

18+ Wanting to be loved, liked, and have many friends is what this woman wants. But to realize her wish is certainly not easy. Be beautiful and popular. Those are two words that people around her always said. But unfortunately, the woman does not have both, so that makes her always bullied by her school friends. Beatrice Blair. That's the woman's name. But who would have thought, if one day Beatrice managed to have those two words in her life? Make her get everything she wants. But after she got everything, her new friends turned into traitors. Then, did she take all those betrayals for granted? Of course not! She will take her revenge! And unexpectedly, a man came to her by offer help to Beatrice. Will Beatrice accept the man's offer? And will her revenge be avenged? You won't know, as long as you don't find the answer yourself. So let's find out. *** Hello, this is my first time writing in English, so I'm really sorry if there are many shortcomings. p.s: the cover is not mine, so the credit belongs to the owner.

Blueside · 现代言情
17 Chs



It was the only word that could describe Beatrice's feelings right now. There are no words other than that can describe her feelings and that one word has stuck with her almost all the time.

Isn't she so pathetic? The fact that she only has one emotion that always makes her feel down and never feels happy.


Perhaps even Beatrice had forgotten the meaning of the word. She had almost even forgotten the word from her vocabulary.

What is happiness?

How to get that happiness?

Is it so difficult to find happiness itself?

Those three questions were always on Beatrice's mind... in herself... and in her heart.

What happened to her today broke her heart for the umpteenth time, she was treated arbitrarily by Valery. Why did Valery hate her so much? What has she done?

She never insulted Valery or hurt Valery. The truth was that she admired Valery.

Beautiful face, popular, liked by the people at this school, and always get good treatment. That's what makes Beatrice admire Valery, also makes her wonder why Valery's life is so perfect.

Why didn't all these things happen to her?

Beatrice wants all those things... Beatrice wants to be like Valery.

Is it because she's not good enough? She always gave her pocket money, and she also always showed her homework to her classmates.

So, what's missing from her?!

Ah... Beatrice thought she knew where her flaws lay, which were in her face.


That one word was more than enough for her to tell where her flaws were. All this time she had been wondering, what made her so hated? And the answer she got a few hours ago.

Because her face is not beautiful. Valery said that to her right? And Beatrice felt that what Valery said was true.

That she has an ugly face.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

"Beatrice! Beatrice! Are you there?"

Beatrice who heard a very familiar voice quickly wiped her tears.

"Y-yes, I'm here!" said Beatrice.

Beatrice opened the toilet door with her right hand and she walked out of the toilet.

"Here you are! I've been looking for you for a while," said Alyssa who smiled when she saw Beatrice.

Alyssa had been looking for Beatrice for a while, she looked for Beatrice from the classroom to the canteen and finally, the last place she looked for was the toilet. And it turns out that the results of her search paid off because she managed to find Beatrice.

"I-I'm sorry, I just have a stomach ache," said Beatrice.

Alyssa looked at Beatrice. "Where are your glasses?" asked Alyssa. She asked that because she didn't see the glasses Beatrice used to wear every day.

She also knew that without the glasses, Beatrice couldn't see clearly so it was certain that Beatrice needed glasses.

Beatrice was confused because she didn't know what to say. "I-I broke my glasses."

Alyssa furrowed her brows hearing the answer Beatrice gave her because she felt that the answer Beatrice gave sounded quite strange. It was because Alyssa knew that Beatrice was always careful when it comes to her glasses.

Alyssa then looked back at Beatrice who was standing in front of her but this time she stared at Beatrice longer than before.

"Did you just cry?" asked Alyssa.

Beatrice was surprised to hear Alyssa's question. "N-no..."

Alyssa walked over to Beatrice. "You're lying. I can see your reddened eyes," said Alyssa pointing at Beatrice's eyes. "Did Valery break your glasses?"

Beatrice was caught.

She really couldn't lie to Alyssa and she shouldn't have tried to lie to Alyssa in the first place.

The tears that had stopped suddenly started flowing down Beatrice's cheeks like before, but this time much more profusely than before.

"Sob... A-Alyssa..." Beatrice cried. Her defenses had collapsed, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Alyssa who saw Beatrice crying immediately panicked because Beatrice suddenly cried in front of her. Alyssa grabbed Beatrice's shoulders. "B-Beatrice why are you crying? Stop crying."

