
Pussies of Runeterra

The search for pussy, and if there isn't one I'll make it!

twintin_ · 游戏衍生
9 Chs


Max tilted Rengar's chin towards him, showing her face, as well as a pair of closed eyes which slightly twitched. Smiling, he brought his face closer to hers, right before her lips: almost touching, he could feel her breath and he could tell she could feel his as well since...

Rengar's eyes instantly opened as she yelled, "H-hey, s-stop it! Let me go!"

"Let you go?" Max shook his head, "How can I possibly let a woman in need like you, go? I can tell that you're already quite aroused judging by how wet it is back here~"

He reached towards Rengar's ass and stuck two fingers up her vagina easily because it was overflowing with juices.

"Nnnggh! N-no, I'm not!" She continued to refute, as she started to twitch and let out small moans, obviously enjoying his fingers which started to slowly get her off.

"Haha, don't worry. Denial is just the first step towards acceptance," he chuckled as he put a third finger inside making her moaning increase.

"Hmmm~... I was thinking a bit. It would be kinda weird to call you Rengar if you're a girl now, so how about... just Ren?"

"Y-you... mmngh!.. you do not-Unnnghh~!"

"Hmmmmmm? Did you say something Ren~?" Max continued to enjoy teasing Rengar as he used his pinky to stimulate her clitoris, making her tremble harder.

"You! I-I... Hhhhhhnngnghhhhh!!!!"

She came hard on Max's hand, soaking it. Her legs squeezed together on Max's hand, keeping it in tight. Her body heaved up and down, tired and weary both from the orgasm as well as being tied up in the air for at least 2 hours.

"I was trying to sa-" she starts, but she turned speechless as she looks up and sees Max licking her cum off his fingers like it was a delicacy.

'Hmm, yeah this tastes a bit more bitter than Nidalee's, but it's still a lot sweeter than my past hook ups,' he looks towards Ren thoughtfully as he continues to lick the nectar, "Oh, right. Did you say something?"


She growled, "What I said was that my name is not something to be changed, human. Its my pride: so if you violate that, then I'D RATHER KILL MYSELF!"

She yelled as the mass of piled up bodies to the side started to stir from the noise.

"Whoa whoa kitty-cat, calm down, you'll wake the others. How about this, let's make a deal," Max mused as she growled.

"We have at least one session, and if you want to you can leave after."

Ren thought for a moment, "What tricks are you hiding?"

"Nothing, I'm just confident enough to make such a proposal," He shrugged, "So do you agree or not? Of course, you can disagree and you'll just be kept here longer.

"... then I disagree," she hissed.

Max made an exaggerated disappointed sigh, making Ren's ears twitch. "Welp, oh wow would you look at that it's really late. Time to sleep!"

He joined the pile quickly, cuddling with the others and leaving Ren speechless. Suddenly the entire cave fell silent save for the sound of soft breathing.

She tried to shake free from the vines, which of course did not work. Not only was she put in a position where she couldn't utilize her full strength, she was also exhausted. She decided to figure something after a quick rest.

Meanwhile Max was starting to fall asleep. Although of course disappointed and half blue balled, he already knew that the people like Rengar who have a high pride and are extremely stubborn would need some time to crack. Especially when they were male before, he couldn't imagine being turned into a girl and getting nailed by a guy.

The way to seduce someone long term is by getting the person to want you. If you just chase after a person forever, they might even be more likely to have disinterest. Never be the lover in a one-sided relationship, it will only leave you heartbroken. He knew this from experience.

So, he planned on making her so aroused and jealous by making love to the other girls in front of her. It might take a while, but everything takes time. It just depends on how long.


"Ughh," Max groaned when he felt an insane amount of weight pressed on top of his body, slightly suffocating him. He felt multiple things jabbing at his side-probably an elbow or knee, maybe both. He even felt something bite his ankle.

