
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · 奇幻
16 Chs

The Vast World Of Panora

Ethan's POV:

With the morning light filtering through my window, I woke up brimming with a new kind of energy. Today was the day I had been waiting for—my long-awaited entry into the library. The thought of making so many new discoveries filled me with excitement. But first, I adhered to my usual routine: a ten-minute meditation session. This practice, though simple, had a profound effect on me, always managing to bring a sense of calm and clarity to my mind.

As I settled into my meditation, focusing on my breath and clearing my thoughts, I kept my mana sense active. Developing this sense had become a goal of mine, aiming to keep it engaged until it became second nature. With each level I achieved, my sensitivity to mana had grown, allowing me to perceive even the subtlest tingles around me.

Even now, in the midst of my meditation, I could feel Lydia approaching through my mana sense. The feeling was not yet a clear image—mana sense provided more of a nebulous awareness than a visual depiction.

I sensed Lydia's presence vividly enough to know she was reaching for the door. Normally, mana sense didn't allow for such detailed visualization, but using the visualization skill, I had started to turn these abstract sensations into something more tangible. The mental image of her hand touching the doorknob flickered into view, a testament to the progress I was making in my visualization skill.

Soon, Lydia arrived, and after finishing my morning routine, we walked to the library together. It was next to the master bedroom and a few rooms from my new quarters. When we reached the library, the scent of old pages and the sight of all the books filled me with excitement. Lydia noticed my enthusiasm and smiled. She asked if I wanted her to read to me or if I preferred to read on my own. Since I was getting better at understanding what I read, I chose to read by myself.

I asked Lydia for some storybooks to start with, but she said they weren't in the library. Instead, she brought them from her room, explaining that she had bought them to help me improve my reading skills. I told her that I wasn't fully proficient in reading the language yet and wanted to practice with these books. I began leveling up my advanced literacy skill. During this time, I focused on three main skills: advanced literacy, which reached level 14 after a month of training; focused meditation, which increased by 5 levels to 26 as I used it to aid my reading; and mana sense and visualization, which went up by 3 and 4 levels respectively.

Now that I was at level 14 in advanced literacy, I could easily read most words. Only a few complex ones still caused trouble, but with practice, even those became clear. I was ready to move forward with all my plans.

During these months, Lydia and Rodrick supported me and visited often to check on my progress. We grew closer. I learned a bit about Rodrick—he was a hybrid fighter skilled in sword and magic. He didn't reveal much about his abilities, teasing that I would find out during our training. Lydia, mainly a runic mage, was also proficient with daggers, which I found fascinating. I asked her about runes and learning them, and she assured me that I could learn everything in due time; for now, I should focus on my tasks.

I began opening up more, sharing about my old world without magic and its technology. They were surprised by this. Rodrick compared technology to dwarves, mentioning different races. I was intrigued—I hadn't heard of races until then. I wanted to ask more, but decided to discover it through books instead.

The day I chose to learn more about the world was a turning point. I picked up a book that explained the basics of Panora and its vast, diverse continents. As I turned the pages, the world seemed to come alive, each detail sparking my imagination and curiosity.

Panora was a world of immense diversity and wonder, divided into seven distinct continents. Each continent had its own unique landscape, culture, and inhabitants, separated by vast oceans, dense forests, magical barriers, and formidable terrains.

The Continents of Panora

First was Aldoria, the continent I resided in:

Positioned slightly to the east of the map's center, Aldoria was a land of fertile plains and bustling cities. Its heart was the capital, Anyharia, a hub of human civilization filled with trade, culture, and knowledge. The expansive agricultural lands stretched far and wide, supporting vibrant communities that flourished under the warm sun.


Directly north of Aldoria, Valoria's landscape was a stark contrast to the plains below. Its towering mountains and deep valleys were home to human societies that had adapted to the harsh, mineral-rich environment. The mountains provided natural fortresses, while the valleys housed bustling towns known for their craftsmanship and mining expertise. Rivers flowing from the mountains enriched the valleys, creating a network of life and trade. Valoria had become renowned for its martial power and formidable warriors.


