
Pussies of Runeterra

The search for pussy, and if there isn't one I'll make it!

twintin_ · 游戏衍生
9 Chs

Pretty Kitty


Max dodged quickly as the large dagger struck the ground hard. After dodging, he immediately went invisible and backed away from Rengar. Nidalee also reacted quickly by turning into her cougar form an jumping to a tree.

Slowly, Rengar picked his knife from the ground and growled at Max, who reappeared about 6 feet away.

Rengar was actually pretty short, and he wasn't as big as Max thought he would be. on his right shoulder was the skull of a large creature with 3 horns on its forehead. on his left arm was 2 razors attached to his hand predator-style. his hair was silver, braided neatly. on his left eye was a wooden eyepatch which has a glowing orange eye socket. and on his face was a devilish grin.

"Slow down!"

He roared as he threw bolas at Max's legs. Max once again narrowly dodging it using his invisibility but when he looked up, Rengar disappeared.

"Look Out!" Nidalee yelled from a tree, back in her human form as she lobbed a spear at Rengar who just lunged out of a bush towards Max.

this time Max couldn't dodge, and he got hit by the dagger in the leg while Rengar tackled him to the ground. In retaliation, Max struck with both his transformed arms to create a deep gash on Rengar chest, which added on to Nidalee's spear that hit and lodged on his right leg, gushed out a lot of blood.

But then, Rengar faced the sky and roared loudly, magically healing the gash on his chest and the spear that was on his leg had fallen out.


Max muttered bitterly. Although he got hit, he wasn't injured because of the Voidling so he was still good, but he still felt the impact and it made his body numb.

Now Rengar was back to looking just like when he got here, and he raised his arms to strike Max again, before his dagger was knocked out of his hands by another spear. Using this chance, Max jumped away using his wings, and landed near Nidalee. Nidalee quickly healed him a little bit with some magic.

Rengar picked up his knife and looked towards Nidalee, "Scram cat, I don't want to fight you. I just want his bones," he growled as he points at Max.

"Why him? Just leave and go something else. I'm sure you have many things to hunt."

Rengar visibly frowned, but seemed a bit reluctant, as he growled, "...Fine, I'll-"

"What if I want to fight you?"

Max interjected, making Nidalee sigh and Rengar surprised, before grinning again.

"Good good, Our Battle will be legendary!"

But when he looked towards Max, he disappeared. Why is there so much disappearing this fight?

Suddenly something hit him in the back of the head and he fell down unconscious. Max was left there, and he just hit him once... well that was anticlimactic.

Nidalee came down from the tree she was on.

"That's low..."


He just shrugged and smiled. His facial expression changed serious though, as he asked with a smirk, "Since you helped me, you want some fun later?"

She just blushed in response. Actually, none of them has mentioned anything about the sex earlier, it was as if they had an agreement to not speak about it, so this question really caught her off guard. She paused, and then nodded slowly.

Max's wide grin came back, "Great!"

For now, he just threw Rengar into his spirit world to deal with him later, since it was really dark now, and soon all light would be gone. So Nidalee and Max continued and sped towards her home.

Soon after 10 more minutes of walking, they came across a decently large cave, which had some spears sticking out of the ground around it to ward off unwanted guests. Inside, there was only some dry grass beds and an unlit fireplace in the middle.

Since although everyone else could just stay in the spirit world which contained their physical body, Max still had his outside so they decided to bring the den as a temporary portable home for Max.

Nidalee went into the corner of the room to grab some sticks and kindling and arranged them into a square pit on the remains of the last fire pit. And just as Max was wondering how she would start it, a small spark of flames flew out of her hands as it glowed green, which lit the kindling to warm up the sticks.

"Wait, you have fire magic?"

"It is very weak though, and I only use it to start campfires because it's too dangerous using it in the woods. it's basically just using the healing magic from earlier but with a little more mana to create heat."


Max forgot about mana and health, and he knew Kha'Zix Used them both so he went into the Spirit world to observe it as Nidalee was blowing on the fire making it bigger.

In the Spirit world, he could see Kaisa and the cougars sitting around her watching the screen.

They turned to Max, and watched as he walked towards the screen and opened the HUD. When he looked at the status bars, the first thing he found was that instead of numbers for health, they were replaced with percentages. Right now his health bar in red was at 87% and his mama in blue was at 56%.

Other than that, he found something else that he somehow didnt notice earlier, his exp bar. it was purple, and it was almost all the way to the top, which in the game meant he would level up. 'Hmm, right now I'm level 1 even though I have all my abilities, and I swear I had less exp earlier. Maybe I got it from beating Kaisa, the Cougars, Nidalee, the rabbits, and Rengar?'

Definitely not.

'Oh right, Rengar.'

Max walked over to his item slots and pressed on the Gender Bender Icon which was a key that was shaped into the two gender signs. after pressing it, it appeared in his hands as he walked over to rengar, who was still unconscious on the floor. Max just put the key on his chest and backed away. soon, the key glowed brightly then got absorbed by rengar who also shown in a bright blue light, as his sillouete slowly changed into a girl. It... looked like a pokemon evolution...

Soon, the glow faded and what was left was a naked girl. Her clothes slid off by itself because of her body shape change. Her breasts were about C cups, and she was about 2 thirds of Max's height. Her skin was a light brown like Nidalee, and her hair was a pale silver which had only a couple braids now. Her eye patch was still there however, but it looked more like chunni accessory than an actual scar. Most notable however, was the pair of cat ears still on her head..

As Max was admiring her body for a sec, he thought of an idea which brought a devious smile to his face.

Since he ran out of charms, he would just make her submit willingly.

