
Chapter 44 - Friends?

The lecture room was filled with eager disciples; it was customary that on the first day of teaching, everyone would gather and meet their tutors before heading to their respective classes.

All eyes and whispers were focused on Tian Longmeng as he passed the entrance. He noticed that everyone has seemed to form groups with people of similar traits. Even Qin Qingtian and Dong Lin, who had observant characters, were reluctantly dragged into the same group.

Tian Longmeng had a feeling what he was about to do was going to steer up some unnecessary drama; however, he was not familiar with anyone in the room, so he did it anyway. As expected, everyone was agitated when Tian Longmeng stood against the wall, alone.

Everyone stuck in groups for multiple purposes. Some use it to socialize with people like-minded and solidify their status and boundaries. Those who were affluent or strong would group together to advance and strengthen one another. Those who are weaker, band together to protect themselves from the former or share their troubles.

Tian Longmeng standing alone signified to others that he was above everyone, thus he did not need to support of others. He was essentially challenging the entire Tang Fei Martial Academy.

The problem though was the person in question himself actually wants to have a friend or two. Tian Longmeng came from the Desolate Wilderness where his only companions were his parents and the beasts that he hunted. Now that he left the wilderness, the only friend he had left for a better martial academy. Not to mention the sleeping grandpa inside the Ark that only wakes at certain times to give him lessons.

So of course, Tian Longmeng would like a friend or two. The problem though is that he does not know how to make friends! The thing about his friendship with Si Xuexi was that she initiated the friendship, he just went along with it.

Who would he make friends with? Would they even like him? How does he even go about making friends?

While Tian Longmeng was busy in his jumbled thoughts, others were looking at him with unfriendly intentions.

"Tch, how arrogant. He steals first place from Qin Qingtian and has the gall to ditch the results, and now he thinks he is above us." This sneer came from a familiar face.

Guo Cheng already had a sensitive experience with Tian Longmeng and if it was not for his family's timely intervention, he would be laughed to death in Tang Fei City. So, he was eager to find out that Tian Longmeng was actually applying to the martial academy.

He was even more delighted when it seemed that Tian Longmeng was going to have an altercation with Zhou Wei; however, that sadly defused without issue. Nevertheless, Guo Cheng would have never thought that despite Tian Longmeng's garbage talent, he would go on to break three records and land himself rank 186 in the official rankings.

That rank is more than most 2nd years in the martial academy.

Guo Cheng felt his teeth grind upon the recollection of just how wide the gap between them is. He had to do something to show this trash where his place is, it absolutely has to be done or else he would not get any sleep.

Then Guo Cheng remembered something. "That trash, he received a couple of good things right, especially those 5 moon jades?"

The noble beside me was startled at the sudden question and quickly answered, "Yes, he should have."

This made Guo Cheng grin deviously while he muttered to himself. "Yes, he did indeed receive some good items but they would be wasted unless someone helps him to handle them."

The noble beside him was flabbergasted. Tian Longmeng was already rank 186, so Guo Cheng would need to have connections with a 3rd or 4th year to get that done, and only one person came to his mind.

"Attention everyone." All conversations were cut short by the introduction of the instructors that somehow appeared in the center of the room. He quickly scanned everyone, only pausing for a second at Qin Qingtian and Tian Longmeng. He then directed his voice to everyone once again.

"Starting from my left are the two proctors in charge of the trash class and the lower class, and from my right is the instructor in charge of the advanced class."

Proctors are essentially core disciples that were in training to become instructors. They would get slightly more benefits than regular core disciples for the price of teaching a couple of 1st year and 2nd year classes. Although the benefits are not as amazing as the top 20 rankings, or the faction executives, it was still a lot for regular core disciples to advance with.

The two proctors quickly left with their respective classes and left behind the two instructors. At this point, the instructor on the right spoke. "I am Instructor Ye, while this man is Instructor Wang. I am in charge of the advanced class which we will be having in this lecture room from now on. Instructor Wang will direct the special class to the training grounds for today's class."

Words being unnecessary, Instructor Wang waved his hands in the air and suddenly bolted for the training grounds. All the students for the special class were confused. It was after Tian Longmeng, Qin Qingtian, and Lu Yan gave chase, that they realized what they should do and followed suit.

"Man you guys are late! You call yourselves the special class with such lousy effort?" Instructor Wang shook his head after it took half an incense stick of time for everyone to arrive. He was slightly impressed that Tian Longmeng made it almost immediately after he reached. However, he would be ripping his hair out if he knew that Tian Longmeng could probably even contend with his full speed.

He gestured for everyone to sit on the dirt before he began his lesson. "Alright everyone, I would originally begin by discussing the dao and all of that technical junk; but, seeing that we have 3 people already on the official standings, I have decided to get on with a simple cultivation skill."

Everyone's eyes sparkled when he said "cultivation skill". Not only are they hard to practice, but they are also hard to obtain outside of martial academies. That is why even people from the 4 Great Noble Families choose to attend and remain in this martial academy.

For Instructor Wang to be giving them this cultivation skill at this time means that it is probably very simple - just like what he said.

Instructor Wang continued, "This skill is called the Sixfold Breath Movement. It comprises of six main motions that can bring out tremendous strength. However, you are required to breathe powerfully in order to activate this technique. If you don't breathe properly then you will hurt yourselves." After this, Instructor Wang began to demonstrate the six motions to the crowd of awed disciples.

Meanwhile, Tian Longmeng was distracted by the cacophony of laughter coming from the Ark. Elder Canglong was rolling all about the place hysterically; so much that Tian Longmeng had to enter the Ark space.

"Could you shut up! What are you laughing about? I am trying to learn a skill here," Tian Longmeng complained.

"What? You actually want to learn this foolishness from this idiot?" Elder Canglong tried to answer amidst his repressed laughter.

Tian Longmeng questioned, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean," Elder Canglong coughed and tried to put on a serious facade. "This idiot can't even get the technique down properly and is proclaiming it as a skill." Elder Canglong could not even eight words without cackling once more.

By this time, veins already appeared in Tian Longmeng's forehead. "So what are you trying to say? Spit it out."

Finally, Elder Canglong got it out of his system and explained himself. "This 'skill' as you call it is just a horrible rebranding of tai chi and qigong together. Forgetting the fact that they are two different things and that there are so many forms of tai chi, they are not even cultivation skills. Even a mortal can do them!"

Tian Longmeng was shocked. What Instructor Wang made look so powerful was actually a bad ripoff of a simple mortal exercise.

Elder Canglong continued while forcing down any flush of laughter. "Well, it is not like qigong and tai chi is worthless, I am sure if you were to practice them fully, your abilities could improve noticeably. However, what he is doing there is so bad that if he was to continue this way he would rupture his lungs. No wonder he is wasting so much energy on breathing."

That comment made Tian Longmeng shudder. Elder Canglong continued, "Plus, the breathing technique you got from the Ark is leagues better than some qigong."

Tian Longmeng was inwardly awed at the magnificence of the Ark of the Majesty once more. On the other hand, Elder Canglong was devising a cruel scheme.

"Say, these instructors should have quite the materials. I wonder if you can bet him out of a White Fire Chrysanthemum."