
The weight of the Family

As Itsuki Kurogane sat in his study, a troubled look appeared on his face. He knew what was expected of him as the head of the Kurogane family, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was betraying his own son by deciding on a new heir. As he gazed out the window, lost in thought, he suddenly noticed a glimmer of light in the distance. He squinted, trying to make out what it was, and as he focused his eyes, the meaning of the glimmer became clear to him.

"Even if he is the weakest, let him shine," Itsuki whispered to himself as the kanji for the name of his son (ikki,One gleam in kanji) appeared in his mind. He knew that this was the meaning he would give to his name. And he knew at away what he had to do. He'd hoped that his son would flourish in areas other than mage knights.

Itsuki felt a familiar pang in his chest as he was reminded of the strict upbringing he had endured. His father and the elders had drilled into him from a young age the importance of duty and family legacy above all else. He had been denied any semblance of a happy childhood, forced to study and train endlessly to become the perfect heir.

The thought of choosing a woman to bear his child without any emotional attachment made him feel hollow inside. He longed for the kind of love and companionship that he had never experienced in his life. Yet he was well aware that such pleasures were not appropriate for someone in his position.

No, his duty was to ensure the continuation of the Kurogane family's legacy, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.... or his son.

He looked towards the horizon, at the reddening sun. It was a heavy burden to bear, but one that he had been groomed for his entire life.

As he nodded to the elder, signaling his acceptance of the duty, Itsuki couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards his father and the elders who had shaped him into the man he had become. But he knew that he had no choice but to continue their legacy and uphold their traditions, even if it meant denying himself the chance for happiness.

Few hours later: Study of Itsuki

Akeno-sama after arriving, had been explaining the intricacies of the Blazer world to Itsuki, detailing the hierarchy and the importance of strength. Itsuki had been listening carefully, but he was still struggling to see where his son fit into all of this.

He couldn't keep his perplexity at bay any longer. "I'm aware of this, Akeno-sama. So how does this relate to my son?"

"The Kurogane family cannot afford to have a weak link in a society where magic amount is everything," Akeno concluded.

Akeno-sama let out a sigh. "I realize that this is tough for you to hear, Itsuki, but we must be pragmatic. Kurogane Ikki's presence burdens the family. He will never be able to offer as much as the others. We must do what is best for the future of the family."

"Well, Akeno-sama, what do you recommend we do?" Itsuki inquired, his voice solemn.

"Kurogane Ikki should become a phantom of the family, in my opinion. He may remain a member of the family, but he will play no formal function. That is the most suitable answer for all of us "Akeno said calmly and measuredly.

Itsuki clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger. "I refuse to treat my own kid like a phantom. He, like the rest, deserves a chance."

Akeno-sama shook her head. "Itsuki, I understand your emotions, but this is not the time for sentimentality. We must be realistic and make the hard choices for the family's survival."

Itsuki quickly jumped up, his voice quivering with passion. "This is unacceptable to me. Whatever you say, I will find a way to support my kid."

Akeno-sama watched him go away, her face sorrowful. She understood Itsuki's affection for his kid, but love and emotion could be fatal in the world of Blazers. The Kurogane family's existence was dependent on their strength, and Kurogane Ikki simply lacked it.

"As the family head... , you realize the significance of upholding our family's reputation and status in the General public! Kurogane Ikki's flaw would be a burden not just to our family, but also to our allies! It is our responsibility to preserve and thrive the family and its allies, and we cannot do so with Kurogane Ikki or Ouma as the heir. So be a man and accept it!"

Itsuki sat down exhaled and nodded slowly, realizing the significance of Akeno's remarks. He knew she was correct, but hearing it still stung. He couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and sadness as he realized his sons unqualified to lead the family.

"What do you propose we do then, Akeno-sama?" Itsuki asked, his voice resigned.

"We must consider the long-term stability of the family," Akeno said, her voice growing softer. "If we allow Kurogane Ikki to become the heir, he will be unable to uphold the family's reputation and legacy. It's better for him to become a ghost of the family, a mere footnote in our history."

Itsuki felt a pang of sadness at her words, but he knew that Akeno was right. "I understand, Akeno-sama. It's just difficult to accept."

"I know, Itsuki-san. But sometimes, we must make difficult decisions for the good of the family," Akeno replied, her voice gentle. "You can still support Kurogane Ikki in other ways, but as far as the heir is concerned, we must look elsewhere."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "Furthermore, we cannot risk the possibility of Kurogane Ikki becoming a rebel against the family. With his lack of strength, he may become resentful of his position within the family and seek to overthrow it. We cannot take that chance."