"Kaisa, come help me tie her up," Max called out to Kaisa who was now standing behind Max observing the change in the giant creature that was just thrown in here earlier. She nodded, and they went to grab some of the spare vines to braid a tight rope which was then used to bind the grey haired girl.

Now tied up in a bondage style with the rope binding her wrists together to her feet, Rengar was brought out to the cave where Nidalee looked like she got the fire up and roaring for a while now.

Max grabbed one of Nidalee's spears and hung one of the ropes holding Rengar onto it, so that she was now swaying a little above the ground.

Now, they he just had to wait for her to wake up. But while waiting, Max decided to start cooking food.

Disappearing into the Spirit world and then reappearing with bunny meat in hand, he placed them on a flat stone slab he found and washed from the pond earlier, which he brought into his spirit world.

Max was a little of a cook from his last life since he lived by himself, and he'd rather stay at home than go to restaurants outside. Also he loved watching satisfying japanese or korean cooking videos which he tried and failed. he also watched a lot of the primitive survival stuff on youtube, so he's basically a professional by now.

He didn't have any seasonings, but he did find a couple interesting plants outside that he gathered while trailblazing. He made sure with Nidalee that they weren't poisonous or anything before snatching them. He found some flowers of blue and red that had a slight glow to it, some small vibrant mushrooms, and a bundle of small round fruits that were red.

Really, you can't make interesting and new foods with such little equipment and resources even if you were a master chef, so he planned to use these new flora to improve the taste somehow.

First of all, he slapped the meat onto the stone which was placed on the fire. Meat generally took a little longer to cook than most ingredients-especially with a fire which has unstable heat-so he let that start cooking before dealing with the sides. First, he turned his hand into a blade to cut the mushrooms thinly and place them next to the meat. He took the fruits and squeezed them to drip it's juice onto the mushrooms, hoping to make them sweeter. The fruits looked a bit like tomatoes, but they tasted like something between blueberries and persimmon.

Letting that cook, he went back to the meat and flipped it onto its other side after seeing that it was slightly charred on it's edges. He flipped it with his claws, which seemed to be similar to nails and teeth. they didn't have nerves so he couldn't feel the heat from the fire, but he could feel the pressure which came from his wrist when using his claws.

The aroma was starting to permeate the air, and the two girls and the cougars were starting to salivate. Especially Kaisa who hasn't seen or eaten anything that looked half as edible in over a decade, as she was sustained by her suit in the void, which consumed her enemies for energy. Also because all the creatures in the Void were extremely grotesque.

After flipping the meat, Max took some of the glowing flower petals and put them on top of the meat. The glow from the flowers almost immediately drained out, and into the meat which lit up Max's eyes as the smell in the air got stronger. He would find out what happened later while eating, but for now he would focus on making sure everything doesn't burn. Soon, after checking, the meat was cooked medium rare on both sides. Perfection.

Using his claws again, he lifted the stone slab off the fire and to the side to let it cool.

"Alright, it's done."

He said to the girls as he threw another berry into his mouth which gave another burst of sweet and sour taste.

They all surrounded the stone slab as the loud sound of sniffing rang in the air, because the smell was even better now.

After letting it cool a bit, Max cut off a small piece of meat and a couple mushrooms, and took the first bite.

The taste exploded into his mouth, as the sweet mushrooms and the juicy meat created a great combo. 'how does this taste so good!?' His eyes widened, but they got even bigger when his body started glowing, similar to the flowers from earlier.

Seeing his reaction, the others took a bite and the same phenomenon happened to them too.

"Wait my... my mana is recharging faster!" Nidalee exclaimed, which surprised Max again. He went into his spirit world and came up to the HUD. His Mama and Health was definitely going up faster, and he saw two boxes above the HUD which showed status affects. the boxes had icons of the blue and red flowers from earlier, and when he hovered over them it said:

[ Small Vitality Blessing

A weak and short blessing which restores vitality faster.

Usually found from flora, and when the blessing level is higher it may cause the plant to gain intelligence. ]

[ Small Energy Blessing

A weak and short blessing which restores energy and mana faster.

Slightly rare but can be found anywhere, usually in earth itself. Blessings of higher level may cause it's host to gain intelligence. ]

'Huh, it kind of reminds me of blue and red buff from the game. They might be related too judging from its description.'

When Max was about to leave, he saw that his exp bar went up a little bit again, and was barely touching the top.

'Hmm, eating might give xp too? I'll think more about it later.'

Max returned outside, only to find everyone finished eating with only a little bit of meat and mushrooms left.

"You guys are so rude," Max whined, but as he sat down to eat, he was interrupted again.

"Let me go! What did you do to me!?" Rengar was roaring loudly, well more like squeaking because of her new high pitched voice.

"Haaaaaa, can't you just let me eat? I'll deal with you after."


"What? You want food too? Well, I guess I shouldn't be rude..."

Max said, as he continued to stuff Rengar mouth with mushrooms and a bit of the little amount of meat he had left. After that, he ate the rest and smiled, "Alright now that he's awake, let's get this party started! Nidalee, be a dear and come get your reward."

"What? R-right here?"

"Where else?"

She just blushed, but nodded and walked over to Max as she started stripping.

Rengar finished the food stuffed in her mouth and started yelling, "W-what are you doing!?"

"Shush, you'll get your turn," and he turned to Nidalee and whispered in her ear making her shudder, "Just ignore her, let's have some fun~"

Really quick, for my story I will be using a lot of lore from league but also creating some things here and there just to make the story easier since I'm a lazy bum. For example the blessing thing is all my own but it's based off brambleback and the sentinel.

twintin_creators' thoughts