
Quick Transmigration: I'll Chase You in Different World

Author's note: Hey guys :)  (If someone..well I bet no one's reading this...but anyways) Thanks for checking out this story. Just a little reminder, english is not my first language, so bare with some of my crappy english. Feel free to express your opinion or suggestion. TRANSMIGRATED- of the soul; to pass at death from one body or being to another Plagiarism is a crime. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and etc. were all product of the author's wide imagination. Any resemblance to actual peoples, living or dead, or actual events are pure coincidental. PHOTOS NOT MINE. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. ENJOY. COMMENT. VOTE. FAN. SYNOPSIS Being killed by the one you love and trusted the most. Chen Meng meng swear that she will get her revenge. Because of her huge will to live again, her spirit was entangled on a group of system which grants a spirits wish... But everything has a great price to pay. She must first collect a million life points for her to be able to go back in time. A life points that she will only get once a mission is completed in this transmigration game she's willing to participate.

LunaChriz · 奇幻言情
17 Chs

Arc 0-0

Her face is bruised. She's no longer the beautiful Chen Meng meng they once knew. No one could even recognize her face.

One look and you can even throw up in disgust of her face.

It's indeed pitiful.

"Why?!" She shouted full of sorrow and hatred. She did no wrong to them...to her! How can they do this to her.

"Your asking why?!" Lesha spat in her disgusting face. "I want your company, your fame...your fiance"

"I-i trusted you...i e-even l-loved you as a little sister", she couldn't stop but to cry in hurtful tears. They were sisters, she even did everything to lesha...but this is what she's going to pay for all her kindness, trust and love? Betrayal? She's so wrong to trust her. She's so wrong to even love her!

With a smirk on lesha's face she walk towards Chen Meng meng.

"I don't need your love or your trust...but I need your money", a sharp thing pierced her stomach as she throw up blood with a tears on her once youthful eyes.

"And your fiance", lesha whispered as another stab pierced her heart.

"Y-you will pay f-for this..." She cursed before everything went dark.


AN OVERWHELMING feeling rushed on Chen Meng meng's body. Is this the feeling of being dead? She thought but then she instinctly close her eyes when a bright light suddenly spread in this dark mysterious place.

(Hi host 303. I'm system 900, welcome to the void space)

A voice from nowhere rang in Chen Meng meng's ear. She shiver in nervousness.

"A-ahm...what void space? Why am I here?"

(To explain everything on host 303. You are here in the void space because your spirit has the strong will to live again and we from revive system can grant the host's greatest wish)

A sudden hope bloom on Chen Meng meng's chest. She can go back in time... She can make them pay for what they've done to her!

A meaningful smile grace her aristocrat face.

(The host can go back in time if she can gather and complete 1 million Life Points which you can only receive if you completed every mission in transmigration world. But host you must remember there's a risk—)

"—what is it?"

(Once you die without completing the task, you can no longer go back in time which means you'll be literally dead and your spirit will keep on roaming here in void world and cannot enter the heaven. Are you willing to take this risk host 303?"

She nod her head without hesitation.

(Then be ready host for I will now state your stats and prepare your first transmigration)

A transparent board appeared in front of her as letters assemble showing her stats.

Name: Chen Meng meng

Age: 25


Charm: 0/50

Strength: 0/100


Life points: 0/1,000,000


(As you completed each and every mission this stats will also change according to your performance. But  host 303 must also know that mission will get harder and harder in every step of achieving this million life points)

Chen Meng meng nodded in understanding.

(Are you ready host 303?)


(Pick two abilities that you would like to have for the entire transmigration. This is free of charge as a gift to every newbie)

Her eyes bulge in excitement. Well, she just discover that she will also enter a world of supernatural and cultivation.

(Ancient Martial Art and Hacking selected. Please enter the training space host 303)

Chen Meng meng take a deep breath before entering the training space with determination.

4 hours passed when a door miraculously appeared and there a silhouette of a woman appeared.

(Welcome back host 303!) The system greeted with enthusiasm. The system watch its host with a raise brow.

Gone was the light its host's eyes emits. Gone was the innocence its host once was has. She no longer has the bright and innocent light in her eyes, her body is also no longer in its usual state but it changes into devilishly gorgeous and toned body. She's now a walking temptation but disaster to mankind. Her eyes held no emotion yet you can see that she experience so much in life just in one glance.

Chen Meng meng broke the unbearable silence.

"How many years am I gone?" She curiously asked.

(You've been gone in the void space for eleven hours but in the normal world you've been gone for one hundred ten years. Host spent 1 hour in hacking which is 10 years in normal world, and 10 hours in ancient martial arts which is equivalent to one hundred years in normal world)

She gasped in shock but immediately composed herself asking for her stats.

(Ancient Martial Art and Hacking ACQUIRED...Host 303 stats changing...)

Name: Chen Meng meng

Age: 25

Character: ?

Charm: 0/50

Strength: 50/100

Skills/Abilities: Ancient Martial Art, Hacking

Life points: 0/1,000,000


(Does host 303 has any question?)

She immediately shake her head. Very eager to complete her missions and make her dear sister pay for her every sins.

(Okay. System 900 is preparing host's body for transmigrating in 3...2...1...)

And everything went dark again.