
The Metal Gear Fight and the Chase for the Prime Minister

Recap from the last chapter: I grabbed my iPod again and hit the hit the play button and the song, "Rules of Nature" comes on. Dad and everyone hears the song come on and dad just shakes his head. The metal gear in front of us starts to roar, almost signaling the start of the battle.

Back to the story:

Callista's POV:

"What?! They have a Metal Gear? Here?! Raiden, Callista?! Take out that UMG and get after him!" Boris says to us.

Dad goes at the metal gear, while I stay where I am at, trying to figure out weaknesses it could have. There is a few time where I would have to dodge some missiles or raining bullets. But he would cut the missiles in half before they could explode. My music automatically turns down when Boris yells out, "son of a... They swapped out the hydraulic cutter for a plasma cannon!"

The music turns back up, while I finally figure out the weaknesses on this thing. I yell out to my old man saying, "Raiden, the weaknesses are on its feet and face. I will get one side, if you get the other."

He nods his head and starts to attack on the ankle of his side. I then get into my shooting position, changing my bullets to armor piercing bullets and shoot at the other leg. But we still have to dodge raining bullets and missiles that are coming at us.

He is able to rid the armor on his and told me to start shooting at this instead of the one I am already shooting at. My answer for him to understand is me changing my target and shooting at the newly exposed leg.

About fifteen minutes later, he then is able to get rid of the other leg's armor. I then shoot at the machine gun part on my given target from dad and it explodes. He did the same on the other leg. I then decide to start shooting at the machine gun on the right shoulder.

About twenty minutes later we are able to get the metal gear weak enough to make a last minute decision to swing its right arm at me, thinking I am weaker one than dad. But he ninja runs to me in time to block the attack.

He is able to push the blade away, but a few seconds later it swings again but it sideways swipe at us. He grabs the blade, making it look like he is hugging it, and electric streaks come out of his body while he throws the metal gear up into the air.

He follows after it by high jumping, grab his sword and start cutting the blade while running across it. 'I can't do anything without feeling like I am getting in his way.' I think to myself while he jumps about two feet in the air once close to the shoulder and cleanly cut the blade away from the body. Along with the earlier cut falling to ground too.

As the pieces are falling he lands on the ground too. I run to him and stood by his side. He moves his sword to the bend of his elbow to clean off his blade and then places it back into its magnetic sheath.

He then looks at me, looking up and down for any injuries on me, and asks, "You okay. Got hit anywhere, Lavender-eyed?"

"I am fine, Raiden. I made sure I was staying away from the areas that were being constantly being shot at by missiles, bullets, and plasma cannons too." I say with a little annoyance in my voice but with a smirk on my face.

He nods as okay, but gives a little stern look to me for my attitude. My music turns down again, "he is on the other side of that collapsed building! Go!" Boris says through our ear pieces.

I then grab my iPod from my pocket and turn my music down low for the battle is done. I put it back into my pocket and look up at dad. We nod together and start running to catch up to the kidnapper who is holding the Prime Minister hostage. We go through the split building, up some makeshift stairs and to the opening on the other side. We see him by a drop to a sewage area. We follow after him dodging big cement blocks, going in between cement floor and pipe, destroy cement and diving under metal doors.

Once we pass all the destruction, we see the kidnapper jump over another area we would have to go through. Dad grabs his sword, cuts through some metal gates in order for us to get through and continue to follow after the kidnapper.

We had to jump up some metal makeshift stairs and run up two sets of stairs, leading us to a roof. But once we get onto the roof. Missiles are raining down, in the area in front of the building we are on, to prevent us from further pursuing the kidnapper. We both look to the direction from where the missiles coming from. I see the metal gear we just beat come back, lands in front of us and it looks ready for round two.

"That dam UG! It still works?!" Boris says with surprise in his voice.

This time the only weakness is its head. I start to shoot at the main eye of the metal gear to try and keep its focus on me than on dad. But when he makes the first swipe at it, it took its eyes off me and onto him. The metal gear sometimes likes to try and crush us with its head, but it would get it stuck in the ground.

About thirty or more swipes to the bottom jaw, he is able to get the armor off it and completely destroy the other machine gun on its left shoulder.

The metal gear jumps back and shoots out missiles from the back of its neck. I shoot at the missiles, from a far distance, before dad could get to them. Then the metal gear jumps back to us. It gets its head stuck on the side of the building beside us it took him about two hits before it jerks its head back and into the air.

"Finish this B#?$!%& off!" Boris tells us.

The metal gear starts to rapidly shoot missiles from its left arm. Dad ninja jumps on the missiles to the metal gear. Once he reaches it he cleanly cuts the arm off the other shoulder.

