
Complete Takeover (Part I)

[Third-Person POV]

"Commander! It's all gone awry! We've been ambushed by those treacherous vermin from the nation of Chrome! Our lord has been slain, and all the soldiers on the frontlines have capitulated!" With the unexpected onslaught from Chrome, a soldier was dispatched as a messenger to relay the dire news.

"WHAT?!" The news resonated with shockwaves throughout, causing nearby soldiers to cry out in disbelief. The revelation that their homeland had been invaded was nothing short of nightmarish for them.

The majority of the soldiers in the mine had loved ones waiting for them back home. The thought of their hometown being pillaged struck fear deep into their hearts. The grim realities of war meant that their families, especially their wives and lovers, might be subjected to untold horrors, especially when one's side suffered a defeat.