
The thrill of danger

The following morning Amari joins the group at the grounds, the other four are busy fighting one another while Shylo is spectating. They all not Amari and immediately notice the change in his hair, and they all stop to look at it properly.

''Now that's better. This is what I'm talking about.'' Maverick comments

''Exactly, not that bush you had going on yesterday.'' Milo adds.

''He even cut it too, nice!!''

After complimenting his hair Johnny jumped on Kenneth's back and attempted to chokehold him, the rest joined and carried on fighting. Amari and Shylo spectate them.

''Are they always like this?''

''Could be worse.''

Mr. Ohara suddenly appears, and everyone in the class stops whatever they are doing, and they all focus have their focus him. He just stands there in silence while smoking his cigarette.

''Goodmorning cats and dogs, hope you've had a good night's rest because we'll be having fun today.''

The whole class starts muttering.

''Oh no...'' Maverick whispers in despair.

''We all know that the means.''

''Okay, lets warm up then! 100 push-ups NOW!''

Everyone drops immediately and starts doing their push-ups. Everyone did them in unison while Mr. Ohara is counting one at the time. They all started vigorously but gradually started struggling the more they did them, only a few were still steady and going. 

Some tried to cheat their way through, but Mr. Ohara would punish the by slapping them behind their head.

''Endure! endure! endure! you can't go through any hardships without endurance.''

More students start to struggle as they do more of them. Amari on the other hand is still doing them effortlessly, Maverick and Milo look at him in disbelief.

''Why are you so calm while doing this?''

''It doesn't seem that hard.''

''That's not fair!'' claims Milo.

After they finished with the push-ups most of the students could barely get on their feet, some of them stand straight and were resting their arms on their knees. Amari grabs the attention of Mr. Ohara, and he suspects Amari of cheating.

''You, there!! come here!!'' he points at Amari and signals for him to come with his finger.

Amari goes to him. He lights a new cigarette and smokes it, when Amari is standing in front of him, he blows the smoke to his face.

''I have my eyes on you boy.''


''Fuck out of my face you cheating piece of shit.''

The interaction confuses Amari, and he goes back to his spot.

''You not going back, I need you to be here in front.'' 

''Are you talking to me... sir?''

''You want me to bark it to you?''

''No sir.''

Amari joins the other student at the front line. Throughout the day they did all kinds of cardio exercises and ran for most of the morning. After exercises students started throwing up and fainting.

''I can never get used this!'' one of the students shouts.

''Okay cats and dogs, congratulations for finishing your warmup. Don't forget to stretch and keeping yourself fit because it only gets worse from here.''

Mr. Ohara leaves the students while they're weak and breathless.

''Why... why... why... are you still standing.'' Milo asks while trying to catch his breath.

''I've done worse.''

The bell rang for home time, and everyone packed their bags to leave. After leaving the school ground Amari went to the city with his friends. They went to the entertainment district where there were a lot of busy people walking in and out of store and street beggars. 

''Young sir!!Young sir!! let me sell you still special water, it will give you fortune and luck!! only five bronzes, yeah that's right five!'' 

Out of nowhere a man wearing dirty clothes gets in Amari's face waving the bottle in front of his face while holding his hand to get his attention.

''Get out of here junky, he has nothing for!'' Maverick kicks the man to moving.

''Come on man, just 5 bronzes, help a man out.''

''Hell no, get out of here with that man!''

''Okay. okay. okay... how about 3, that's cheaper.'' the man follows the group trying to negotiate with them.

''Kenneth, deal with this fool.''

The man suddenly stops following them.

''You're broke anyways!!'' the beggar shouts after they were a distance away.

After walking through the city, they enter some building old building and head to the roof. When they get there, they take out some board games and start playing. For most of the afternoon they were just talking and playing their board games. 

The sun started to set, and they all sat on the edge of the roof just admiring the view from the building with no one saying a word. 

''Guys I have to go, I'm tired.''

Amari gets up and takes his bag to leave. The boys start to pack the board games and store them at the same area they took them out of. 

''Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow.'' Amari heads for the exiting stairs but is immediately stopped by Kenneth.

''Where are you going?''


''Nah, we don't leave that way.''


''What Kenneth is trying say is, we don't use the stairs to leave this building.''

''Then what do how do we leave? I don't see another door besides that one.''

''The no need for a door for this way.''

The all look the edge of the roof. Amari looks at them and tries to figure out what they mean. 

''We Jump.'' Milo claims.


''For the thrill of it.''

''For the thrill of it?''

''Yeah, we do it because it looks dangerous and thrilling.''

''Are you going to join us?'' asks Kenneth.

Before he can even answer the question Milo jumps while doing a front flip, Johnny follows him with a dive then Shylo and Maverick follow.

''Or are you going to be a bitch?'' Kenneth is the last one to go.

With no choice Amari follows them and jumps. After the jump Amari realizes how far the ground was from the building roof, Milo reaches the ground and lands on a cart that is filled with hay. He quickly moves so that the others can land safely too. Everyone lands on their backs and including Amari.

''You see?! Thrilling right?!'' 


''Why do you always have a straight face? Enjoy life man!! ease up!''

Milo throws his arms over his shoulder, and roughly shakes him to in attempt to give him energy. After walking together for a while, Amari finally splits from the group walking in a different direction.

He finally arrives home before it gets dark, when he gets in Nana is waiting for him by the living room, and she looks worried.

''Where have you been?''

''I was with my friends.'' 

''Why didn't you tell me, you were going to be with your friends?''

''I didn't think I had to.''

''Now you do, never do that again!!''

''Why not? I was just with my friends, nothing else.''

''That's not the point, how will I know that you're save if you don't tell me where you are?!''

''You don't have to worry about me I can handle myself.''

''If you're under my care I'll worry about you as much as I want!!''

''Why are getting angry, I was just with my friends?''

''I'm angry because it's too dangerous for you out there... I don't what I would've done if you were hurt.''

''And? what if it's dangerous? I can handle something that's thrilling.''

''Thrilling?! Amari nothing is thrilling about being in danger!!''

Nana's voice gets louder by the second, and the louder she gets the angrier she becomes. 

''From now on, Maxwell will be bringing you straight home and you'll be reading your books, am I clear?!''

Amari nods.

''Am I clear?!''

''Yes Nana.''

''Now go to your room!''

Amari heads upstairs and goes to his room. Later that night Nana called him down for dinner. 



''Why do you think that danger is bad?''

''Because... it can get you killed or hurt.''

''But my friends said it was thrilling.''

''Your friends are wrong, there's nothing thrilling about being in danger.''


''I'm sorry for shouting at you.''

''It's okay. I'm sorry for making you shout at me.''

''I forgive you.''



''Thank you.''

Both of them smile at one another and eat their food.