
The Dolls (2)

"Our next job is.... to take his majesty's life, King Henry Sheraton Wildenhall, at the end of the Whitmoon Festival, after Prince Francis' birthday party." 


After Ivaylo said those words, the entire room fell into complete silence. You could have heard a pin drop, and it was clear that no one in the room knew what to make of what had just been said. Some of them looked confused, as if they had heard wrong or if Ivaylo was merely joking. What he had just said was either too shocking for them to comprehend.

Everyone didn't move and kept silent until...


Until someone rang the house bell.

"Nishizaka! Aren't you making this house invisible from the outside?!" shouted Norman. He knew that his voice wouldn't be heard by anyone outside because of Nishizaka's ability.

From the beginning, they didn't sense anything from outside the house because of Nishizaka's ability to lock everything inside the house.