
Chapter 296: Two flares! Artillery bombing!

"Understood, you continue to investigate!"

Janna nodded and disappeared into the temple instantly.

It was the first time Feng Ling saw the Crazy Shark clan.

But that didn't stop them from recognizing the shark.

Fengling is an important reconnaissance team on the island, and it is Xu Chengfeng's eyes in the air.

Janna has been conscientiously carrying out Xu Chengfeng's orders, and has not made any major mistakes.

When she was still in Xingye City, Janna made up for the Fenglings who were in charge of the investigation!

The wind spirits can easily distinguish the characteristics of the mad shark and the Naga family!

Janna was also very careful when heading to Battleship Island this time.

She knew that the island might be closer to Crazy Shark's sphere of influence, so she assigned a large number of wind spirits to patrol in the direction of Crazy Shark's forces early.

Crazy Sharks are fast, but are not good at deep-sea combat.

When they accelerate, they will habitually stick their tail fins out of the sea.

This is an obvious confirmation!

Before Xu Chengfeng left the mermaid territory, Janna found him and told him about the changes of the mad shark family.

"Is it for us?"

Xu Chengfeng asked with a frown.

Most of the shark clan do not believe in the goddess of the sea.

The gods they worship are Tomis, the **** of the shark and the **** of the sea.

After Sea Tomis was killed, most of them threw themselves into the arms of the shark god.

The aggressive sharks are not liked by Gamir, nor do the sharks like the goddess of the sea.

"It may also come to us!"

Thea said embarrassedly.

"How to say?"

Xu Chengfeng said curiously.

"That exit to the sea!"

Thea pointed to the two estuaries in the Mermaid Clan's territory.

With the sailing of the island, from time to time, sea water will pour in and dump out.

This is an outlet specially designed for mermaids and mussels.

It is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to really turn the territory of the saltwater lake into an inland lake.

It is impossible to seal the clan and the mermaid in the lake.

Lagoons also require the introduction of living water in exchange for the living water of the entire territory.

"The nose of the mad shark family is quite sensitive!" Thea explained, "It is very sensitive to the smell of blood and various smells, and it is especially good at tracking."

"It seems so!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Janna said: "Master, give an order!"

Thea also stood up and said, "Lord Island Master, our mermaid clan can fight at any time!"

"I'm a pacifist, and I don't want to conflict with the Crazy Sharks!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a moment and said, "Angel of Tears, go and intercept the Crazy Sharks and warn them once to keep them away."

"Yes, Master!"

The angel of tears nodded.

"be careful!"

"I will!"

Xu Chengfeng said again: "If they are obsessed, you can fire a flash flare!"


Just after the Angel of Tears left, Xu Chengfeng ordered Janna again: "Janna, notify my artillery regiment and the Shui Ling Corps to prepare them for battle... Then sound the disaster alarm and evaluate the retreat speed of the island residents!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Lord Island Master, then we..."

Thea asked quietly.

"You? You watch the battle first! I'll call you again if you need to!"


When Xu Chengfeng was taken to the west side of the island by the Angel of Light, the island had stopped sailing.

Four hundred fire demon crystal spirits, riding four hundred energy cannons, floated in the air.

Four hundred energy cannons, with crimson flames spewing from their muzzles.

The Fire Demon Crystal Spirits riding on them also exudes raging flames!

As long as Xu Chengfeng gave an order, the artillery regiment would fire directly!

And above the artillery regiment, two wind spirits have already occupied a high place.

Feng Ling is an observer.

In their spare time, these two wind spirits will cooperate with the artillery regiment, fire a few guns, and deepen their understanding of each other.

When Xu Chengfeng arrived, he could feel the strong fighting spirit of the Eight Hundred Artillery Corps.

Fire attribute creatures are a group of hot temperaments.

After the activation of the goblin technology energy cannon, it is even a group of militants!

But after they were activated, there has been no large-scale bombardment!

They've been held back for so long!


Xu Chengfeng felt that even if the Crazy Shark Corps was persuaded to leave, he would have to let the Artillery Corps bombard a random target to vent their suppressed energy for a long time!

"Elder Tiger Shark, we seem to have been discovered!"

In the mad shark army, the black shark elder suddenly said.

"The flying creature above your head just now?"

Elder Tiger Shark also noticed.

Elder Black Shark nodded: "It should be!"

"Then let's go at full speed!" Elder Tiger Shark said, "I can smell the mermaid too!"

"Okay! Full speed ahead!"

More than 6,000 Crazy Shark Corps advanced at full speed, and a tsunami was set off on the sea.

The Crazy Shark Corps rushed towards Xu Chengfeng's island as if they were riding a tsunami.

They, like heavy cavalry, charged down the hillside.

The aura is terrifying!

The creatures who are not strong enough in their hearts are very likely to be completely defeated in a short period of time in the face of the terrifying charge of the Shark Legion!


Just then, the Angel of Tears appeared above them.

The Angel of Tears said loudly: "Go to our master's territory. I hope your mad sharks will stop immediately, otherwise they will treat you as enemies and fight back!"

But how could the mad shark army's charge be stopped because of the obstruction of the tear angel?


Elder Tiger Shark and Elder Black Shark shouted.

The two emperor-level high-ranking powerhouses shot at the same time, and the water column shot towards the angel of tears.

"Shield of Light!"

The Angel of Tears in the sky was well prepared, and quickly condensed a powerful shield of light.

The attacks of the two emperor-level powerhouses simultaneously hit the Holy Light Shield of the Angel of Tears.

Light magic is indeed not particularly good at defense.

But the Angel of Tears sss talent is quite powerful!

In the face of the attacks of the two powerful emperors, the Shield of Light was not broken.

But because of the strong anti-shock force of the water, the tear angel was also hit into the sky.

"Since you are courting death, don't blame me!"

When the Angel of Tears was swept up into the sky, he shook his hand and threw a ball of light.

Soon, a dazzling white star slowly rose into the sky, like a second sun, which could be seen from a distance.

"Master, the Angel of Tears has sent a signal!"

Guangdao standing behind Xu Chengfeng.

"Attack, you send a signal!"

"Good Jay!"

A white star rose above Xu Chengfeng's island.

And in the sky, another white star complements each other!

Many members of the Crazy Shark Clan have seen the two white stars in the sky!

They are still quite confused in their minds!

"Direction, confirm!"

High in the sky, there is a roar of the wind spirit!

Two neat and parallel long wind blades slashed on the sea, causing countless waves on the sea.

The artillery regiment immediately adjusted its position, neatly distributed the position between the two long wind blades, and pointed the muzzle in the direction of the wind blades.

The uniform and smooth rhythm and the well-trained tacit cooperation make Xu Chengfeng extremely comfortable!