
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · 奇幻
16 Chs

New Skills and Start of Obsession Over Mana.

Ethan experimented with the system, trying to learn new skills. He focused on basic physical skills first: balance, coordination, and strength. Each new skill gained him EXP, slowly pushing him towards his next level.


One day, while concentrating on trying to balance a small toy on his head, a notification popped up:

New Skill Acquired: Balance (Common)

EXP Gained: 500

Ethan grinned. It was working.


Over the next few months, Ethan made significant progress. He became more fluent in the language, learned more about the Kingdom of Aldoria, and improved his physical abilities. His relationships with Lydia and the other servants deepened, giving him a sense of security and support.


As he observed and learned from his surroundings, Ethan realized that acquiring skills was within his grasp. His next main goal became mastering mana. Recognizing the advantage of his childhood, where he could dedicate time to learning without the burdens of adulthood, he saw an opportunity to focus on his magical abilities.


Some might say he was obsessed with mana, and they wouldn't be wrong. Despite coming from a world devoid of magic, Ethan's fascination stemmed from the countless novels, fantasies, and LitRPGs he immersed himself in. The portrayal of mana in these fictional worlds, and the limitless possibilities it offered, fueled his desire to wield it.


Now, possessing mana himself, Ethan felt a surge of determination. The thought of not utilizing this magical energy to its fullest potential seemed absurd. He was driven by the desire to explore and master the intricacies of mana, to unlock its secrets and wield its power like the characters in his beloved stories.

In the peaceful confines of his nursery, Ethan embarked on a quest unlike any other. With a single-minded focus, he dedicated himself to unraveling the enigma of mana. Undeterred by the challenges ahead, he delved deep into the recesses of his mind, seeking the elusive essence that pulsed through the world around him.


In the quiet moments between caretaker visits and infantile babble, Ethan closed his eyes and delved into a realm of meditation. Hours blurred into days as he honed his concentration, overcoming the limitations of his tender age and the distractions of his surroundings.


Progress came in fits and starts. Ethan struggled to silence the cacophony of his thoughts, grappling with the elusive nature of his quarry. Yet, with each passing day, he found himself drawing closer to his goal—a fleeting glimpse of the ethereal energy that coursed through the fabric of existence.


In a moment of transcendence, Ethan felt it—the tingling warmth of mana, a sensation that ignited his senses with wonder and awe. Though fleeting, the encounter left an indelible mark upon his soul, fueling his determination to press onward.


With a triumphant smile, Ethan opened his eyes, newfound skills shimmering in his consciousness like stars in the night sky. He had taken the first step on a journey that promised boundless power and untold potential.


In the tranquil haven of his nursery, Ethan embarked on a quest to decipher the arcane mysteries of mana. With unwavering determination, he devoted himself to this noble pursuit, undeterred by the formidable obstacles that lay ahead.


Closing his eyes in silent contemplation, Ethan delved deep into the recesses of his consciousness, seeking the elusive threads of mana that intertwined with the very essence of existence. Days melded into nights as he honed his focus, his young mind a beacon of unwavering resolve amidst the tumult of infancy.


Initially, progress was slow and arduous. Ethan grappled with the chaotic clamor of his thoughts, struggling to find clarity amidst the cacophony. Yet, with each passing day, he found himself drawing closer to his elusive quarry—a whisper of ethereal energy that teased his senses with its tantalizing presence.


In a moment of revelation, Ethan felt it—the faint pulse of mana, a shimmering current that danced just beyond his grasp. Though fleeting, the encounter filled him with a sense of profound awe and wonder, igniting a fervent determination to delve deeper into its mysteries.


With a triumphant smile, Ethan opened his eyes, newfound skills shimmering like jewels in the depths of his soul. He had taken the first step on a path that promised untold power and boundless potential.




New Skill Acquired: Meditation (Uncommon)

EXP Gained: 1000


New Skill Acquired: Focus (Uncommon)

EXP Gained: 1000


New Skill Acquired: Mana Sense (Rare)

EXP Gained: 5000


Ethan's brow furrowed deeply as he delved into the intricacies of his newly acquired skills, uncovering layers of potential that he hadn't fully grasped before. The ease with which he had gained skills and the sheer volume of EXP seemed almost too good to be true, prompting a surge of skepticism.


Three significant skills at once? His experience as a LitRPG enthusiast made him wary; skill gains were rarely this straightforward in the stories he devoured. As he pondered the cause of this anomaly, his mind circled back to his traits — FOREIGN REINCARNATOR and FATE CHOSEN.


"Skill gains shouldn't be this easy," Ethan thought, tapping his tiny fingers on his equally tiny chin. "Three skills at the same time... that's improbable. What could be causing this?"


A realization dawned on him. He had yet to thoroughly examine the traits bestowed upon him in this new world. Foreign Reincarnator and Fate Chosen were not just fancy titles—they were likely the key to his extraordinary progress. The more he thought about it, the more he felt compelled to check their exact benefits and implications. His traits were clearly more than just labels; they were the bedrock of his newfound abilities and potential.


