
Pussies of Runeterra

The search for pussy, and if there isn't one I'll make it!

twintin_ · 游戏衍生
9 Chs

The Summoning

It was your average Tuesday evening, the sun shining bright over a cloudless blue sky. It was raining a couple days ago, so the weather was nice and calm- perfect for going outside for a walk with friends.

But why the fuck would you do that?

Inside a dimly lit room with the window blinds closed, I was sitting at a small wooden desk with an old laptop playing some League. It was my last promos before I ranked up into plat, and the game was already 40 minutes in with an even 43 to 45 kills. Us having 43. The enemy team just got Baron, and they were sieging mid with the inhibitor already down.

I was playing Kha'Zix, lurking in the fog of war behind the enemy team, waiting for my teammates to engage before they take one of the Nexus towers. And when my Nautilus finally ulted in, I followed up from behind and killed their Seraphine before she could cast her ultimate as well. From there, I continued to try and pick the squishies off but was rooted by their jg, Nunu. Ulting to go invisible, I was able to get out quite unscathed.

But I can't say the same for my team. It was pretty brutal, Nunu ult into Malphite plus Miss Fortune destroyed them. Now, I was the only one up with their team still having Malphite, Fortune, and Katarina. All at around 30% health. They got 1 tower pretty quickly as I was going back to fountain to quickly heal up. Since it was pretty much win or lose now, I just jumped straight at their MF to kill her, and kill her I did. Katarina being quite greedy dashed straight at me as well, right into isolation range where I also killed her.

Now all that's left is Malphite, who already got our last tower and was standing to the opposite side of the Nexus to me. But as I was jumping over the Nexus to get to him, a giant notification box covered most of my screen, blocking my sight and controls as I saw all of what I could still see behind the box, turn to a familiar grey.


Was all I could say as a response. On the left side in the chat boxes, the enemy started spamming gg's while my team was flaming me again, as the Defeat sign shown behind the cursed box.

After taking 5 minutes to mull over another stupid defeat, I finally looked to see what the box was even trying to tell me.

[ Congratulations! You have been selected from over 1 million players across the world as a volunteer to test Project: RE!

To minimize complaints, we have decided to gift you three wishes- ]

But before I could finish reading, the page disappeared and was instantly replaced by another that said,

[ Your wishes have been accepted, you will receive them once you're on the other side. Thank you, and good luck Summoner! -Rito Games ]

Hah, is this some April fool's joke? And I didn't even pick a wish ye-

And once again, before I could even try to process any thoughts, my vision went pitch black while my body felt a very strong numb feeling.


Hey there, sorry if you don't understand anything about League. Don't worry, that's just this chapter maybe, there will be proper world building and explanation later, hopefully. Peace,
