
The Prefects Arrive

He brewed an adequate Wolfsbane potion for potions, in Herbology he had to completely restore a small plot of land, and harvest all of the dittany without breaking any stalks so they could be used for wand making. He got a few to take home.

Finally it was time for his last practical, Divination. He decided to show his skill with sticks and did a bit of xylomancy. Ever since his lessons with Master Wolfe had started, he felt a strong connection to wood. He performed it so well the examiner almost thought he had opened his inner eye since he had his OWL exam.

Nevertheless, he ended up with a batch of four Os and two EEs. Divination and History of magic just weren't grades that mattered all that much so he wasn't very bothered.

He came back to the castle that night completely knackered. He knew he had to rest but he also knew that the Prefect Kickoff Week was in just two weeks time and he had to get his body ready for it. He wondered if it was still like it was back in his day. He was a real buzzkill back then, he realized upon looking back at it, and didn't take advantage of the opportunity to let go. This time however, he'd make the best out of the experience.

It was usually one or two days of actual preparation and then the rest of the week coming up to the start of the school year was spent partying and experimenting and questing and whatever the head boy and girl could think of. He had it in good authority that the head boy and girl were Hufflepuff and Slytherin respectively. He would have wished for a Gryffindor but those were hard to come by in the head boy/girl department. At least it wouldn't be Ravenclaws preparing the challenges as a lot of Ravenclaws tend to forget what fun is, his old self included.

Well no point thinking about it too much right now. He went to bed instantly even though it was just early afternoon, a quick nap would do him well and then he could get up and sort out the rest later. He still had a hard gym session ahead of him today.

The following weeks just simply flew by and today was the start of the Prefect Kickoff Week. He had been ruthlessly exercising his body to get it into shape for these few days. If the challenges were like the ones he remembered then he'd need it.

He had breakfast with his mother who wished him good luck as he checked himself out in the mirror. He had looked through the rulebook and found out that he was actually allowed to transfigure his Hogwarts robe into a different colour as long as the colour still vaguely represented his house.

So he would go all out to be eye-catching today. He had to make a good first impression with these people. His robes were a deep damson with shining bronze details. They still had the Ravenclaw sigil, but it was a lot larger and on the back. Underneath he wore a peacock blue shirt and a light grey pair of pants. His watch was a light bronze, the chain around his neck was silver and his shoes were tan coloured boots. He had grown out his hair even more during the summer so he now wore it in a bun at the back of his head.

He had to admit he looked good, not that he was reluctant to do so. He filled the clothes a lot better now. With the help of the potions from Poppy, he had put on quite a bit of muscle over the summer so his shoulders were broader and his upper body had a slight V shape. He was ready to show himself to the world, starting with a group of 25. 23 prefects, a head girl and a head boy. That would be his first real audience. Let his new school life begin.


Awaiting the others, who would arrive from Hogsmeade, he sat down on a conjured armchair by the front gates. Loopsy had gotten him another cup of tea for him to sip on while waiting. He wanted to sell the image of a non caring fine gentleman so he got a book to read as well, it was just a simple one on some mastery level charms...

Soon he heard footsteps but remained focused on his book, or atleast making it seem like he was. In actuality he couldn't wait to get started.

"Ah, Hello. You must be Mr. Quirrell." Quinn looked up to see a pleasant looking young man with blonde hair and a rather round face. His body was athletic, the quidditch kind of athletic. And he had a soothing aura about him. "Yes indeed. And you must be the Head boy right? What was your name now again?"

Quinn stood up and took his hand, vanishing the chair as he did so. Power move.

"Ben Turner. I hope you'll like what we have in stock for you all." There was a glint to his eye. "Also I know you're completely new to the school so if you ever run into problems, don't be afraid to ask for help! Now, meet the rest!"

And then he walked over to greet them all. He of course didn't remember their names yet, how could he? 25 names in one go was impossible for him without taking Occlumency breaks, so he focused on the important ones for now. Beatrice Haywood from Hufflepuff fifth year, because she looked interesting. Penelope Clearwater from Ravenclaw sixth year, because she would probably be head girl next year. Percy Weasley from Gryffindor sixth year, because he already knew of him and his boorish ways. Scarlett Cairns from Ravenclaw fifth year, because it was his fellow new claw prefect!

Those were the ones that stuck right away. If he was honest he barely remembered the head boy's name.

Before they had time to actually acquaint themselves with him, the head girl spoke up. "Yes. Yes. Well then New boy, allow us to lead the way through the castle. We'll be going through the rules right away, I expect you've all read through your scrolls?"

And then without getting a response she walked up the steps into the castle. Quinn took a long good look at her. He highly questioned whether her hips swayed that much naturally but he wasn't complaining. She had a rather fine bum and it hit her wrists as it swayed in front of them all.

'Maybe she's part veela or something, I feel this desire to follow her...or maybe I'm just a fifteen year old boy who can't control himself. Get your shit together Quinn!' He thought to himself as they all walked behind the woman with the lovely behind. He barely realized where they were walking as he was entranced by her. She walked with such confidence, with an air of superiority around her. Her black locks flowed in the air, her heels hit the ground hard, her arms swayed in tune with her bum. He tried his hardest to keep his eyes away but before he could drag them away from her, they had arrived at the front of the great hall and they all took seats at their tables.