
Chapter Two


(Zara's house)

Zara: (by the door with her school bag on her back)...


Zara:( shocked, confused)..... Mum its a sleep over and I told you abo......

Jennifer:DON'T TALK BACK AT ME!.....

Zara:(rolls her eyes)....

Jennifer:(claps in excitement)..... The mighty Zara Ahli........ ROLLING HER EYES AT ME!.....

Zara:..... Mum you said I could go.....





Zara:(puts her bag down)...... I'll go without it then.... (Walking out of the house).... (Rushes out)

Jennifer:ZARA!..... ZARA!..... (following her)......

Zara:(stops by the gate and turns to face her mother)......

Kahilu:(by the entrance of his house, frozen by the scene)....


Jennifer: YOU KNOW WHAT LEAVE!.... (gets Zara's bag from the floor and throws it on the ground)

Zara:(watches her bag roll on the sand).....




(bangs the door closed)....

Zara:(closes her eyes for a while then opens them, breathes out)....

Kahilu:(quietly walks into the house)....

Zara:(walks over to her bag, dusts it off quickly)...

"Kuffi's house"

(Kitchen, the girls in their pajamas)......

Thandy:.... Why can't you just text her?

Zenzele:... Her house is right next door why can't we just go there...

Kuffi:..... Let's all just wait. (Door bell rings).......... Thats probably Zara...... (They all get up and go to the door).......

Zara:(waiting outside her arms folded, looking at her house)......

Kachi:(opens the door).....

Girls:(scream in excitement).......

Kuffi:..... We thought you wouldn't come...

Zara:...... Why?

Kuffi:..... It started getting a little late and everyone else came a while ago.....

Zara:(smiles)....... Well I'm here now....

Girls:(all walk in talking)......

Kahilu:(watching them from up the stairs, his phone in his hand)......

Thandy:...... Now we can watch the movie.... (All the girls get excited excited except Zara)....

Zara:....... I uhm. I need to shower first, I will catch on with you later......


Kuffi:........ Okay.... You know the way

Zara:yeah..... (Goes off)....

Girls:(head to the living room)......

Kahilu:(enters his room as Zara walks up the stairs)....

Zara:...... (Enters kuffi's room and closes the door behind her).......

"An hour and a half later"

(Kuffi's bedroom).....

Zara:(in an oversized long sleeved T-shirt and dick me down shorts, her hair loosely tired together at the centre ).......... (Folding her clothes slowly).......

Kahilu:(walks into the room with towels in his hands)........ (Notices Zara)...... Oh my God I'm so sorry.....

Zara:...... (Looks up at him)....

Kahilu:.... I thought you were all watching the movie.

Zara:...... Its okay. And no, I stayed back......

Kahilu:(awkward)....... I just brought extra towels (puts the towels on the bed)...... Are you okay?

Zara:.... Yeah, I'm just not a fun of movies.....

Kahilu:.... I wasn't asking about the movie.


Kahilu: I hear quite a lot next door. A lot of shouting.....


Kahilu:.... I didn't want to think too much, so I concluded that it was probably loud voices from the TV.


Kahilu:....... But today I got to see what was actually up....

Zara:(with heavy defense)...... She's okay, we're okay...

Kahilu:...... Then why would she throw you out like that?

Zara:(angry)....... She just did okay. There's no problem....

Kahilu:.... Why are you getting so defensive?

Zara:....... I'm not.

Kahilu:....... Look, my mum has a friend...... She deals with... (Interrupted)

Zara:my mother doesn't need anyone...... She's fine.

Kahilu:... I just want to help

Zara:.... There's nothing to help with.....

Kahilu:........ I have her card.

Zara:(rolls her eyes)....

Kahilu:....... I live right next door, if you'll ever need me....... You know where to find me


Kahilu:(walks out slowly)......

"About 10 minutes later "

(Kuffi's room)

Zara:(on kuffi's gigantic bed, under the covers reading a novel).....

Kuffi:(walks in slowly)...... Hey

Zara:(looks up).... Hi

Kuffi:(walks up to her)........

Zara:(closes her novel and sits up)....

Kuffi:(sits on the bed opposite Zara , folds her legs).......

Zara:...... I figured the movie was too far ahead so..... I decided to read a novel.

Kuffi:... (Breathes out)...... We're best friends right?

Zara:(confused)...... Yeah.....we are.

Kuffi:........... You told me your mum's sick.


Kuffi:...... That's all I know, and that you argue a lot, or rather she yells at you a lot.


Kuffi:... There's more that you're not telling me.

Zara:(looks down).....

Kuffi:..... You're allowing yourself to suffocate alone when I'm right here to help you always......


Kuffi:......... I'm not forcing you to tell me anything. I just want you to know that.... I'm here for you whenever you need me and I always will be....

Zara:(tears up)......