To the northeast of Aldoria, across the Endless Sea, Aranthia spread out as a continent of stark deserts and ancient ruins. The Whispering Desert formed a natural barrier between Aranthia and Sylvandor, its sands shifting with secrets of forgotten empires. Aranthia's arid landscape was dotted with oases and scattered with ancient ruins, where remnants of past civilizations hinted at a rich and turbulent history.


To the west of Aldoria stretched the Elven Kingdom of Sylvandor. This vast, verdant continent was covered in ancient forests, where elves lived in harmony with the land. Sylvandor was a place of serene beauty, where towering trees and mystical glades created a realm of enchantment. The elves had built their cities high in the trees and deep within the forest, blending seamlessly with nature.


Northwest of Sylvandor and beyond the Peaks of Durog, the land of Thargan lay beneath the earth's surface. Thargan was the home of the dwarves, a subterranean kingdom renowned for its masterful craftsmanship and intricate tunnel networks. The dwarves had created vast underground cities, illuminated by the glow of precious gems and enchanted forges. Thargan's mountains were a fortress of rock and metal, hiding their complex society within.


West of Sylvandor lay Feravora, a land of untamed wilderness. Feravora was a continent of extremes, with dense jungles in the south, icy tundras in the north, and everything in between. It was the home of the beastkin, diverse tribes adapted to every corner of the continent. Feravora's wild landscapes were dotted with ancient ruins and mysterious temples, remnants of long-lost civilizations.


Northwest of Feravora, Aetheryn emerged as a land of perpetual twilight, where the sun rarely pierced through the thick clouds. This was the domain of the vampires, whose gothic spires and shadowy cities cast an eerie silhouette against the darkened sky. Aetheryn's landscapes were filled with misty moors, eerie forests, and ancient castles, creating a world steeped in mystery and arcane power.

Panora's continents were separated by vast expanses of ocean, such as the Endless Sea, and natural barriers like the Whispering Desert. Magical forests like the Veilwood blurred the boundaries between Aldoria and Valoria, adding a mystical charm to the landscape. Hills, forests, deserts, and mountain ranges painted a diverse canvas across the map, each terrain influencing the cultures and societies that flourished there. Rivers and lakes crisscrossed the continents, providing vital sources of water and pathways for trade and communication between the different races and kingdoms.

As I traced my finger over the map, I felt a surge of excitement. Each continent, each region, held its own secrets and wonders, waiting to be explored. This world of Panora was not just a collection of lands, but a vibrant tapestry of cultures, histories, and adventures that would shape my journey ahead.

I was astonished after learning about all the different races. Many of them I had only read about in books or Earth's myths. The idea of seeing these diverse beings one day filled me with fascination, but for now, I had to curb my curiosity. I noticed how vast the continents must be—even the smallest dwarven continent was larger than Earth's biggest. This realization left me in awe.

Intrigued by the scope of Panora, I asked Lydia for a map depicting the world. When she brought it, I was struck by the size of the continents and how they filled only 60-70% of the map. The remaining areas were blank, undefined spaces surrounding the seven known continents. These voids piqued my curiosity, so I asked Lydia about them.

I noticed her mood darkening at the question. She hesitated but told me that while she didn't want to hide anything, I would have to uncover these mysteries slowly. She explained that these blank spaces were known as the Dark Zones. They were uncharted territories, areas not yet ventured into by the inhabitants of this world. Lydia's somber expression suggested that these regions held more than just the unknown; they carried a weight that I would need to understand in time.

For now, I agreed to her caution, knowing that my journey of discovery had only just begun. The Dark Zones remained a tantalizing mystery on the map of Panora, a reminder that even in a world of wonders, the unknown still held its own allure.

I also discovered that the map depicted numerous Monster Zones. These areas caught my attention, prompting me to delve into more books. Through my research, I learned that the world was home to various monster races like goblins and orcs, who had small tribes scattered across different regions. Additionally, there were magical beasts adapted to their unique environments, each thriving in habitats suited to their nature.

I was fascinated to find out that this world even had dragons, although they hadn't been sighted for centuries. These revelations expanded my understanding of Panora, highlighting not just the diverse races but also the complex ecosystems that included both magical creatures and fearsome monsters. My eagerness to delve deeper into the world's mysteries grew, fueling my desire to uncover more about its history, creatures, and magic.