After the final missile explodes I run to the edge of the building and jump. While in midair I hit the buttons on my heels and as I land on the ground, I feel a weird yet a little painful sensation on my new metal limb. But I just ignore it and skate quickly to him.

Once I get to him, the metal gear wasn't finish yet. For the metal gear grabs the both of us, but dad stabs his blade into its lower jaw. In which causes the metal gear to fling us to a building, which so happens to be a clock tower. We're both slam into the building but no big damage is done to us. I cough from the dust from the clock tower. But we just shake off the feeling and run, but more like skating for me, at it down the clock tower.

Once we get to the head of the metal gear. I am already skating down it's body. He stabs it deep, and follow after me, cutting the gear in half. I use the tail as a ramp and when I am flying into the air, I did a few back free-style flips and then land on my wheels. (A/N: Reference to Cloud from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, when he defeated the behemoth and was landing on the metal pillar. Also just look at 3:28 on the video. The move Cloud does is what Callista does.)

About a fourth way down the tail, dad jumps off it and lands close to me. He sheaths his blade and the metal gear splits onto either side of us behind us. We both look on our radar and see our kidnapper has gotten further ahead of us. I am skating fast with dad right behind me.

While we are doing this, the kidnapper is running somewhere in town, but is forced to stop because a tank comes in front of him. He looks to his left, then to his right, all he sees is two soldiers on either side of him. He faces the four soldiers with his back to the tank. He smiles at them and looks to his left to see a train going by. He jumps backwards over the tank and onto the train.

"The h$#l!" A soldier says.

Raiden's POV:

When we get to the last location our kidnapper is at, we see a few soldiers and a tank.

"Dam it!" I say to myself.

While getting in between the soldiers, Callista is able to get in front of me, but she has to slow down when she is turning the corner. When I get to the corner, I slam my hand down and skid my feet to the side to do a full turn. We continue running/skating; I look up to my right to see the exact train we need to get on. I look left and see a perfect jumping spot on a building to get to the train. I feel Callista see me looking on the building and jumps onto my back, like she knew what I am about to do next.

After she jumps onto my back, I clip my arms to keep her up. I jump on the side of the building and run across it. When we get close enough I jump off the building and land on the last train car. Callista gets off my back, she hits her heels together to re-track her wheels before her feet hit the floor.

We both get up and hear Boris tell us, "He is heading for the front of the train! After him!"

"Callista, Raiden, an unidentified tiltrotor is headed your way. Keep an eye out for it." Boris warns us.

We jump from train car to train car, dodging objects along the way. About four train cars later, we see our kidnapper, the prime minister and the samurai cyborg from earlier. But there is a girl there too standing close to the samurai.

We stop running and we both say, "Prime Minister"

The samurai cyborg, who is sitting on a crate, has his right ankle over his left leg and looks away from us. The girl looks away from the both of us like the cyborg. The kidnapper has his back to us. Also the Prime Minister has both of his arms chain above him.

A few seconds later, the kidnapper looks behind him at us and smiles.

"Huh... Too little, too late, heroes. I won't be needing my little shield here any longer." He says to us.

He quickly put the flat side of his blade to the Prime Minister's neck and lifts his head up. He then quickly shifts the blade to the cutting edge, "Stop!" I yell putting my arm up.

Callista is still behind me, she puts her hand on my bicep like she would do when Rose and I first brought her home, but with her sitting on my hip and her small hand on my bicep.

He cuts about a half of an inch deep of flesh under the Prime Minister's chin, using all of his blade to cut him. He made him grunt out and gurgle on either his saliva or his blood.

Then grabs his neck, "what about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose..." He says while further lifting him up.

The cyborg who is closer to us just yawns like he is bored. Same with the girl.

"Raiden,...Callista...Forget me. Stop him." The Prime Minister chokes out to us.

I give a surprised look but my hair covers my eyes, so the enemy couldn't see this. The kidnapper releases his hold on the Prime Minister, grabs the back of his head and tells him, "You ain't listenin'..."

He cuts the chains off of his wrists and he falls forward, landing on his chest. The kidnapper looks down at him and walks around him. The Prime Minister holds onto his neck trying to stop the bleeding and tries to reach out for the both of us.

We try to run to help him, but the cyborg and girl in front of us swings their blades to stop us from getting closer to him. I block the cyborg's with Callista blocking the girl's blade with her rifle. He pushes his sword forward causing me to stumble back. The same thing happened to Callista too.

He tries to swing again but I back flip into a crouched position. Callista bends backwards from the swipe from the girl. He swings his blade down to his side, while I get into a fighting position. Callista quickly moves back to my side and get into her firing position again.