Kuffi:....... I just want to know whenever you're not okay.

Zara:(a tear runs down her face)....

Kuffi:........... (Opens her arms wide for a hug)....

Zara:(hugs her, more tears quietly run down her face)....

Kuffi:(hugging Zara, worried).......


Zara:(breaks the hug, wipes her tears)........

Girls:(storm in with excited talking over each other about the movie as they draw closer to Kuffi and Zara).....

Kuffi:(laughing in between their explanations).......

Thandy:.... Kuffi you should have been there for the ending. It was wow......

Kachi:...... Zara, you should have been there from the beginning, it was so great....

Zara:(smiles)....it was that good?

Kuffi:(looking at Zara's change in mood in shock).....

Kachi:...... It's your type of movie

Zara:(smiles even more)..... Don't make me feel all this regret....


Zenzele :we can re watch it later.

Kachi:.... What were you doing anyway?

Zara:.... I showered, read a novel....

Zenzele : and then the gossip with Kuffi....

Zara:(smiles almost laughing)..... Yeah and then that....


Kachi:....... Can we get snacks, I'm so hungry.....

Zara:.... Me too.

Kachi:...... Let's toss a coin to see who will go to the kitchen to get them

Zara:(standing)...... I can just go...... (Gets of the bed, Heads to the kitchen).....

Kuffi:(watches her leave, worried)....

Thandy:(to Kuffi).... Are you okay?

Kuffi:(nods her head).....

"The next morning, 2:08hrs"

(Kuffi's room)

Girls:(in deep sleep, slight snores)....

Zara:(both on the floor, leaning against the bed)....... We left Mauritius when I was 9. My mum said my dad was a dangerous man.....

Kuffi:...... (Listening)....

Zara:we came to south Africa, I don't know when she organized everything but we already had a house and furniture.....


Zara:my mum only got sick when I was 13......At first I thought she was angry with the world and let it out on me

Kuffi:.... But then?

Zara:...... She started hitting me. Once she hit me for watching TV.......... I was shocked, scared..... Confused.

Kuffi:.... What about watching TV?

Zara:.... She said it was too early. It was 4pm........ I really didn't understand it.


Zara:I went to C's bakery that day. His music soothes me....... Each song plays to a part of my life. That's how we became friends.

Kuffi:only for his music?

Zara:...... No no. His really nice too.

Kuffi:..... Does he know about your mum?

Zara:...... Nope. I've never told him, but he knows there's something, but his scared to directly ask me.....


Zara:...... My mum takes a bunch of pills before work. I guess they make her normal for the day.

Kuffi:..... Then how come she does what she does to you?

Zara:....... It seems to wear off. But a part of me thinks she does it because she wants to. I'm a burden to her so she says...... Its my punishment I guess.

Kuffi:...... I think she has a mental illness. There's no way a mother would do that to their child....

Zara:..... (Shrugs)...... I don't know about that.

Kuffi:...... Is she ever okay?

Zara:..... Yeah. But she's usually mute at that time........ She talks to me sometimes, but I don't buy the kindness.....

Kuffi:..... Why not? You know she's sick........ Her angry self is a sickness.

Zara:..... She's psycho and I know for a fact she doesn't forget when she hits me, she pretends to so that I forgive her.

Kuffi:..... Or she actually does forget.

Zara:...... (Looks at Kuffi)......

Kuffi:...... I know she loves you, I mean, your dad was a danger...... She did all she could to bring you here safe and sound.....


Kuffi:........... Do you remember you dad?

Zara:.... Yeah, but barely. He was rarely home and when he did come home it was argument after argument with my mum. He used to hit her....... I never saw it but that's what she told me....

Kuffi:...... Wow. Maybe that's why she's the way she is. He probably hurt her......

Zara:...... I don't believe that tale. My dad was so nice to me when he was around me and everyone liked him too so.....

Kuffi: you can never be too certain. You were a kid

Zara:..... Yeah maybe. The last time I saw him was in court.... My mum was divorcing him because he had an affair. He was also charged for child neglect and assault.

Kuffi:..... See, he cheated too.

Zara:..... Yeah. I guess it's his fault.....


Zara:.... She made a scene today.

Kuffi:what happened?

Zara:...... She didn't allow me to come here. That's why I took forever.....

Kuffi :so how are you here then.

Zara:..... I walked out. She told me that I should never go back home...... But she'll forget by tonight so I'm good

Kuffi :......... Does all this scare you?

Zara:..... No. Not particularly... (tear rolls down her face)...


Zara:.... (wiped her tear off).....We should get some sleep (gets up)......

Kuffi:(also gets up).... Yeah.

"The next day"

(7:45pm, drive to Lebana's party)......


Girls:(all in the back, wearing two pieces with T-shirts over, talking and laughing, taking pictures)......

"Lebana's Mansion"

(The yard filled with teenagers, dancing drinking, swimming, taking pictures..... Etc.)

