
Secret from Husband

The room was engulfed in darkness, except for a faint light that illuminated the source of dampness and coldness. Drops of water fell continuously, creating a pool at the center of the room. The silence was deafening, and the tension was palpable.

There stood a man dressed as a royal warrior with a Barkaley insignia. He was watching the water falling in the pond and had probably counted it a thousand times, as if he was waiting for someone.

The sound of clomping feet could be heard, making the man let out a long sigh, "You've finally arrived."

A person in a red robe with a hoodie appeared from the darkness. The robe had the insignia of a multi-antlered animal. The antlers were like a deer, but the shape was closer to a lizard or a dragon devoured by a snake.

"Wyncall, have you finished all your business here?"