Opening his eyes, his suspicions were right. Somehow, they cougar pile had shifted on top of him during the night, and in his two arms lay Kaisa and Nidalee. Except Nidalee had turned back to her cougar form, obvious from the bright green jem slotted in her forehead. It seemed that she has a habit of switching forms over night.

He didn't want to wake them up yet as the light coming from the entrance, at least what he could see, was still light blue-indicating that it's still early morning, of course assuming that the day works the same as on Earth.

Since he also didn't want to just sit there for half an hour, he decided to go into his Spirit world.

When he appeared in there, the pain disappeared from his body, at least his conciousness. He could tell from the screen that he would be aching after this.

Right now, he wanted to check on something: the Map. There was no way it only showed such a small area right?

Right now on the map was A round shape with the inside hallowed out save for an exit. Because his icon was inside it, he could easily guess that this was the cave. Around his icon were 5 red dots and 3 champion icons: Nidalee, Kaisa, and an icon which showed Rengar's female form. The five dots were probably the cougars. Last time he checked the map, it was because everyone else was inside his spirit world that he couldn't find them in the map, just himself.

Outside the cave there was a short clearing surrounding it before only a straight path which was where he cut through. He couldn't see the clearing where the pool was and where he met Kaisa, it was off the screen.

Using his finger, he slid the map like a touch screen and it did move, revealing the hidden area. He tried panning, and it worked too when he pinched his fingers.

It was just like a phone's map.

The only problem was that he couldnt see anything outside of this, which makes sense as he hasn't gone outside of where he already went.


Because the mystery of the map is solved, he looked through the whole interface again. His abilities, he checked over one more time to make sure they were what he thought it was.(This is because I now realize that not everyone knows who or what Kha'Zix is lol)

In his passive square was the same pair of eyes there always was, but the description was different.

[ Unseen Threat

When Kha'Zix is out of vision, he gains Unseen threat. With it activated, his next attack will do extra damage and stagger the target.

•Isolation Mark- When a target is seperated from other enemies, they will be marked. Marked enemies will be vulnerable. ]

The top part was the same except there wasn't a definite damage number, the big part was the lower part. 'Vulnerable? Also how would I know they were marked, there wasn't a sign when we hunted he rabbits and fought Ren...'

[ Taste Their Fear

Kha'Zix strengthens his claws, making his next attack do a large amount of damage. Does increased damage against marked Isolated enemies.

Cool down: 10 Seconds ]

'This seems about the same, no numbers again but wow that cool down... It seems more of a spell blade ability instead of before though.'

[ Void Spike

Kha'Zix shoots spikes from his spike rack placed on his shoulders, doing minor damage. Heals him when inside the splash radius.

Spikes can be affected by items.

Cool down: 3 minutes ]

Same, except the last part which was used with the [ Cupid's Arrow ].

[ Leap

Kha'Zix leaps to the target location doing minor damage.

Cools down: 3 minutes]

...Very self-explanatory.

[ Void Assault

Kha'Zix becomes invisible for a short period of time while gaining movement speed, can be recasted 2 more times.

Cool down: 10 minutes ]

Same. The only main difference he saw was the cool downs, they seemed more... realistic.

Well, since he was done he went over to the pond and got a quick dip to wash away the sticky feeling from the heat last night.

He noticed another thing as he was wading in the pool, it seemed that the water if overflowed was absorbed by the world. For example, when water spills onto the floor, it just disappears. That's when he thought of when he first fucked Nidalee in the world earlier, he was sure that bodily liquids sprayed everywhere, both from him and the others, but they were just gone and he forgot about it. Maybe the world just absorbs free liquid? Another strange thing was that the water was exceptionally clear still, even though it should be a little muddled after he entered. Strange...

'Whatever, everything here has been whack so far...' he thought as he exited the world and immediately felt the pressure again which he forgot about before exiting.

As he was now pondering what to do, he mentally slapped his head as he thought, 'Wait, couldn't I just move them to the Spirit world?'

Feeling like a dunce, Max moved them in and stood up. Like he expected, his body was numb and aching from the pressure during the night. He glanced at Ren who was actually asleep this time, and left the cave.