Itsuki listened to her words with a sinking sensation in his gut. He knew Akeno was correct, but the notion of his own kid being abandoned was impossible to bear.

"But what about Ouma? Can't he be the heir?" Itsuki asked, his voice desperate for a solution.

Akeno made a shaky motion with her head. "As I already said, Ouma Kurogane is much too strong and talented to be restrained by anybody. He would jeopardize the family's stability. For these reasons, we must search for a more acceptable successor, and sadly, Kurogane Ikki is not that option."

Itsuki nodded slowly, feeling the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that this decision would not be an easy one, but he had to do what was best for the family.

Pov ikki | in the bedroom of kurogane ikki

Ikki lay there, absorbing in his new surroundings, marveling at the wonder of his new body. He'd spent so long without one, and now he was feeling all of these new sensations.

"It's so nice and comfy," he thought as he dug further under the covers. "And I can feel the smoothness of the mattress under my pudgy feet. HAHAHHA.....

It's amazing."

He realized how much he had missed out on during his time as a ghost as he listened to the noises around him. He was fascinated by the rustle of garments and the buzz of the air conditioning.

"I wonder what else I've been missing out on," he thought to himself. "There must be so many other sounds, smells, and sensations that I've never experienced before."

Ikki was eager to discover this new world.

Suddenly several individuals began to converse around his cot.

As he listened, he heard the maids talking amongst themselves in Japanese. They were wearing the traditional costume of a maidservant, and they were discussing him. "Ikki-chan, isn't he the cutest thing?" one of the maids said, her voice filled with affection.

Sora, the maid with white hair and silver eyes, nodded in agreement. "Yes, he is," she said. "He's so tiny and delicate."

Another maid burst out laughing as she said this. "What's the point of having a weak Blazer who's a tenth of a typical mage knight? Itsuki-son sama's from the main family. We have more magic than this inept person."

Ikki felt a pang of sadness in his chest after hearing those words. He had no understanding what they were talking about, but he could feel her scorn, a grey hue that appeared above her head and pointed at him.

Sora, meanwhile, was getting frustrated with her fellow maid's teasing. She knew that Kurogane Ikki was special, even if he didn't have the same strength as the other members of the Kurogane family. But the other maid seemed to find it funny that a son of the main family was born with only a tenth of the average Blazer strength.

Sora glared at her friend, irritated by her statements. "Just because Kurogane Ikki lacks the same magical ability as the others doesn't imply he's worthless," she said emphatically. "He has flaws, but he also has a good heart and a strong determination. They are as crucial traits as magical strength."

The other maid raised an eyebrow in doubt. "And how would you know he had a strong will? He's still a baby "She pushed back.

Sora took a deep breath, her eyes shining with determination. "I can feel it," she said, her voice unwavering. "There's something special about Kurogane Ikki, something that sets him apart from the others. I can sense his spirit, and I know that he has the potential to be great."

The other maid looked at Sora skeptically, but didn't say anything further. Sora's unwavering belief in Kurogane Ikki's potential was admirable, even if it was a little unrealistic in the eyes of others.

The other maid laughed. "Sora-chan, you're being naïve. Admit it, he's a hopeless case. We should just concentrate on the older sibling " She remarked this while crossing her arms.

Sora bristled at the dismissive attitude of her companion. "I refuse to give up on him. Kurogane Ikki is special, and we should do everything we can to protect him," she said, her voice firm.

The other maid rolled her eyes again. "Fine, believe what you want. But don't come crying to me when he turns out to be a disappointment," she said, before walking away.

Sora-chan scowled at her leaving companion. "Demo, sore ga subete dewa nai desu. Anata wa kurogane ikki-san no tokui desu ka?" ("But that's not everything. Are you good at everything, Chika?") she thrown her receding back.

"He may be weak now," Sora reasoned, "but with our assistance, he'll become the greatest blazer of them all."

"Sora-chan, anata wa ii hito desu ne?" ("Sora-chan, you're such a good person, aren't you?") said Chizu-san, another maid.

Sora-chan giggled. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Chizu-san." ("Thank you, Chizu-san.")

Ikki couldn't understand what the maids were saying, but he could tell they were upset. He felt warmth flowing from Sora as she protected him, and he grinned, thrilled for no apparent reason.

"Sora-chan, ichiban kawaikunai?" ("Sora-chan, isn't he the cutest thing?"), one of the maids said, her voice filled with cooing tone.

Sora giggled. "Hai, kawaii desu ne," she replied, her voice soft and gentle.

