
where is my cheat ?

Eastern continent

red city; yan family

in one of the houses that not to bad lie young youth, there was who seem was just finish one of the great war he is yan ling tian he was orphan that his family was killed by Lee family that makes them heat them to the core

but what actually no one knows that that youth had died already from the beating he gets from attacking lee family younger generation

as he opens his eyes you can see the shock on them as if he is stranger that find the almost impossible thing in the world

ling tian " where the hell I am? and what that place was'not I play some game "

but as was he thinking he finds the answer he was in a dragon marked war God novel how he knows?

actually, it's easy there are many things that he knows it like red city yan family, Lee family, Yan Zha Yun but the hell all th

at the most important t t that hing the last one Yan Chenyu yes that was the name and that was the same name that the previous body owner love the most and you can say that she is the only reason he didn't heat the yan family as she was very kind to him

ling tian "don't worry my friend I will take care of here and take the revenge for you "

nothing change

ling tian " huh? anyway now were my cheat? did I get system huh where are you?

no system godly power?


anything, please

at that time he fell cold water he gets cheated nothing at all

"How the hell I am going to make Yan Chenyu my woman all my dream is destroyed "

after some hours he gets tired any way no one will come now to see him unless the miss come

he tries to see his cultivation but to his surprise it's7th qi jing

from what he know that year Yan Chenyu still not even 14years old so there's still a year until the plot start and the most important Yan Chenyu hadn't consumed the fire fruit

"so what if I didn't get cheat I will work hard "

as that he start training while he gets healed although he does not very reach his uncle is the clan master and Yan Chenyu, father

so he doesn't abandon him

as he was thinking he hears someone coming

Yan Chenyu " big brother ling are you okay now "

ling tian 'damn it she is really beautiful what a stupid man you Jiang Chen you always leave her to cultivation I will take her from you than'

ling tian " little yu I am fine now thank you you shouldn't tire your self"

Yan Chenyu "how can I not come when you I know big brother is injury again by that baddies Lee family I till dad to take your revenge but he says he can't I am a sorry big brother "

'what naive girl '

ling tian " don't worry about me I will be alright as for the revenge I will take it with my own hand as for you you should just rest well "

Yan Chenyu " little yu know that all I have less than a year so little yu wasn't worried "

ling tian " stupid little yu you think your big brother here will let you die no way I will rescue you for sure "

' damn it I can't tell her that she is not ill can I how can I explain that I am a soul from another place that knows the future sure no '

Yan Chenyu " thanks to big brother oh I forget that is your meal "

after that, she leaves now I should really train hard

like that one month pass in that one month, I start the train hard but the problem that even with all the help I can't really break through to next qi hai no matter what as I have an allowance and saving from the mortal pill I used them all but the problem I can't even fell the next level like all that energy was to feed monster now I am afraid that I might explode from the many pills I take as not only I consume my pills now I go out to hunt the monster and sell them at the same time to train

should i write that novel or complete the other novel first?

Asuraprincecreators' thoughts