Callista's POV:

"Mind if I cut in?" The samurai asks.

The girl laughs sadistically at the joke said by the samurai. I look behind both the samurai's shoulder and the girls to the kidnapper with the Prime Minister. He is holding him by the back of his head again, the Prime Minister is still holding his neck to try stop the bleeding.

"All we're saying is... give war a chance!" He starts calmly saying then increases the volume in his voice.

He stabs the Prime Minister through the back and out the front. Blood gets a little on our faces, but we do not care it is on us.

"No!" Dad and I say.

He is in complete shock which shows on his face; me, I had a murderous look on my face, the one I would give to my enemies who anger me past my normal limit.

The Prime Minister's killer then moves the Prime Minister's corpse body, that is still on the sword, to the right side of the train and pulls his blade out of his body. Causing him to lean forward, fall off the train and tumble to a stop on the ground. We look behind us at the overboard body and then back to the enemy.

The killer then jumps onto the crate behind him and dad has his murderous look in his eyes. My look got even darker, I never thought I could do. Then a tiltrotor flies right above him, the same one Boris warn us about.

The samurai wipes the blood off of his body with an annoy look and sigh then looks back at his comrade. The girl has a murderous look since some blood got onto her clothes.

The tiltrotor opened a door and a metal cable, with a handle on the end of it, comes down and the killer laughs. The samurai then moves in front of us with the girl behind him. Dad runs at him with the intent to kill and telling him, "Out of our way!"

Instead of answering him, he swings at dad. The girl just backs up and looks at me with a sadistic look. I look at her with my murderous look. Dad blocks the attack but it pushes him out of the way. Causing him to slide back a little. Then the killer is able to get his foot on to the handle and his hand on to the metal cable. Telling the samurai, "Their all yours, Sam, Sakura." While being flown away.

'So his name is Sam and her name is Sakura.' I thought to myself, while Sam gets himself into a fighting position.

"Let's go." He tells us but when he looks at me, I can see my new deadly stare is making him have a shiver go down his back.

I smirk knowing my deadly stare is scaring him. Dad doesn't see it and I am grateful for I don't want him being scared of it. I grab my iPod, change the song to a new one and increase the volume but not too loud to not be able to hear the other speak. The song is called, "A Soul Can't Be Cut."

I then put my iPod back into my pocket to get ready for the battle. Dad goes at him swinging first. I get down to my knees, look through my scope to get the perfect shot to hit Sakura. But when I am able to get that shot and fire, Sakura dodges it while moving around Dad and Sam to try getting close to me.

"Hahaha... That all you've both got? Self-taught or taught... and not half-bad. Still..." Sam starts with Sakura finishes with them to meet at the end.

Dad tries to front flip over Sam, but Sam hit him further away. He is able to stop himself by cutting the ceiling. I try to go after the both of them. But Sakura swung a side-swipe with her katana at me. I back flip to get away from the side-swipe. However, I am able to see over her shoulder at what dad is doing. Sam hits dad off the ceiling causing him to land on the car and roll.

While he lands in a crouch position. I try to fire at Sakura, but when I pull the trigger, I hear a click sound. I check my pockets for more ammo and notice I am all out of ammo all together.

It is then I remember Uncle Kevin telling dad they did some upgrades to my baby, while I'm sleeping in the car on our way home. One of them is the fact they add a hidden sword underneath the barrel of my rifle. I hit the hidden button on my rifle, causing the hidden blade to come out.

I hit my heels together to make my wheels come out again. I skate my way to Sakura and try to hit her, but she blocks my attack. She moves her blade forward against mine, causing me to push back. I skid back a little but I am able to get my baring back.

While I am attacking her some more, I am able to move her behind me and my back is to dad. She and Sam looks at the both of us and continues with what he was, with Sakura copying him, saying, "both your techniques are missing something..."

She attacks me but Sam is coming at dad at the same time. I see him in my peripheral vision. I try to move out of the way but Sakura scratches me, not deeply at all, on close to the end of my right eye brow all the way to my chin. Sam blocks dad's attack.

"Now I see. Both of you deny your weapon its purpose.....But you girl, that weapon of yours isn't your true weapon of choice. You lack the ability to shoot it properly, but your swinging ability with the blade attachment could improve a lot." Sam says to us with Sakura nodding in agreement.

Dad stops what he is doing and gaps at him. Sam smirks and pushes the blades away from each other. Slamming the holder of the blade on his face. Then swinging it to make him bend down a little to dodge the attack. I try to get to get away from Sakura and to dad but Sam cuts dad's face on the left eye, slicing both the radar in half and his left eye.