Ikki closed his eyes and concentrated his thoughts, using the Danuvatari's memory palace method. He pictured himself in a vast space, surrounded by darkness and stars.

While he listened to the maids speak, he carefully recorded each word in his memory palace, giving it probable meanings and visuals to help him remember it.

Ikki had a renewed sense of purpose as he worked on his memory palace. He wanted to explore every part of this new planet and enjoy all of its beauties, so learning the language was just the beginning. The many habits, traditions, and civilizations that surrounding him captivated him. He could perceive the depth and intricacy of this environment even as a child.

Ikki started to pay more attention to the details of his surroundings. He listened to the sounds of the outside, trying to identify different types of noises. He even started to notice the subtle changes in the lighting and temperature throughout the day.

Despite his limited physical abilities, Ikki felt a sense of freedom and excitement. He was no longer confined to the monotony of his loneself, and relished at the opportunity to explore this new world.

As he drifted off to sleep, Ikki smiled to himself, excited for what the future held.

Pov Sora walking throught the hallway

"I can't believe I get to serve him," Sora-chan reflected. "In person, he's even cuter than in the anime!"

"I still can't believe it... I'm here!" Sora muttered to herself, her cheeks heated with delight.

She looked around the room and saw Ikki sleeping soundly in his bed. A grin spread across her face as she watched him, and her heart swelled with admiration. (Flashback)

Sora's eyes fluttered open as she groggily tried to make sense of her surroundings. She had a vague memory of falling asleep in her own bed, but now she found herself lying in a strange room. As she tried to sit up, she felt disoriented and dizzy.

Sora's head spun with confusion as she tried to piece together what was happening.. The room she was in was ornately decorated, with traditional Japanese-style furniture, and she realized that she was lying on a futon.

When she struggled to get up, she realized she was dressed in a maid's uniform, which was odd since she had never worked as a maid before. The door to the room swung open unexpectedly, and a young lady with long black hair entered.

"Well, good morning!" said the maid with a happy grin. "How are you feeling? You slept for a long time."

Sora shook her head, trying to clear the fog in her mind. "What...where am I?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The maid looked at her curiously. "Why, you're in the Kurogane family's household. Did you hit your head or something?"

Sora's heart leapt in her chest. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The Kurogane family? !"

Sora's heart raced with excitement as she woke up in the world of Blazers. She sat up in bed, feeling disoriented as she tried to remember how she got there. Suddenly, a maid burst into the room, talking excitedly about the birth of the Kurogane family's newest member Ouma Kurogane.

Sora's thoughts raced as she sought to put together what was going on. She inquired about the family's second son, Ikki Kurogane, but the maid seemed perplexed. "Who?" she inquired.

Sora's heart sank. She had been transported to the world of Blazers, but it seemed like she had arrived too early. Ikki hadn't even been born yet.

The young woman seemed to sense Sora's confusion and said, "Don't worry, Sora-san. You'll be serving Lady Kurogane. It will be a pieace of cake she is very lenient with us."

Sora nodded, still feeling a bit deflated. She couldn't believe that she had been transported to the world of Blazers but had arrived too early to meet Ikki. But she was determined to make the most of her time here and prepare herself for when the hero she admired so much would finally arrive.

(End of Flashback)

Sora knew that the road ahead for Ikki would be difficult. She had read about his struggles in the manga and watched them play out in the anime. But now that she was in this world, she felt even more invested in his journey.

"I need to be patient," Sora reminded herself, "I can't rush his development as a Blazer. But I can support him every step of the way."

As Sora went about her tasks, she couldn't help but keep an eye on the other members of the Kurogane household. She observed their interactions with each other, trying to gain insight into Ikki's family dynamics.

Sora couldn't help but shake her head as she listened to the other members of the household talk about the importance of magic power and physical strength.

"How laughable," Sora thought to herself, "They don't realize that Ikki, this small boy they ignore, will one day stand on top of the world. He has a power within him that can't be measured by mere magic power or physical strength."

"They may not understand him now," Sora thought, "but one day they will see the true hero that Ikki is. And I will be there every step of the way to support him."

Sora's thoughts raced as she considered all the ways she could help Ikki. She knew that she was deeply connected to him.

"Ikki is my idol he helped me overcome....."

With a tiny grin, she thought. "I'll do everything for him, even sacrifice everything else." Her heart skipped a beat at the prospect of being at his side and supporting him through it all.

She shook her head, attempting to clear her mind. "All I want to do is help Ikki become the hero he was born to be," she comforted herself. "I'll be there for him and shield him from any danger that comes his way."