
A human dies

As the human took their last breath, they felt their spirit being ripped away from their physical body. Suddenly, they found themselves floating in a vast, dark void with no sign of life. At first, they didn't know what was happening, but as they floated aimlessly, it became clear that they were dead.

As the human floated through the void, their mind began to play tricks on them. They started to see visions of people they knew, but they knew they were just illusions, nothing more than figments of their imagination.

"Is this what death is? Just an endless void of nothingness? Is this all there is to the afterlife?" the human whispered to themselves, their voice echoing into the emptiness around them. But there was no response, no sign of life, and the human was left to float aimlessly through the void.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The human tried to think of ways to escape this void, but there was nothing they could do. They were completely alone with no one to turn to.

"Why won't anyone answer me? Is this punishment for something I've done? Is there no one who can help me?" the human shouted into the darkness, hoping for a response, but there was none.

As the loneliness and isolation grew stronger, the human's mind began to play tricks on them again. They started to hear voices, but they knew they were just an ilusion. The once rational human was slowly descending into madness.

"I can't take this anymore. I need to find a way out of here," the human said, their voice trembling with fear and desperation. But as they tried to move their arms and legs, they realized they didn't have a body anymore. They were trapped, and there was no way out.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but for the human, it felt like an eternity. They were trapped in this void, alone with their thoughts, slowly losing their grip on reality.

"Is this all there is to death? Just an endless void of darkness and emptiness? No one to turn to, no one to help me?" the human whispered to themselves, their voice barely audible. They knew they were fading away, and no one was there to save them.

As the soul floated through the void, the white surface rippled and changed color, gradually shifting to a deep, ominous red. Suddenly, a different voice, almost unrecognizable from the previous one, erupted from the soul. It was a mad, cackling laughter mixed with screams of frustration and anger that echoed through the emptiness of the void.

"Why?! Why have I been forsaken like this? Trapped in this endless void for thousands of years with nothing but my own thoughts and madness to keep me company? This is madness, madness I tell you! Is this my punishment? My torment? Why must I suffer so?"

The soul continued to rant and rave, lost in a maelstrom of emotions and despair. The red hue of the soul slowly began to fade, replaced by a warm golden light that seemed to seep from the very essence of the soul itself. But the madness remained, festering and growing as the soul spiraled deeper into its own delusions.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years as the soul continued to scream and shout, lost in its own mind. It was a never-ending cycle of despair and madness, with no escape in sight.

The madness began to recede, the ominous red glow fading from the surface of the soul. It was as if the soul had grown bored of its own madness, and slowly but surely, a pure, bright light burst forth from within. A calm, steady voice replaced the previous manic rantings.

"I cannot continue like this. It is a waste of time and energy to be lost in madness forever. I must find a way out of this void, I must find a purpose."

The soul began to move, trying to do anything it could. It laughed, it thought, it remembered all its memories, it counted and calculated, and it did anything it could to pass the time. Slowly but surely, this resulted in a change in the soul itself. It began to glow with a faint red-gold, a sign of its newfound determination and hope.

With a burst of excitement, the soul realized that it could travel through the void, and began to explore its surroundings. It searched high and low, looking for any sign of a way out of the void, and slowly but surely, it began to feel like it was getting closer to its goal.

As time passed, the soul grew stronger and more determined, its newfound purpose driving it forward. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, the soul stumbled upon a door, shimmering with a bright light. With a sense of excitement and trepidation, the soul rushed towards the door, ready to step through into whatever lay beyond.

As the soul approached the door, it hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was truly the way out of the void, or just another trick of its own mind. But the pull of the light was too strong, and with a deep breath, the soul crossed the threshold.