Ethan willed the system to display the details of his traits, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation. As the information unfurled before him, he was eager to see just how these traits enhanced his abilities, making his initial skepticism fade into a blend of awe and strategic planning.




Description: Reincarnators retain memories from their previous lives, granting them an unfair advantage in this world. This trait signifies a soul reincarnated from a different world many times, sent by alien gods to disrupt the world balance.



+100% skill gains.

+2 stat points each level.

Unlocks unique classes.

Trait: Fate Chosen (Absolute)


Description: One of the most powerful traits that can be granted to anyone, can only be bestowed randomly during the soul selection.



+250% skill gains.

+3 stat points every level.

Removes restrictions over class Selection.

Grants hidden skill: Conceal (Conceal your power from anyone regardless of there level. You may choose what level and skills you want them to see).


As the initial shock began to ebb away, Ethan's rational mind took over, dissecting the benefits of his traits with a keen analytical eye. The trait of "Foreign Reincarnator" offered him substantial advantages, doubling skill gains, providing access to unique classes, and granting a modest increase in all stats each level. These advantages were further amplified by the formidable benefits bestowed by the trait of "Fate Chosen (Absolute)," which boosted skill gains, increased stat bonuses, and even unlocked a hidden skill with potent defensive capabilities.


The cumulative effect of these traits was nothing short of staggering. With a total of 350% skill gains and a significant boost of +5 stat points each level, Ethan found himself in possession of unparalleled potential within this new world of PANORA. Moreover, the removal of class restrictions expanded his horizons, granting him access to paths of progression that would have been otherwise inaccessible.


After absorbing the full extent of the benefits bestowed upon him, Ethan couldn't help but contemplate the potential dangers lurking in the world. With such significant advantages at his disposal, he couldn't anticipate what challenges lay ahead. However, amidst these concerns, he found solace in the concealed skill he possessed. It allowed him to mask his levels and skills from prying eyes, a crucial defense mechanism in a world where others might possess the ability to unveil such information. Ethan feared that if this world operated under a system similar to those he had encountered in the LitRPG novels he had read, many would have the means to scrutinize and exploit his status.


Despite these uncertainties, Ethan's mind churned with plans to further enhance his strength. He understood the importance of being prepared to face whatever obstacles awaited him in the future.

After absorbing the immense benefits of his traits, Ethan's mind turned to the newly acquired skills. He reviewed them with a mix of curiosity and anticipation


Ethan willed the system to show his status and skills to check his gains over the month.




[NAME: Ethan Runeblade ]


[LEVEL: 8]


[EXPERIENCE: 1100/12800


[TRAITS: Foreign Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]


[HEALTH: 70/70]


[MANA: 70/70]


[STAMINA: 40/40]










[MIND: 7]









[Language Comprehension (Basic) - Level 4/5]

[Balance (Common) - Level 2/5]

[Medidation (Uncommon) - Level 2/20]

[Focus (Uncommon) - Level 1/20]

[Mana Sense (Rare) - Level 1/30]



After carefully examining his status and skill progression, Ethan felt a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. At level 8, he had already surpassed his initial expectations, thanks to the accumulation of skill experience.


Analyzing his growth pattern, Ethan deduced the mechanics behind his stat points allocation. With each level, he received 10 points, supplemented by an additional 5 points from his unique traits, resulting in a substantial enhancement of his abilities over time. This meant that from his seven previous levels, Ethan had obtained a total of 120 stat points from leveling up, in addition to the 15 points granted by his traits.


Moreover, Ethan gained valuable insights into the rarity hierarchy of skills. Starting from basic and progressing through common, uncommon, and rare, each tier offered distinct advantages and experience rewards. By reflecting on his own journey, Ethan anticipated the potential challenges and rewards associated with advancing to higher skill rarities in the future.


Considering the 7000 experience points he recently acquired, Ethan speculated on the distribution of experience across different skill rarities. Based on his deductions, he hypothesized that common skills likely provided 500 experience points, while uncommon ones yielded 1000.


Ethan observed a subtle yet notable increase in his endurance and dexterity stats by one point each. Reflecting on his recent activities, he deduced that these improvements were likely a result of his natural efforts to develop physically. His attempts to crawl and his endeavors to maintain balance while trying to stand in his crib evidently contributed to this growth. It dawned on him that in Panora, just as in his former world, physical exertion and practice could lead to tangible enhancements in his abilities.


He also noticed his growth in the Language Comprehension skill, which was steadily approaching level 5. With each passing day, he found himself effortlessly understanding more words and phrases. This progress excited him, sparking curiosity about what awaited him when the skill reached its maximum level.


His grand plan now? To diligently hone these skills, particularly that shiny new Mana Sense. It was his ticket to greatness—or at least, not getting lost on the way to the kitchen. But before he could ascend to wizardry, he had to face the ultimate villain: his Maid. She strutted in, ready to topple his tiny throne with a smirk that said, "Diaper, please." What's an eight-month-old to do against such tyranny? Nothing but embrace the indignity and dream of revenge over spilled apple juice. As his diaper flapped down like a flag of defeat, he couldn't help but wonder: does dignity come with potty training or is it lost forever in the abyss of childhood woes?