
Shiled her from the reality

After the Special Class of Enchanter Faculty: Advanced Amnis Learning

Unlike the Faculty of Fighters, enchanters did not have a branch of majors. From the beginning, enchanters selected their areas of study. Later, the development of amnis specific to each enchanter would be honed once they advanced to the next class. As a result, more or less, all enchanter students found themselves in the same special class.

As soon as the class concluded, Felicia could finally divert her focus from the lesson. It was then that she realized Jane was behaving differently—or perhaps she had always acted that way, and Felicia was only just now noticing it.

"It seems like Lady Jane has returned to her old self when Allen is not around," Felicia thought.

Jane was seated right next to Felicia, the proximity strikingly close. In contrast to when Allen was present, she would usually keep a considerable distance.