"I can't take it anymore... sob... I can't take it anymore Alyssa... sob..." cried Beatrice, letting her tears fall to the floor.

Alyssa didn't know what to say to Beatrice because she knew what Beatrice had always been through. She knows that Beatrice always gets bullied by Valery and Valery's friends.

She also knows how much Valery hates Beatrice and besides that Valery also often makes Beatrice her servant whom she can order this and that. Sometimes Alyssa doesn't understand, why did Valery do all of that to Beatrice.

Then why didn't Alyssa try to help Beatrice?

Alyssa once tried to help Beatrice but Beatrice forbade her to do that because Beatrice didn't want Alyssa to be bullied like her.

What's more, for Beatrice, Alyssa is her most valuable friend and is the only reason Beatrice stays in school.

"Beatrice... I beg you, stop crying," said Alyssa trying to calm Beatrice. "I also feel sad when I see you crying like this."

As a friend, Alyssa certainly feels sad when she sees Beatrice crying like this because of the bullying that Beatrice always gets. Because Alyssa understood how sad Beatrice had been feeling all this time.

Beatrice wiped her tears slowly. "I'll prove it to them," Beatrice looked at Alyssa. "I will prove that I can change everything."

"What do you mean Beatrice?" asked Alyssa who didn't understand Beatrice's words.

Alyssa could see a strong determination in Beatrice's eyes, she also saw anger in those beautiful hazel eyes. For the first time, she saw a different look in Beatrice's eyes.

And that's when Alyssa realized that every human being also has a limit of patience even though that humans are the most patient humans on this earth.

But in this case, the limit of patience had reached Beatrice.

Beatrice clenched her fists slowly. "I'm going to change... I will make them all look at me so they can't say anything," said Beatrice.

Alyssa was silent for a moment. "I'll help you," said Alyssa.

Beatrice who heard Alyssa's words immediately looked at Alyssa with a surprised look. "You want to help me?"

Alyssa nodded her head. "Yeah! I'll help you," Alyssa put her arm around Beatrice's shoulder. "We'll blow them all away when they see you."

As a good friend, Alyssa will certainly help Beatrice to succeed in getting her to wish. She would help no matter what as long as she could help Beatrice.

A wide smile slowly appeared on Beatrice's face. "Thank you Alyssa... thank you," said Beatrice, feeling touched that Alyssa want to help her.

Alyssa smiled. "No need to say thank you, you can only thank me when we make Valery speechless when she sees you," said Alyssa who was given a nod by Beatrice.


Inside the class, there were several women including Valery who was also in there with the others, some of them sat at the table.

"Hahahaha did you see that nerd face when Valery stepped on her glasses?"

"Of course, I saw it! Her expression at that time was so funny, I even saw her cry."

"You are indeed the best Valery! You gave that nerd Beatrice a lesson."

Valery who heard her friend's words just smiled happily. She felt happy to hear the words of her friends who praise her.

Valery tucked her hair "Did you guys just notice it? That I am the best," said Valery.

Anyone in this school knows that Valery is the most popular student in their school even Valery has some fans who are always by her side and some of her fans are with her in this class.

Valery propped her chin. "Why does such a nerd girl seem to be able to enter our school? I don't even want to see her face," said Valery, rolling her eyes.

What they're talking about right now is Beatrice, who else are they referring to besides Beatrice?

Beatrice is the only one they call 'nerd' and they always bully them. And the reason? Valery didn't have any particular reason, because she was disgusted to see Beatrice's face that was the only reason she bullied Beatrice.

As she said before, Valery and the rest of her friends don't like Beatrice being in this school with them and feel that Beatrice doesn't deserve to be in this school.

"But..." interrupted Valery's friend.

Valery immediately turned to look at her friend.

"What if Beatrice suddenly changes? And she's no longer a nerd?" said Valery's friend.

Valery looked at each other with her friends then they all laughed together loudly.

"Hahahaha change? You must be kidding me!" said Valery while laughing holding her stomach. After feeling satisfied Valery slowly stopped laughing. "Listen, once ugly it stays that way forever. So stop talking nonsense."