
Random Reincarnation[A Litrpg Fantasy Novel]

When a 21-year-old avid reader of LitRPG and fantasy novels suddenly finds himself reincarnated as a baby in the medieval world of Panora, he faces the daunting task of adapting to his new reality. Despite his infant form, his mind retains the wisdom and knowledge of his previous life, creating a unique struggle to reconcile his mature consciousness with his helpless body. As Ethan grows, he becomes acutely aware of the world’s magical system, which shapes the lives of its inhabitants. This system grants individuals distinct traits and abilities, determined by a combination of innate potential and personal growth. Ethan quickly discovers his own remarkable traits, which provide him with extraordinary advantages over his peers. These include a natural affinity for manipulating mana and an intuitive understanding of complex magical skills. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to explore the full extent of his powers, Ethan embarks on a rigorous quest for self-improvement. His journey is characterized by an obsession with honing his skills and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Chapters will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, with at least two chapters published every day. Comments and corrections are welcome and appreciated.

Anunay_Kumar · 奇幻
16 Chs

A New World and Familiar Blue Boxes

As Ethan's eyes fluttered open, he found himself greeted by the sight of a lady dressed in a maid's attire straight out of medieval times. She bustled about the room, diligently cleaning and tidying, her movements graceful and purposeful.


Caught in a moment of silent observation, Ethan watched her with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Suddenly, her gaze met his, and a warm smile graced her features. With a sense of familiarity that Ethan couldn't quite place, she approached his crib, her steps light and sure.


As she drew nearer, Ethan couldn't help but notice the rhythmic cadence of unfamiliar words tumbling from her lips—gibberish that danced on the edges of comprehension, yet remained frustratingly beyond his grasp.


Before Ethan could voice his confusion, the maid reached down and lifted him from the crib with practiced ease. Embarrassment flooded Ethan's senses as he realized his helplessness, his body now that of an infant despite the mind of a 21-year-old. The simple act of having his diapers checked felt like an affront to his dignity, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.


With a resigned sigh, Ethan attempted to protest, to communicate his wishes to the maid. But to his dismay, only childish sounds escaped his lips, leaving him frustrated and powerless.


To his surprise, the maid's smile only widened at his attempts, her eyes sparkling with amusement. With gentle hands, she attended to his needs, her gestures imbued with a tenderness that softened Ethan's frustration, if only momentarily.


As Ethan grappled with the stark reality of his newfound dependence, a sense of resignation settled over him. In this unfamiliar world, he would need to rely on the kindness of others for even the most basic of tasks—a humbling realization that left him feeling vulnerable yet determined.


With each passing moment, Ethan's resolve hardened. Though his body may be that of a child, his spirit remained undaunted. With determination burning bright within him, he braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, ready to navigate this new world with courage and resilience.


As Ethan settled into the rhythm of his new life, a burning curiosity stirred within him—a hunger for knowledge, for understanding of the world that now surrounded him. Yet, he knew that to truly comprehend this unfamiliar realm, he would first need to master its language.


With each passing day, Ethan watched and listened intently, his keen gaze taking in every detail of his surroundings. He observed the maid as she moved about the room, her words flowing effortlessly in the unfamiliar tongue of this world.


Determined to unlock the secrets of this language, Ethan adopted a strategy of relentless curiosity. He pointed eagerly at objects, questioning their names with a childlike enthusiasm that belied the intellect of his true age. He mimicked the sounds of the language, repeating them aloud in an attempt to imprint them upon his memory.


Each interaction became a lesson, a puzzle to be solved, as Ethan pieced together the fragments of this new language one word at a time. He sought out every opportunity to engage with the world around him, eager to absorb its nuances and intricacies.


With each small success, Ethan's confidence grew, his determination unwavering in the face of the daunting task before him. He knew that mastery of this language was the key to unlocking the mysteries of this world—a gateway to understanding its customs, its culture, and its people.


As Ethan embarked on his quest for knowledge, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles. Yet, fueled by an insatiable thirst for understanding, he pressed onward, driven by the promise of discovery that awaited him at journey's end.


With each passing day, Ethan's efforts to learn the language of this new world bore fruit. Through careful observation and relentless curiosity, he began to piece together the puzzle of communication, gradually unraveling the mysteries of the unfamiliar tongue.


Names were among the first words Ethan learned—the simple labels that defined individuals in this world. "Ethan," he repeated to himself, the sound of his own name a comforting anchor amidst the sea of unknown words.


But it wasn't just his own name that Ethan came to understand. Through observation and context clues, he made connections between words and their meanings. The maid, referred to as "Lydia" by the other inhabitants of the house, became a familiar presence in Ethan's life—a constant companion in his quest for knowledge.


