
Chapter 1

Kokichi pov

The weird voice told me to check on Shuimai...he's fine, right?

I knocked on Shuichi's door knowing it wasn't time to go to the dining hall, yet. "Shuichi!" yelled hoping to get an answer but the door opened and Kaede walked out.

Why was SHE in Shuichi's room!? If it was watching him sleep, Then I WASN'T ALLOWED TO DO THAT!

So...You're mad?


uhm...okie so do I ask?

YES! Yes, ask her why was she in there...

uhm okay then

"Hey, uh, Kaede? w-why were you in Shuichi's room?" I asked nervously then I realized I stuttered... "Oh, Kokichi! I was uhm...nothing..." she said with a smile.

okay, you do/say everything I say got it?


{beyound this point Kokichi does/says everything the voice[yandere pregame Kokichi] says}

No one pov

"Kaede tell me what were you doing in Shumai's room NOW" growled Kokichi "F-fine I was told to come to his room by him at 9:00 but it was starting to get late and he told me to stay the night and he wouldn't let me go," she said raising her hands in defense. "o-oh...okay is he s-safe though?" Stuttered Kokichi "yes he's perfectly fine" reassured Kaede "t-thank you," Kokichi said walking to Angie's room. "you're welcome!" said Kaede with a smile before walking to Miu's room.

{Now Kokichi isn't doing the is telling him what to do now the voice[Yandere pregame Kokichi] is being quiet because he's thinking}

Kokichi pov

I knocked on Angie's door and Tenko answered the door. "Oh...Kichi? I thought you'd be with Shuichi..." Angie said from behind the confused Tenko. Tenko was looking at my face and looked confused than "Kokichi?...why are you sad?" Tenko said "uhm...no reason" I trying to be convincing but ANGIE, "Auta says that's a lie," said Angie "f-fine j-just let me in," I said and Tenko moved and I was pulled in by Angie and Tenko closed the door and I saw Himiko in Angie's bed asleep. Angie sat in her spinny chair "so.." said Angie "why are you so upset?" asked Tenko and Angie. "w-well Akamatsu-chan...walked out of Saihara-chan's room" I said. Angie had a smirk on her face "you're jealous" Angie says the same smirk crept up on Tenko's face as well.


Kaede pov

why did you tell that CRAZY GRAPE THE TRUTH?!

huh? what do you mean?

UGH! I can't te- actually I can't tell you...

huh? why not?

cause you didn't answer my question! duh!

oh...because I wish to be friends and live with everyone here! so I'll have to gain everyone's trust including crazy gra- er I mean Oma-kun's!

you were about to call him a crazy grape, weren't you?

I...uh...no! what are you even talking about?!

anyways, Did you get what Senpai needed?

why are you calling Saihara-Kun an upperclassman?


ah! don't yell at me! I'm sorry!


I-i did

Good now give it to him


I walked back to Shuichi's room and sat in his bed as he read "Hey, Saihara-Kun...I got you a glass of water as you asked.." I said "oh thank you Akamatsu-Chan," he says with a pretty smile as he took the glass of water.

remember If we get rejected we always have Rantaro and Tsumugi!

why are you saying we?

cause we're one person dumbass!


and stop saying sorry it's annoying...


I sat at the other side of Saihara-kun's bed and read with him.

Shuichi's pov

{before Kaede walked back into the room}

so are you actually reading or are you pretending to read to impress Bakamatsu-chan?

what do you think?

you are pretending to read to impress Bakamatsu-Chan *smirk* we both know you've fallen for Kichi so stop pretending you like her

w-what? I-i'm not pretending!

if you're not pretending then why you'd stutter? you normally don't stutter when talking to me...I only know one person who has done that...Kokichi

god you're annoying

I know it's my job! hey, who do you Love more Kichi or Bakamatsu?

I don't know yet...

tell me! please! you know I'll figure it out later on so tell me NOW!

FINE! both I guess I love Kokichi a little bit more I'm not sure

I guess I'm coming back?

I'm not sure and what do you mean by coming back?

you'll see *evil giggle*

you're a weirdo

...you're calling yourself a weirdo too dude...

ugh! don't try to change my mind!

so..... you're a weirdo now?

you are very annoying!

thank you! thank you for calling yourself annoying as well!

then the door opened and someone walked in. "Hey, Saihara-Kun... I got you a glass of water as you asked..." Said Akamatsu-chan "oh Thank you Akamastu-chan," I said with a smile as I took the glass of water.

she then sat next to me and read as well

Saihara, I have a question

what is it

when is lunch I'm hungry T^T

I told you skipping breakfast was a Bad Idea

yea, yea fuck off, when is lunch

in a few minutes

I then put my book down and proceeded to get up.

are we gonna get lunch and check on sen- Kokichi!


so I look at Kaede "uhm..Kaede I am going to get something to eat can you not be in my room while I'm gone?" I asked. "uh..okay sure!" she smiles marking her page and getting up and leaving my room with me and when we got to the dining hall and grabbed our food.

we sit with Kokichi

okay fine...

so me and Kokichi sat with each other...by ourselves.

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_Kokichi_Ouma_creators' thoughts