
Raven: Dark New World

Meet Raven, a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. He was the kind of person forbidden from the world. A monster in his way that everyone who heard about him wanted him dead. Meet Beata, a mantra between a human and a werewolf. She wasn't powerful like the others in the pack and for some reason, everyone treated her like a filth outcast who deserved nothing but death. She's destined to get married to Raven who doesn't even need her. They all have their problems and reasons why they keep on living in a cruel world where no one else loves them. What happens to two lonely souls when they form a bond with each other? Will they be the perfect couple or the worst? That's only the beginning of their journey. They have secrets. They have a superpower. Hi lovely readers, welcome again to my novel

ZoeTinnah · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter 2- Getting myself in trouble

 My wolf quickly stood up and lifted his fur. He licked his tail before he finally started running north. He zipped through the trees. He enjoyed every bit of release he got. His fur flew in the wind's direction as he ran. He slowed after reaching a given distance and again, he let out another howl as if he had sensed our mate. I was never interested in finding my mate nor was I ready to take someone's daughter as my bestowed wife. I wanted to marry someone out of love not because it was my responsibility to be with them. 

I transformed into my human form and watched my surroundings. A space without trees or houses. A space with green glass. This was the first time in five years that I had ever seen something like this. There was no stench of blood. There were no dead people. But there was something strange about the place. 

My excitement came to an end when thoughts started flooding my mind. 'How come nobody is occupying such a nice place?'

'Is it possible that it's one of the forbidden lands I read through the books?' 

I could smell them. I was discovered again and this time around it wasn't Hunters from the human race, It was wolves from the pack. I worked hard to hide myself over the past years. I wasn't gonna let anyone take me to the pack, Never. I never belonged to the pack to begin with. My mom forbade me from mixing myself with normal werewolves. 

I heard a howl in the distance and my head shot up. My face grew from worried to terrified. I saw hundreds of wolves coming from all sides of the forest, surrounding me. Their scent was too strong for what I had been used to. My scent wasn't that strong. Their scents reminded me of my mom. She smelled like them. 

"We have to get out of here," My wolf told me. "I don't think I can." I let out a frustrated growl, watching them getting closer to me. "We can't let them take us to the pack. They are going to end us as soon as they know more about us." My wolf whined. "We can't win against them." I rolled my eyes. "A damn hybrid will never be allowed in the pack. They are going to kill us." My wolf growled. 

I lifted my hands in surrender as my eyes wandered around in hundreds of angry wolves surrounding me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" A black big wolf telepathically shouted at me. His black eyes angrily gazed at me. 

"Nothing," I telepathically replied. 

I was captured from behind. My naked body trembled as the cold hit me. 'I rather encounter Hunters than wolves." I mumbled as I struggled to keep myself put. My demon and my wolf struggled to be in control. This was getting hard for me. The moment I was discovered to be a hybrid, that was my end, that was the end of our bloodline. The world was becoming dark for me. 

Someone launched a powerful kick in my abdomen. Even though I looked strong, I was easily sent flying back a few meters as I weighed nothing, slamming my ass on the hard ground. I wriggled on the ground, crying in misery as I placed a hand over my ass." That hurt, " My wolf whined. 

Overwhelmed with fear and despair, I began to pull myself behind my ass as I watched angry wolves walking after me with bloodshot eyes and fuming faces. It was more than terrifying. That was the first time that I had ever felt my body freezing from just a mere glance from someone. 

One of the wolves transformed into his human form. He was about 6'5 ft. I almost mistook him for Omos, this professional wrestler. His dark color shined brightly under the illuminating moon as he walked closer to me. 

Suddenly, my back collided with something hard. I desperately looked back only my eyes to be entertained by the annoyed faces of wolves. 

"My bad, " I bowed my head slightly, turning my gaze to the one who seemed to be the leader standing tall before my eyes. 

"Don't be afraid," The man squatted down, his one hand caressing through my face. He picked a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear as if he wanted to have a good look at me without any strand of hair covering my already terrified face. 

How could I not be afraid of someone who sent me flying backward with just a single kick in the stomach? Was I supposed to smile at him? 


"Am I supposed to thank your wolf for breaking my ass bones?" I spat angrily at his face. 

Now I see the reason why I was warned to stay as far as I could from the werewolf pack. They were ruthless and cunning creatures. 

He wiped his face with an even more annoying smirk. 

"Not my fault that you trespassed near our pack, motherfucker!" The man roared. 

The man clenched his fists and his gaze burned with anger. 'Was that something to get angry at?' I thought to myself as I sat up straight on the ground and flexed my neck. 


I powerful punch landed on my left jaw and the man grabbed me by my collar before I could even pull myself together. 

"Dare to act Almighty in front of me, huh?" he shook me east and west, north and south as if I weighed less than a kilogram. 

"It wasn't my intention to get near your pack. I only ran this side because I wanted to save my precious life from Human hunters." I screamed. 

I noticed his face turning dark at the mention of Human Hunters. Everybody was scared of them. They discover you, and they will kill you all without leaving a single breathing soul. 

"To the pack, now." he roared angrily, turning away from me. I heaved a deep long sigh, I managed to save my life from danger.

"With him, " he turned back to me. My lips trembled as tears threatened to drop from my eyes. 

I shook my head No as I was being pushed by the wolves behind me. I felt a sting on my neck and everything around me turned dark.