

"Adam's a monster. But, you know what? I'm the bigger monster. I'm everything nightmares are made of," he drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. .... Deceived by the Lycan king, Kiara's first mate, who impregnates her in his quest to have his bloodline inherit her dormant powers, Kiara flees into the kingdom of the rogues. There she meets her second chance mate, Denzel Amoris, their king. Unable to fight the effect of the mate bond, despite her fear of being betrayed, she's drawn to his charms like moth to flame. However, beneath his charming exterior is a darkness that is soul deep. He's her redeemer. Even so, will she be able to save him before he gets devoured by his own darkness? An impending war looms, their love is tested even with an arrival of a child, Kiara is faced with the challenge of preserving everything she has gained. Will she succeed?

W_19bridge · 奇幻言情
10 Chs



 My wolf was uneasy tonight. I couldn't figure out why. Every now and then, my claws would emerge. It was unsettling. I glanced at the moon through the window of my study. It was crescent shaped tonight. This meant that the power of the moon was at it's lowest. I saw no reason why my wolf was growing edgy. 

'Your majesty! You need to see this!' Keenan's voice pierced through our mind link. 

I leaned back on my seat, furrowing my brows. 

Any time he called for my attention like this, the situation was never a good one. 

'What's going on? Where are you?' I asked.

'A scout reported that he saw the princess heading towards the cliff' he responded. 

I shot to my feet, confusion stirring within me.

'The cliff? Why would she do that? Why didn't he stop her?' I demanded, storming towards the door of my study. 

'He reported that he tried to stop her but she subdued him. He claimed that she'd appeared as though she was in a trance.'

I gritted my teeth, my hands tightening into fists as I dashed out of my study and made my way towards the exit of the palace. 

Kiara had spent most of the day sleeping. I'd been relieved to know that she was getting the rest she needed. 

This sudden news was worrying. I couldn't wrap my head around how she'd managed to get herself into trouble again. 

Once I was out of the palace grounds, I shifted into my wolf. Terah gladly took over. We charged towards the cliff which was located eastward from the palace grounds. The smell of wet grass and mist drifted into our nostrils as the cool breeze ruffled our fur. 

The path to the cliff was familiar, since I'd frequented the place a lot. No one else ever went there because it was a dangerous place.

'She's not regaining her senses, your majesty. She refuses to budge,' Keenan communicated to me once more.

'I'm almost there. Don't let her go anywhere close to the edge of the cliff, understood?'

'Yes, your majesty.'

Terah increased our speed, covering several kilometres in a few seconds. Once we caught sight of our mate, we rushed towards her. 

She was only a few steps away from the edge. Frustration welled up within me. 

'Terah, let me handle this' I said to my wolf and he growled.

'She can't recognise us like this,' I stressed. 

Right away, Terah retreated into the back of my mind and I shifted into my human form. 

Keenan mumbled an apology from behind me.

I threw a menacing glare his way, stepping towards Kiara who looked visibly frightening. 

"Kiara, it's me. Come to me, I'm here" I said.

She stared at me, her teary eyes were wide with horror.

"Maybe, you should put on something first" Keenan suggested. 

This was not the time to care about my appearance. But, I knew he was right. 

Keeping my eyes on my mate, I accepted the clothes my beta handed to me. 

I'd slipped on the pants and the white shirt when she moved again. She was shaking. Kiara looked so small and vulnerable, standing there like that. It made my heart squeeze. 

"Kiara, don't move. Please" I said, cautiously moving towards her. She shook her head, the tears in her eyes spilling onto her pale cheers. 

"Please, spare my life!" She cried, a shudder running through her body as she sobbed. 

For a moment, I froze. Unable to think or move. She'd just reminded me of the one person I desperately wanted to forget.

"Your majesty, she's going to jump!" Someone yelled. 

My eyes widened the moment she took one final step backwards, and fell off the cliff. 

I didn't stop to process it. I went after her, ignoring the alarmed yells that came from my men. 

I couldn't lose her. 

She was mine to protect...

If I failed, it would mean that my father was right. 

It would mean that I was incapable of protecting everything that was precious to me.

Wrapping my arms around Kiara's waist, I propelled my body away from the cliff.

My lungs strained for air, my temples throbbing. Memories of being submerged under water, unable to breathe, flashed in my mind.

Squinting my eyes, I fought against the mental war in my head. It didn't matter if the waves were relentless, I was determined to get her out. 

When we made it to shore, I gently pulled her to myself to warm up. She was shivering and her teeth kept chattering. 

I closed my eyes, pressing a kiss to her wet hair. Relief sank deep into me. 

She was safe. 

I'd saved her. 

Despite myself, I'd protected her.

