
Race Around the World

An action-packed, expandable race that starts in Hollywood, ends in Spain, and later continues. Racing teams partner up and then race from state to state, country to country, and continent to continent, trying to get ahead of the other racers so they can win. If something terrible happens to a racing team, they might get disqualified from the race and then get replaced with another team, but they might be seen again and then get let back in the race.

Joseph_Kohtz · 奇幻言情
7 Chs

Chapter 2

All the racers returned to their cars and watched Team Confetti ride off to their first rest stop in Mexico City while staying put for 60 seconds. The Confetti Convertible raced through Mexico and made it partly across the track. Once their 60 seconds were up, Stephanie shot off the starting pistol, and all the other racers raced off to their first pit stop in Mexico City. The Confetti Convertible is in the lead, and The Flame Car is in 2nd. When Team Confetti saw them coming, Valerie pulled a lever in their car and dumped oil onto the track. James said, "An oil slick, boring."

The Flame Car dodged The Confetti Convertible's oil slick, but everyone from 3rd-9th slipped on it, crashed their cars, and got hit with airbags. Lacey said, "Amazing. A one million dollar pile up." Stephanie said, "Lacey, you've never seen a million dollars." Lacey said, "So what? It looks like something I've never seen before." Then, The Wave Train passed them while a tow truck came and picked up the crashed racers' cars. Then, a limo came by, picked up the crashed racers, and returned them to the network. Stephanie said, "Amazing. Seven teams crashed their cars, and all their airbags were deployed. Now they're all out of the race. There are only three teams left. Team Confetti, Team Flame, and Team Wave."

The racers are coming to their first pit stop. When they all arrived, The Confetti Convertible finished 1st, The Wave Train finished 2nd, and The Flame Car finished last. Then, all the racers got out of their cars, ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant, refilled their gas tanks, and slept in Mexico City's hotel. When they woke, they all returned to their cars and waited for Lacey to reshoot the starting pistol. Before she did, she made an announcement. Lacey said, "Attention, racers. You six are the only three teams that have survived this race. And before you resume, we're letting a few new racing teams in to replace the seven teams that got eliminated because of a certain oil slick that caused them to crash. Introducing Chris and Joseph in The Catmobile, In The Speed Canoe, Hope and Nichole, Brad and Lauren in The Seashell Saleen, Allison and Dory in The Dragon Wagon, Katie and Mary in The Flower Truck, Hillery and Timi in their Staticmobile, finally, Chyna, and Marva in The Combo Convertible." Then, all ten teams lined up and waited for Lacey to shoot off the starting pistol. When she did, Lacey closed her eyes, aimed the starting gun towards Stephanie's face, plugged one of her ears, and smiled when she shot it in Stephanie's face, and all the racers drove off to the next rest stop. 

The racers are headed out of Mexico City and heading for Orizaba. The Seashell Saleen is in the lead, The Combo Convertible is in 2nd, The Confetti Convertible is in 3rd, The Dragon Wagon is in 4th, The Flame Car is in 5th, The Staticmobile is in 6th, The Speed Canoe is in 7th, The Catmobile is in 8th, The Wave Train is in 9th, and The Flower Truck is in last. While they were racing, Team Flame flipped a switch in their car and activated their giant power drill in the front of their vehicle. Then, they dug underneath the track and drove underground. Then they went back aboveground, and Team Flame put themselves in the lead when they got to the surface. Sam said, "Yes, we're in the lead." James said, "And there's our hotel, our next rest stop." When the racers got to Guatemala, the sun went down, and they checked into a hotel for the night. While the racers were there, they ordered room service so they could get something to eat before they went to bed. Once they finished eating, they all went to bed and waited for the next day to resume the race.