Lebana:(in a yellow two piece with a see through wrap around her thighs.......... Talking to Kross, both sitting by the pool)......

Kross:(shirtless with shorts, listening to Lebana)......

Kuffi:(walking, her friends following her behind).....

Kachi:.... The pink lighting just adds flavor to the moment.

Thandy:(looks at two people kissing)...... Wow.....

Zara:(behind them all feeling uncomfortable in her bikini top and butty shorts)......

Lebana:(sees Kuffi and her friends walking by heading inside)...... (Rolls her eyes).....

Kross:(looks at Zara, sips his drink).....

Kuffi:(reaches the inside with her friends, music playing at its loudest)......

People:(playing games, drinking, making out..... Etc).......

Zenzele :(sees her friend)..... Nancy hey. (goes to her)......

Kachi:.... I'm off to look for Keisha, byyyye (she goes)....

Thandy :(walks away)......

Zara:are you going too?

Kuffi:of course not. I can't leave you here alone.

Zara :(breathes out in relief)..... Okay.

Hakeem :(from a distance, signals Kuffi to go to him)....

Kuffi:(sees him)..... Uhm.

Zara:...... What?

Kuffi:...... I need to uhm. I need to pee........ Can you wait for me here, great.... (Goes off the quickly)......

Zara:(see's Kuffi dissolve into the crowd).......

"A while of waiting"

Zara:(at the mini bar counter, sitting on the stool playing with her nails)........

Bartender:(walks up to her)...... Can I get you anything?

Zara:....... No thanks, I'm good.

Bartender:(walks away to another crowd)......

Zara:(turns facing the excited crowd)........ (Looking around, people kissing everywhere)....

....... (Breathes out, gets up)....... Kuffi..... (Walks out of the room, looking for Kuffi)......

Several boys:(diving in the pool in roars, taking videos)......

Zara:(sits on the concrete along the pool).......

Couple:(kissing very passionately, almost drowning each other).......

Zara:(watching them in disgust, gets up and leaves)......

Lebana:(dancing to the music with her friends).........

Kross:(chilling with his friends)......

Zara:(walking to the gate).........

Ndasi:(watching Zara from inside through the glass).......

Zara:...... (Reaches the gate)......

Security :..... You want to leave?

Zara:.... Yes please

Security :(presses the button to open the gate, gate opening slowly).......

Zara:thank you......

Ndasi:(quickly gets off his chair, rushing out)....

Zara:(stepping out).....

Ndasi:(calls out)..... ZARA!!!...... ZARA!!!!....


Ndasi:(approaching Zara slowly)....


Ndasi:(reaches her)..... Hey. Where are you off to?

Zara:...... Home. Why?

Ndasi:...... Oh, someone's here to pick you up?

Zara: no. I'm walking there, its quite close.

Ndasi:..... You're walking home like this.... (Looks at her from top to bottom)....

Zara:(embarrassed)..... Shit, I forgot my T-shirt...

Ndasi: you're trying to get yourself kidnapped or something?

Zara:....... No. Why would I do that? ....

Ndasi:(shrugs)......... Why were you leaving so soon?

Zara:....... I add no value to this party. And all my friends ditched me so.......... I have no one to party with or talk to.

Ndasi:......you can talk to me... (Grins).....


"Bar counter"

Zara: (laughing)....... They don't like it!.....why?..... Don't all kids do?

Ndasi:(with a beer in his hand)..... (Laughs a bit ).... You've never seen them that's why...

Zara:I have actually. I was at C's bakery once and you happened to be in the parking lot.....

Ndasi :..... Really? What time? Just my sisters and I? Or my mum was also there?...

Zara:........ It was 8 or 9 pm and your mum was there too I think, I don't know how your mum looks

Ndasi:...... She's pretty tiny.

Zara:...... Oh, then it must have been her.

Ndasi:..... What were you doing at Choolwe's?

Zara:...... Uhm, tasting cake

Ndasi:......interesting. You're friends?

Zara:..... Yeah.

Ndasi:.... (Starring at her).....

Zara:........ (Smiles a bit)...... What? Are you homophobic?....

Ndasi:.... No its not that.....


Ndasi:..... I've never quite seen you up close

Zara:.......... Yeah, a zoom in of my ugly face....... (Looks away)...

Ndasi:........ Don't joke like that, you're really pretty

Zara:(trying not to blush)....... Uhm, thank you.

Ndasi :(gets a text, checks it)..... Shit. My driver's here I have to go....


Ndasi:........ I can take you if you don't mind... (Gets up)....

Zara:.... No, its okay, I'll wait for Kuffi and the others

Ndasi:... You're sure?

Zara:..... Yeah

Ndasi:........ Okay then......... Can I have your number?......

Zara:(embarrassed)....... I uhm. I don't have a phone

Ndasi:....... Are you joking?...