Day by day, Ethan's vocabulary expanded, his mind absorbing the language like a sponge. Yet, just as he began to feel a sense of mastery over this new world, a strange sensation washed over him—a tingling at the edges of his consciousness, like a distant echo from a forgotten past.


At first, Ethan dismissed it as nothing more than a fleeting thought, a trick of the mind. But as the sensation persisted, he couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to occur.


Then, like a bolt from the blue, a sudden realization struck Ethan—a memory, faint and elusive, from his past life. It seemed impossible, absurd even, but the more he pondered it, the more convinced he became.


Could it be... a system?


The notion seemed preposterous, the stuff of fiction and fantasy. Yet, Ethan couldn't ignore the nagging suspicion that lingered in the depths of his mind. If it was indeed a system, a mechanism for governing the rules of this world, then perhaps he could confirm its existence through a simple test.


Closing his eyes, Ethan focused his thoughts on the concept of a blue screen—an image he had encountered countless times in the pages of his beloved novels. He envisioned a display of data, a digital interface that would confirm or deny his suspicions.


And then, as if in response to his silent request, it happened—a faint shimmering in the air, a subtle shift in the fabric of reality. When Ethan opened his eyes once more, there it was—a blue screen, hovering before him like a beacon of revelation.


A surge of excitement coursed through Ethan's veins as he stared at the screen in awe. It was real—it was all real. The system he had read about in his novels, the very same mechanism that governed the world around him, now lay before him, tangible and undeniable.


After the initial excitement, Ethan's heart raced as he tried to read the text on the blue screen. The letters kept shifting and changing, an unreadable jumble that only heightened his anticipation. He focused intently, willing the text to become clear.


Finally, the words blinked into legibility, transforming into familiar English. But what he read gripped him with fear:




Ethan's eyes widened as he continued to read:








As the words flashed before him, the blue screen changed to a golden hue. The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, a strange energy filling the air. Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. What did this mean? What was an "origin system"?


The screen pulsed with a soft, golden light, the words glowing with an otherworldly radiance. Ethan felt a mix of fear and curiosity as he watched, unable to tear his eyes away from the unfolding events. The system, the very thing that had given him a glimmer of hope and excitement, now presented a mystery fraught with unknown consequences.


Then, new text appeared on the screen:














Ethan stared at the screen, trying to process the cascade of information. The words "Heretic trait" and "Soul eraser" sent a chill down his spine, but then "ABSOLUTE trait 'Fate Chosen'" seemed to save him, allowing the system to synchronize with him instead of erasing his soul.


He felt a surge of relief and excitement. The system was real, and it had finally initialized for him. Despite the initial fear, he now had a powerful tool at his disposal—one that could help him navigate this new world and uncover its secrets.


Ethan's thoughts raced as he considered the implications. He was not just a random reincarnator; he had a unique trait that set him apart. The system's acknowledgment of his fate as something absolute suggested a grander purpose for his existence here.


With the system now active, Ethan knew he had to learn to use it to his advantage. He took a deep breath, ready to explore the possibilities that lay ahead. The adventure of a lifetime awaited him, and he was determined to seize every opportunity it presented.


After the rollercoaster of emotions Ethan had just experienced, he needed to know more about what the system could offer him. Taking a deep breath, he focused his thoughts, willing the blue boxes to appear. To his amazement, they did, shimmering into existence before his eyes.


He quickly realized that the system was incredibly intuitive. It responded to his thoughts and emotions, appearing without him needing to say a word. This flexibility reassured him; the system was designed to be user-friendly, capable of understanding his needs.


As the blue boxes stabilized, Ethan saw his status displayed before him:


[NAME: Ethan Runeblade]

[LEVEL: 2]


[TRAITS: Reincarnator (Heretic), Fate Chosen (Absolute)]

[HEALTH: 70/70]

[MANA: 70/70]

[STAMINA: 20/20]





[MIND: 7]




[SKILLS: Language Comprehension (Basic) - Level 2/5]

Ethan's eyes widened as he took in the details.The stats and skills seemed straightforward, but the traits intrigued him the most. "Reincarnator (Heretic)" and "Fate Chosen (Absolute)" were not typical attributes in any of the LitRPGs he had read.


His intelligence stat was higher than the others, likely reflecting his ability to retain and comprehend his past life's knowledge. The "Language Comprehension" skill would be invaluable for learning the local tongue, and "Reincarnator (Heretic)" confirmed that his past life's memories were more than just a nostalgic advantage—they were a tangible asset.


Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. This was more than he had ever hoped for. The system not only acknowledged his existence but also provided tools and traits that set him on a unique path. He felt a mix of relief, excitement, and a burning curiosity about what lay ahead.


