Planet Eden, Adam residence...
Ashianna successfully teleported
themselves back in the room. Blake is
currently checking Edian's condition
and soon, run her blessing to heal the
overly damaged body.
*He's fine and only need
to rest. On when he will
wake up, it depends on
him. Let's just give him
some time and i'm sure
he will wake up soon.
The one who's the most knowledgeable
in medicine has spoken and everyone
was relieved.
*You heard what sister
Blake have said, Edian is
okay so we don't need to
worry anymore. Now that
he's back, I ask all the
sisters present in here to
spread the good news.
I'm sure everyone have
been waiting for this day
to come so let's tell them
as soon as possible.
Khristeine as usual, being a first wife
went to share her thoughts.
*Sister Khristeine is right.
Let's go and tell the news