Dad flips back and lands in a crouch position beside me. I try to run at Sam to try get my blade into him but Sakura blocks it making me stop. She smiles and then swings her sword and it cut through the radius and ulna of my left arm. (A/N: It is the two bones on the arm below the elbow, but above the wrist).

Sam looks at my old man, saying, "It yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies, but you hold it back or haven't even found it yet."

I backwards step to my old man since he is beside me, never leaving my eyes off of Sam and Sakura. I put my baby on my back and hold my wound. I made it to my old man and crouch down to him. He holds his face wound to try to stop the blood from leaving. "No...My sword and Lavender-eyed's gun is a tool of justice." He says to him and I decide to stay out of the way between the two men.

Sakura stays behind Sam as he growls at dad, swinging his blade randomly in front of himself. Then he changes his hand grip on the sword handle to have the blade facing down to the car. Then stabs the car, running at us, building up the flames. When Sam gets close enough he swings upward. We are able to dodge his attack, I back flip a few times, land onto another car with the explosion in front of us. Sam then jumps through the flames and again starts swinging his sword at dad.

Sam then attacks dad a few more times until I notice he put his sword back into the sheath. I am about to warn him but it is too late. He tries to get at him one more time but Sam shot out his sword into his dominant hand. I also try to run in front of him to take the blunt of the hit but it is already too late for Sam has cut dad's left arm off.

Dad gives a shock face, but my face went back to its deadly stare, while Sam and Sakura laughs at the both of us.

"Crap! Not again..." Dad says.

Sam looks at the both of us with his samurai sword on his right shoulder. Sakura has her hands on her hips with the same smile on her face still.

"Raiden, Lavender-eyed! Are you alright?! You both are almost clear of the tunnel!! Just hang on!" Boris says to us.

"This is all the Ripper and Lavender-eyed Nightmare has to offer?" He taunts us.

'Crap, I am starting to feel a little light-headed from the loss of blood. Ugh come on Callista, you are called the Lavender-eyed Nightmare for nothing, come on body hold on a little longer.' I think to myself, again that weird yet painful sensation on my metal limb in my leg, but I feel more pain go into my leg.

I bite my lower lip to stop myself from screaming out in pain and not let the look of pain come to my eyes too.

"Gotta try harder than that." He taunts dad after he weakly swings at him. But when Sam hits him one more time, it causes dad to hit me and the both of us to roll to the edge of the last car of the train.

It almost causes us to fully fall off but we catch ourselves. The both of us hold onto the edge of the car and pull ourselves up from the edge. But we only get to the pull up to our chest, before he gets in front of us.

"This is what happens when you both bring tools to a sword fight. It's over." He tells us while putting up his blade over his head and is about to give us the final blow but like Boris said we have come out of the tunnel.

"Lucky devils... and continues to laugh." he says while laughing.

"It is more like lucky devil and she-devil." I rhetorically say under my breath, but dad still hears it and laughs quietly to himself.

In my peripheral vision Boris and four tanks, on the side road which is close to the train, coming to our rescue. He moves the machine gun to try and hit Sam and Sakura with bullets, but they block the bullets with their swords.

"Kept you waiting, ah?" Boris says in a smartbutt way.

While all the shooters in the other tanks are firing at Sam.

Another tiltrotor came to pick up Sam and Sakura. Both dad and I are able to use the distractions to get both of our bodies back onto the train car. Sam just stares at our bloody bodies, same with Sakura and just like their comrade, a metal cable came down from the tiltrotor. But instead of waiting for it to fully come down, he jumps to the handle bar with her holding on to his arm.

Boris is then given a rocket launcher with a homing missile from within the tank. He locks onto the tiltrotor that they are on and says, "Down you go."

He shoots the missile and the other soldiers in the other tanks do too, but the tiltrotor sends out red lights.

"Flares." He says with shock.

All the flying rockets hit the flares. Exploding on contact and letting the tiltrotor to get ahead. Boris is given another rocket launcher but when he is about to lock on it they got away, causing him to swear in his head.

Dad and I are just panting from what just happened a few minutes ago. Dad sees the tiltrotor isn't blown up by our teammate and squeezes his only hand into a fist. I look at his hand and move to put mine on top of his. He looks at me and sees tears in my eyes.

'Why am I crying? Maybe because I almost lost my dad to the enemy again. Maybe it is from just the pain. I do not know anymore..." I think to myself but I go unconscious from blood loss. I fall over but dad couldn't catch me for he too falls unconscious beside me. This all happens and the train is still going on like nothing was going on.

To be continued...

(Please comment. Also let me know on what you guys think of it. Until next time my lovely little wolf pups, I will howl you later.)