

"Goodness, being the strongest is not as I expected at all. Everything and everyone are too weak and terrified. "My students are scared of me as well?" "Even powerful magic beasts die before I touch them!" "Hmm? Oh, he has the protagonist star but he is too hidden and might not shine. Hehehe, I'll groom this one and make him into the strongest too" Realizing that being the strongest comes with not only power and authority but extremely loneliness and unbearable boredom, vee fakes his death and travel to a far away land to live as a commoner. But just a few years after his retirement, his planet was invaded by a strong force that seek to conquer their home. But vee decides not to act this time and rather watch from the sideline while secretly helping someone else to become the main character in the darkest moment of their planet.

Vee_High · 奇幻
64 Chs

Illusionary world

Vee lunged forward with a considerable amount of speed which the red-haired woman shouldn't suspect, the ground behind him continued to collapse as he moved forward.

'Is this all that the speed test holds?' Vee wondered to himself as he looked back while running, the ground seemed to be disappearing into a bottomless hole and he was just a foot away from falling into the pit as well.

While this might have been startling for others, Vee was already getting very bored of it since all he had to do was to keep moving forward to escape the collapsing space; any Nebula rank mage would be able to pass this test easily.

Despite that, he did not increase his speed as that would help him finish the test faster, and continued to run at his original pace.


A sound suddenly came from Vee's side, Vee looked through the corner of his eyes and saw a projectile shooting toward him at a slow speed; well it was slow to him considering that it was at the level of a Nebula mage.

Vee casually twisted his body while maintaining his original speed and easily dodged the projectile, the sudden event did not slow him down in the slightest as he continued to dash forward; he would have fallen along with the collapsing ground had he slowed down just now.

'Ah, it's finally getting interesting' Vee thought to himself, he had just finished saying those words inwardly when more projectiles came flying towards him. Some came from the side, some came from ahead of him, and some came from behind. Vee had to dodge all of them without slowing down, which he did without much effort.

Turned out that the test didn't stop at just shooting projectiles at him, the ground in front of him would occasionally collapse without warning. Even after this, Vee was still able to keep moving forward with a calm expression on his face. Others would have fallen into the traps already but Vee was able to dodge all of the projectiles and avoid the occasional collapses in front while maintaining his original speed, this was just too easy for him even though he had reduced his strength.

Outside the testing space, the red-haired woman stared at the scene in front of her with shock and disbelief written all over her face.

"Even the Young Miss had not performed like this back then" the woman muttered absentmindedly as she watched Crimson(Vee) move inside the testing space like he was on a playground, nothing was able to slow him down no matter how suddenly they appeared.

Vee passed the speed test as well without any issues and came out of the testing space, he saw the red-haired woman writing down something on the file she was holding so he just watched quietly.

The woman raised her head after she was done writing and stared at Vee with a strange look in her eyes.

"Your performance keeps surprising me, you even beat the record for passing the test set by the Young Miss" the woman voiced out and Vee only smiled in response.

They moved to the last test which was the reality capsule.

The woman did not give Vee any explanation about the reality capsule and only said that he would see what it does later, Vee did not question her and obediently entered the capsule.

The red-haired woman pressed a few buttons on the side of the capsule before the lid closed, Vee suddenly felt drowsiness creeping into his consciousness. Of course, he could easily fight it off but knew that would prevent the capsule from doing its job and the red-haired woman might suspect him too.

Allowing the drowsy feeling into his consciousness, Vee soon fell asleep inside the capsule.

The red-haired woman nodded after seeing Vee's peaceful face and making sure that everything was alright with the setting of the capsule, she moved back and began to stare at the holographic screen that had appeared above the capsule.

What was different about the reality test was that they would not be able to see what was going on inside the test and would only be able to see the scores of the testers.

A few seconds had only passed after Vee entered the reality test when some words suddenly appeared on the holographic screen.

<Common 5 beast —>

The woman stared at the screen with a surprised face.

So fast?!

She had yet to calm down her shock when the screen changed and new words appeared on it.

<Common 5 beast —>

<Mutated 1 beast —>

"...." The red-haired woman was rendered speechless as she stared at the screen. Vee had entered the reality test for only less than a minute but had already killed seven magic beasts! Another monster.

A few seconds ago.

Vee felt his consciousness returning just after he fell asleep inside the capsule, he slowly opened his eyes and was stunned by what he saw. He was no longer inside the capsule or the testing room, he even doubted that he was currently still in the capital of the southern continent.

"Ah, this must be the illusionary world in the capsule. I was thinking too much" Vee mumbled to himself after carefully observing the place.

After all, he did not notice any teleportation formation on the capsule when he entered.

After waking up, Vee realized that he was inside a forest that he could not recognize.

Huge trees and tall grasses scattered throughout the lands, sounds of waterfalls and beasts echoed in the air and a blazing sun hung high in the air.

Vee had yet to finish admiring the illusional world of the capsule when he suddenly heard growling sounds from behind him, he turned around and saw seven wolf-like beasts with abnormal sizes.

They were just a couple of meters away from him and were all currently bearing their long fangs at him, clearly intending to attack him.

Vee realized that these beasts were all magic beasts with six being at the common beast rank while the last one which happened to be the smallest was at the mutated beast rank.