They refilled their gas tanks the next day and almost ran out of money. Since they were low on cash, they decided to work together to raise money fast. Hope said, "We got to get money fast." Nichole said, "I don't even know how to make money slow." Corey and Mariah looked across the street and saw a band playing music. Mariah said, "Wait a minute. I have an idea." Allison and Dory took some costumes from their car, put them on, and stood by their car for a minute. Then Brad and Lauren both started to play their guitars and make music. Then Allison and Dory began to sing while they danced to the music that Brad and Lauren were playing. They sang about what location they must race to and described it in their song. They sang about how they must get there and how it was calling their names. Then, the other racers came out of the crowd and danced to their music. Then, the entire group started to sing with them, and more people began to dance with them. Then, the public started dancing to their music, and the other racers had fun. Allison said, "Arriba." Then they started a conga line while they sang, and when they finished their song, the crowd stopped dancing, and Brad and Lauren stopped playing their guitars. Then they checked to see how much money they had made. Allison said, "How much did we make?" Dory said, "Tons. $400.50. That means each team gets $40.05 each." Allison and Dory gave each team their fair share of the money, and they all returned in the race.

Before they resumed the race, they waited for Lacey to shoot off the starting pistol. Once she did, all the racers took off and raced to their next rest stop. The Staticmobile is in 5th, but Timi hit a switch and activated the hang glider in their car. Then they flew over the racers in front of them, and Timi dumped a barrel of coconuts on them while they were flying. Some coconuts hit the racers on their heads, while others hit the racers' car tops and wrecked them. Then, Team Static lowered themselves down and took the lead.

Stephanie and Lacey were watching the racers on their TV screen. They saw that The Flower Truck was in 7th, but Katie flipped a switch in their car and started to fire pie tins at everyone in front of them. They hit Team Dragon in 6th in the back of their heads and passed them. Then they ran out of ammo and couldn't fire any more pie tins at anybody, so they de-activated their pie tin launcher, hit the gas, and drove away from The Dragon Wagon. Then they passed The Seashell Saleen, which was in 5th, and put themselves in 5th place. The Speed Canoe is in 9th, but they flipped a switch in their car, flew over everyone from 8th-3rd, and put themselves in 3rd place. The Combo Convertible is in 5th, and when they caught up with The Catmobile, which was in 4th, they hit the turbo boost button in their car, passed everyone from 4th-2nd, and put themselves in 2nd place. The Staticmobile is in the lead, The Combo Convertible is in 2nd, The Flame Car is in 3rd, The Speed Canoe is in 4th, The Catmobile is in 5th, The Flower Truck is in 6th, The Seashell Saleen is in 7th, The Dragon Wagon is in 8th, The Wave Train is in 9th, and The Confetti Convertible is in last.

Lacey and Stephanie saw the racers on their TV screen and saw them racing through Honduras. The Flame Car is still in 3rd and is trying to take the lead. While James drove, Sam threw a smoke bomb out of their car, and when it exploded, it cast a smokescreen that blinded Team Static and Team Combo. Then, The Flame Car drove by them and took the lead. After The Flame Car took 1st place, the racers headed out of Honduras and into Nicaragua. James said, "We're almost to our next rest stop." Once they all got to their rest stop, they checked into the nearest hotel and got something to eat at the closest restaurant.

Once morning came, the racers lined up and waited for Lacey to shoot off the starting pistol. Once she did, the racers raced off to their last pit stop before the finish line. The Combo Convertible is in the lead, The Flower Truck is in 2nd, The Catmobile is in 3rd, and The Flame Car is in 4th. When The Combo Convertible saw The Flower Truck catching up, Marva threw a bomb out of their car and blew up part of the street. Then The Flower Truck, The Catmobile, and The Flame Car fell into the hole while the other racers drove around it. 

Chris and Joseph exited their car and pushed it out of the hole where they had fallen. Once they got out, they returned to their car, returned to the race, and ended up in 8th place. The Catmobile drove to The Confetti Convertible in 7th and tried to pass them, but Team Confetti hit the gas and ditched Team Cat. Meanwhile, Katie and Mary tried to get their car out of their fallen hole. Katie and Mary pushed their car out of the hole, returned to the race, and ended 9th. The Flame Car was left in last place and was still trying to get their car out of the hole they fell in. Once they got out, they returned to the race and raced after the other racers.