Feeling a sense of determination, Ethan resolved to make the most of this second chance. He had wasted his previous life, but this time, things would be different. With the system by his side, he would carve out a destiny that matched the grand adventures of the stories he had once loved so much.


He noticed the experience points (EXP) tab and understood that gaining levels would be crucial. For now, he needed 400 EXP to reach level 3. The challenge and potential rewards of leveling up filled him with anticipation.


As Ethan pondered his newfound status and the mysteries of his existence, questions swirled in his mind like leaves caught in a tempest. Foremost among them was the enigma of his parents—a puzzle that he couln't solve. As, in the month since his awakening, he had not seen or heard from them. His memories, once hazy fragments, now sharpened into focus, revealing a void where their presence should have been.


In his eagerness to explore this new world and unlock its secrets, Ethan had neglected to consider the ties that bound him to his past. All he knew was the opulence of the manor in which he resided—an indication of wealth and privilege, yet devoid of familial warmth or familiarity. The absence of modern conveniences, replaced by guards clad in armor and a conspicuous lack of electronic devices, hinted at a medieval setting—an era of knights and kingdoms, far removed from the technological trappings of his former life.


But even as Ethan grappled with these revelations, another question gnawed at his thoughts: how had he attained the status of Level 2 so swiftly? The answer, it seemed, lay in the very essence of his being. As he contemplated this riddle, notifications materialized before him, illuminating the path to enlightenment.


It was through the acquisition of new skills that Ethan had ascended, each step forward earning him Experience Points (EXP) on his journey towards mastery. With the acquisition of a single skill, he had already garnered 100 EXP—a testament to the potential that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.


Ethan lay in his crib, his mind racing with excitement and possibilities. The very life he had dreamed of while reading LitRPG novels was now his reality. He had the chance to gain new skills, level up, and grind for power. But to do this successfully, he needed to be strategic. The first step was to gather knowledge about this world to tread carefully and avoid unnecessary dangers.


Determined to make the most of this second chance, Ethan began to plan for that he needed a step wise Plan and an action to fulfill that plan.


Step 1: Learn the Language

Ethan already had a basic understanding of the language, thanks to his "Language Comprehension" skill. However, he needed to become fluent to navigate social interactions and understand the world around him fully.


Action: Continue observing and interacting with Lydia and others in the manor. Mimic words and sentences, and gradually build his vocabulary and grammar.


Step 2: Understand the World

To make informed decisions, Ethan needed to understand the world's history, geography, politics, and culture.


Action: Listen to conversations, pay attention to stories and gossip, and look for any books or scrolls he could access. As he grew older and more mobile, he could explore the manor more thoroughly.


Step 3: Gain Basic Skills

Before he could engage in any serious grinding or leveling, Ethan needed to develop some basic survival and combat skills.


Action: Observe Lydia and others performing various tasks. Try to mimic simple actions. As he grew stronger, he could practice physical movements and exercises to build his strength and endurance.


Step 4: Form Alliances and Build Relationships

In a world that seemed medieval, alliances and relationships could be crucial for gaining power and protection.


Action: Befriend Lydia and other servants. Gain their trust and learn from them. Over time, build relationships with guards and other residents of the manor


Step 5: Explore the System

Ethan needed to understand the full extent of his system's capabilities. What skills could he learn? What were the conditions for leveling up? How could he maximize his gains?


Action: Experiment with the system. Try to acquire new skills and monitor how his EXP and stats changed. Note any patterns or insights.ImplementationWith his plan in place, Ethan began to implement it, step by step.


Learning the Language

Ethan spent hours each day watching and listening to Lydia. He repeated words and phrases, testing their meanings. His "Language Comprehension" skill made the process faster, and soon he was able to understand basic conversations.


One day, he pointed at a book on a shelf and babbled a request. Lydia, understanding his intent, brought it to him. Though he couldn't read it yet, he examined the letters and symbols, trying to make sense of them.


Understanding the World

Ethan paid close attention to the stories Lydia told and the conversations she had with others. He learned that the manor belonged to a noble family in a kingdom called Aldoria. The kingdom was ruled by a king, with various noble families vying for power and influence.


He also learned about the dangers outside the manor: wild beasts, bandits, and rival factions. This information was crucial for his future plans.


Gaining Basic Skills

Whenever Lydia performed household tasks, Ethan watched closely. He learned how to hold objects, mimic simple actions, and eventually started trying to stand and walk. His physical stats slowly improved as he practiced.


Forming Alliances

Ethan made sure to smile and coo at Lydia and the other servants. His cute baby antics endeared him to them, and they often spent extra time with him, talking and playing. He was building a network of allies, even if they didn't yet understand his true intentions.