish the class would be done now. Looking at the clock one minute and thirty seconds left. And that's class dismissed. Alright time to head ho- Suddenly a ball coming from outside the window hit his head. 'Getting hit by a baseball ball really hurt a lot. Looks like I'm in the clinic. After organizing my memories it appears that I remembered my past memories or what do you call it future memory. It seems like something dangerous was bound to happen in the near future. uploading chapter one per month or more? Author:nogaRXD414

nogaRXD414 · 奇幻
8 Chs


Going back home. Thinking about the call, I guess he still him. Nothing really changed, from the way he talks. Sigh, I guess I'm missing the moment I have with them in those memories.

With a little walk for the lottery, I finally got home, this day really tired me out. School, and the sudden flood of memories. Maybe I should call myself a reincarnator now. Welp that really makes sense. Talking about this really makes me sleepy. Steppy step now I'm on the bed, now only left, is to rest.


"Hey, Sydney wake up! The backups are here now!" Feeling relieved that the reinforcement is here. She cried at him trying to wake him up.

"Damn, why are you so loud? I'm trying to sleep here for your information." Not caring at he's subordinate, he continued to doze.

"It's not like I'm going to die, just let me sleep for a while. I'm pretty tired of getting hit by a ball." Getting irritated from the continuous yell.

"Stop joking around! With the injuries you got from the fight, you think I'm not worried about you." She cried, making a small teardrop from her eyes.

"What ar-are you talking about?" As he nervously stands up, but before that he senses a lot of pain coming from his left leg.

"Arrhgg! What sheet of paper?!" Feeling a bunch of pain from other sides of his body.

"Hey! Don't stand without my help. With your current condition, even a small lion can eat you. I know your strong but for now, please depend on me." Worried about what might happen if she did not warn him.

'What's happening right now? I'm supposed to have a decent sleep." He thought while his heart started beating fast.

'Wait wait wait? Who is she?" Looking up at the girl she was talking to. Seemingly confused at what's going on, she questioned the girl in front of her. "Who are you?"

"What are you talking about?! It's me #%@&*!&. Wait, no no no."

She recalls the book she once read about when a particular part of the body can cause amnesia when hit. This is not the only reason she remembers this, it was that day when the unforgettable event happened to her.


Inside a small village, a lot of houses built on rock and plank. Beside the village was a beautiful long river which many fishes inhabit. In a small cabin, A child was glancing at the shelves looking for something to read.

"Mom, what is thish book about? Is thish a picture book?" She talked, stuttering a bit.

"Oh, my cute daughter are you interested in what inside in this book?" Her mother asked casually.

"No mom, I was jush wondering what thish book about caush it loosh different from the otwhersh." Looking back at the numerous books on the shelves on what book to read.

"Then let me explain it to you. This book was once in your papa's hand. I was always curious about what was the book about. Once we were married I was able to read this book. Well, I was really surprised by what it was. Now this book contains a lot of information about life and death situations. So I trust you if you don't say it to others." Explaining about the book she once read about.

"Yesh mom, you can trust me." She talkback, with a big smile that can be seen on her head.

After she took the book, she then heads off to the forest outside of their village. Walking in the forest she eventually got in the place beside the pond. After looking around, she sat down on one of the big boulders. She brought out the book she borrowed from her mom from a small bag, which can at least fit two books. She then flips the first page in which the title can be seen.

"Umhhhn, The booksh of lifsh?" As her curiosity grows, she flips another page.

"What are thish, nimbrsh tablsh of contesh?" Irritated, she then flips another page.

"Yehey finally i a letter i read. Chaptesh one sciatia animae, what thish?" She continued to read until it was evening. Spending about 3 hours reading beside the pond.

While going back to the village. She thought about going back again to read but she was stopped with the thought her mommy will be angry. She then continued walking back home.

'Mortem, lux what is thash?' She continues to think about the words inside the book. Feeling confused, she thought about asking her mother.' So confushing. Ahh thash it, mom, shoush know the answesh."

After a minute of walking, she notices a vast smoke coming from the village. It was as if the village was burning that it was able to make this vast smoke, which somewhat comes true. Realizing that the village was burning, she runs a fast pace. Reaching the village, she was shocked at what she saw.

Seeing the lifeless bodies of the villagers including her mom.

"No mom! Mr. Bread makersh and m~mr wahh!" She cried and cried and cried. With the bodies in front of her, she thought.

"No, they mush been sleepish." She tried to think of any reason to believe that their alive, but it was all for naught as she knew for herself that they are already lifeless.

Damn im late srry for late chapter.

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