The memory of how detached she'd seemed at the edge of the cliff made me feel upset.

I wanted to know everything about her. I wanted her to let me in. 

"We're close, yet far away from each other" I whispered, stroking her hair. 

"I want you to talk to me. You do realize that you haven't said anything, right?" I continued. 

She sighed, clutching at my shirt. 

"I don't know anything about you" she mumbled. 

She had a point there. I desired to pour out my essence to her. But, would she handle it well?

"What do you want to know?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

I knew she was curious about Deanna. But, I wasn't ready to talk about her. At least, not yet.

"Everything about you. If I'm going to entrust myself and my unborn child into your arms, I should know what I'm getting into, don't you think?" She said.

I went still, surprised by how determined she'd just sounded. Had she decided to finally let me in? 

"Did I say something wrong?" She asked slowly.

"No, it's just... it's the first time you're talking to me without whispering or mumbling" I pointed out.

She lowered her gaze, obviously flustered. Her face had turned pink. 

"I think you have a point. My name is Denzel Amoris. My father is a demon werewolf and my mother was a human," I told her.


"She died when I was seven."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that," she said, barely looking me in the eye.

How adorable.

"My father is the present king of the northern werewolves. I rebelled against him and was thrown out," I went on. 

She seemed surprised.

"I established my own pack by gathering rogues. The pack grew until it became a kingdom. Naturally, I became their king. I met Deanna when I first became king. She was my first mate. She died due to unpleasant circumstances." 

Disappointment flashed in her eyes and unease settled on me. 

"What about you? I don't really know your origin. You never talked about it," I said.

It was my way of distracting her from whatever she was thinking.

"My name is Kiara Claris." 

Her voice shook.

"Of course I know that. I want to know about your childhood," I said, wondering why she was hesitant about talking about herself.

Maybe, she had secrets too?

"How? I never told you -"

"The necklace around your neck is a distinct one. Of course, I know that you're the princess of the southern werewolves, the one rumoured to bear the power of the moon goddess," I said.

"Is that why you've been trying to keep me by your side? Is that it?" She said, stumbling to her feet.

Now, I found this concerning.

Was this what she thought of me?

I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"You're not planning on making me your breeder, are you?!" She yelled at me, her face losing color.

No, that's not true. I wouldn't do that to her. Would she believe me if I said this?



"Calm down, Kiara. You're not thinking straight."

 His voice was soft and gentle when he spoke. But, my mind was a total chaos. My panic was quickly soaring. 

The thought that Denzel might have planned to use me the way Lucas had, was enough to send me into panic mode. 

I was having a panic attack. Yet, it felt different. 

Something powerful was stirring within me. The intensity of the wind was growing and there was a brilliant white light emanating from my chest. 

Denzel stared at me, intently. His brows were furrowed, his lips parted. 

 "Kiara, listen to me, I would never hurt you. I'm not like your first mate. I just want you to stay by my side" he said. 

My knees gave out and I sank to the ground, gasping for air. 

"Deep breaths, Kiara. Take deep breaths" Denzel said, his eyes shimmering as he reached out for me.

"What's happening to me?" I asked, weakly as I stared at the palm of my hands. They were glowing.

"I think your powers are awakening. It's going to be okay. I promise" he said, closing the distance between us. 

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his warm embrace.

He pressed a kiss to the spot in front of my ear and whispered the words, "You'll always be safe with me. I'll make sure of it."

I felt myself relax into his arms, my breathing easing out. Tears slipped down my closed eyelids as relief sank into me. 

Perhaps, everything was going to be fine after all. 

Denzel scooped me into his arms, rising to his feet. I linked my arms around his neck, resting my head on his chest. 

A smile curved my lips as he began to walk. 

"Do you prefer dawn or dusk?" He suddenly asked.

I found myself chuckling, warmth blooming in my chest. 

"Dawn" I responded, basking in his warmth. 

"It's the same for me" he stated. My smile widened.

"We should definitely see the rising sun together," I whispered.

"Of course."

Silence settled between us the moment we entered the woods. It wasn't uncomfortable. For some reason, it felt like a dream. 

"How far are we from the palace?" I decided to ask.

"We're in Lycan territory, right now."

I froze, my eyes widening. 


"Don't worry, you have me to protect you. Don't underestimate me" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. 

I didn't think it was funny. If the both of us encountered Lycans, things could take an ugly turn. 

While I was thinking about this, I heard a rustling coming from the trees.

"What was that?" I whispered.

Denzel had gone rigid, his muscles tensing up. 

"Lycans. They're here." 

I gulped, my blood running cold in my veins.

"How many of them? Can you tell?" I whispered.


My eyes widened, my heart racing in my chest.