He then proceeded to move the whole cave into the Spirit world and put everyone back into their sleeping spots. So far, he didn't have a limit on how much he can move into the world at once, other than how much space is available.

Now, in the spirit world there was 3 'main' areas. The screen which had an area in front of it for people to watch and for him to access the interface, the cave which was in the left corner opposite of the screen and the other corner was occupied by the giant pool of water.

To make things simpler, he just thought of the screen as 'North' so that the cave is in the South East, and the pond in the South West.

Anyways, once he adjusted everything a little, he exited the world once again. Now, it was just him and the forest. Well, him, his Voidling, and the forest.

He put the suit back on to his body, which is when he remembered what Kaisa's Voidling had done to him last night. Staring at his crotch which was now properly clothed(in a hot skintight suit though), he decided to test it later.

Right now, Max was going to hunt for breakfast, which is not something he would have thought of a few days prior.

He looked towards the path he made before, then promptly turned and continued in the opposite direction.

He could briefly remember something telling him to go in that direction, but he couldn't remember what. It seemed there was a gap in his memory which also somehow lessened his surprise from coming to this world, all that was left was a trace of the word 'omni'...

Mysteries were best kept for later, focus is to be put on the task at hand.

He forged forward in that direction, foraging through the woods and collecting vines, twigs, and interesting looking plants to experiment cooking with. He also found more of the red and blue flowers, even discovering a new similar looking flower which was instead orangish yellow. It had a similar faint glow, so he threw it into his Spirit world too to test for breakfast.

Soon, he came upon another clearing where some kind of was grazing. In the distance he could spot more cows about 40ish meters away, but this was the only one here.

He was targeting the lone one.

Again though, there was no sign or the mark or isolation, so he tested his form again. Tensing his entire body, he turned back to his entire Kha'Zix side, not going invisible this time. He didn't notice last time because he kind of panicked when using his invis, but his eyesight had changed to their bug mode again, having a purple tint everywhere like wearing sunglasses.

Thinking, he turned back to human but left pressure on his eyes. It... didn't work.

He frowned, and tried other things. Nothin. His face was really tense when suddenly it transformed. It was his whole face which triggered the transformation.


Anyways, using the purple pair of eyes, he looked towards the cow again. Now, he could see a purple circle surrounding the caw by a fair distance, and made the cow glow. This was the Isolation mark.

Slowly, he approached from behind the cow, who was completely unaware of the situation; calmly munching on the patch of grass that they found.

As he got closer, he finally found out what the description of his passive meant by vulnerability. On some parts of the cow, their body shined a more reddish purple, this was probably the weakspots of the cow. A couple was on the legs, a large spot on the stomach, and a ring around the neck and the face. Since he was in the back, the first to target would be the legs, so that it would have a hard time to move if it somehow survived a strike to the body.

Max turned back to full form by tensing everything. After that though, he put strength once again in to his claws, which then glowed purple on the blade's edge; giving an eerie aura that would make anyone shiver.

He raised his claws and struck with both, hitting the back legs at the same time. They were sliced clean off, prompting the cow to flinch and moo in pain.

It fell to the ground, struggling to keep it's weight up when it lost most of its support. It tried to drag it's body with just it's front legs, but failed miserably.

Max himself also flinched at the sight, he wasn't a monster. Well maybe he is technically but he's still a human. Looking over at the far off cows, they were alerted at the sound, but instead of coming to help the stranded doomed, they backed off and kept a distance.

Turning back to the Cow, it has now given up, bleeding severely from its wounded legs. Max quickly walked to it's front and cut at it's neck, quickly ending it's misery.

'I'm sorry, but we need to eat...' Max was on the verge of throwing up.

Now, Max just stood there, unsure of what to do when he heard Nidalee's voice, 'Hey, uhm, Max. Do you need some help with that?'

Surprised, he went into his spirit world and found everyone(except Ren) in front of the Screen watching him.