Zara:.... I wish I was.

Ndasi:..... I don't believe you.... (Almost smiling).....

Zara:..... I'm telling the truth, I don't have one.

Ndasi:......... Strict parents?

Zara:....... Super super super strict mum yeah.

Ndasi:...... She doesn't allow you to have a phone, but she's totally cool with parties?

Zara:.... No. I snuck out....

Ndasi:... Oh so you're a rebel?

Zara:(laughs a bit)..... Not necessarily, this is the first time I've done this.

Ndasi:........... Okay. See you around then.

Zara:..... Bye.


Zara:(watches him leave)......

"2 hours later"

(Kuffi entrance door)......

Zara:....... Kuffi

Kuffi:(drunk, singing a song)....

Zara:... Stop it, listen to me...


Zara:..... Kuffi.... (Shaking her)....

Kuffi:(whining)...... What?

Zara:...... Listen to me carefully.....

Kuffi:(almost falls)....

Zara:(holds her back)...... Kuffi....

Kuffi :....... It wasn't my fault...... She left it open

Zara:.... (Confused)..... You are drunk....

Kuffi:... No I'm not..... You're drunk..... (Laughs)....

Zara:..... Shhhhhh..

Kuffi;(keeps quite)......

Zara:.... Listen, you will walk into your house and go straight to bed, no stops you hear me?

Kuffi:(salutes, laughing).....

Zara:....... I can't do this any longer, I have to go too....

Kuffi:(starts humming again).....

Zara:...... Listen, go straight to your room....

Kuffi:.... Okay..... (swaying a bit)....

Zara:.. (Opens the door for her)....

Kuffi:(enters, repeating the words)..... Go straight to your room.....

Zara:(closes the door, hurries off to her house)......

"Zara's house "

(Living room)

Zara:....... (Standing)...

Jennifer :(standing not so far from Zara).... WHERE DID YOU GO? AND WITH WHOSE PERMISSION?......


Jennifer:...... (In Xhosa)..... ANSWER ME!


Jennifer :(in shock)...... AND WHO GOT YOU THESE CLOTHES!


Jennifer :(rushes up to her and struggles her throat)...... I'M TALKING YOU!....

Zara:(struggling for air, crying)....

Jennifer:(let's her free and slaps her across her face).......

Zara:(now on the ground crying)....

Jennifer:....... (Angry)...... WHY DO YOU TEST ME!......... GOD I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU TO DIE IN MAURITIUS!......

Zara:..... (Crying)......

Jennifer:..... WHY!...... TELL ME WHY!....... (Gets a bundle of money wrapped in a loom band)...... And this?... (Raising the money in the air)........ YOU'VE BEEN STEALING FROM ME!.....

Zara:.......No, I haven't...... (Scared)...... They're savings.......

Jennifer:..... SAVINGS FOR WHAT!....... DON'T I GET YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED!...... (Walking to the closet not so far away)....... I've had more than enough of your foolishness........ (Gets a belt from the closet).....

Zara:...... (In a low cracking voice)........ It's for a phone...... (On the ground still, crying).....

Jennifer:(walks up to Zara with vigour)....... YOU'RE THE REASON MY HUSBAND LEFT ME!......... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!..... ALL MY DOWNFALLS ARE YOUR FAULT!.......


Jennifer:........YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED AT BIRTH!...... YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!...... WHY DIDN'T YOU DIE!....... TELL ME!...... WHY DIDN'T YOU DIE!.... (Hits Zara with the belt buckle several times).......

Zara:(her arms covering her face, screaming in pain)......

"Kuffi's house"


Kuffi:(sleeping on the breakfast counter, her head rested on her arms)......

Kahilu:..... (Walks into the kitchen)....... (Pauses when he see's Kuffi).........

Kuffi:(turns her head, still sleeping).......

Kahilu:..... (Turns the light on)..... Kuffi......


Kahilu:... (Walks up to her).... KUFFI!.........

Kuffi:........ (Gets up slowly, confused)........

Kahilu :..... What the fuck are those red marks on your neck?......

Kuffi:...... (Still confused)...... What?

Kahilu:(angry).... ARE THOSE HICKEYS!......

Kuffi:(still a little drunk, sits up)..... Ssh, my brother will hear us....... Be cool.


Kuffi:(laughs)..... Ssh, kahilu will hear you.....


Kuffi:(laughs clapping).......because I said it was a birthday party.... DUH!

Kahilu:WHAT WAS IT!.....

Kuffi:....... Lower your tone. I'll tell you, but don't tell my brother........ It was a pool Party, bikini's, boys...

Kahilu:(grabs her hand)...... Come on let's get you to bed before I do something I don't want to.....

Kuffi:(resisting)...... No. I want to party... (Laughs)......

Kahilu:(gets her off the stool, lifts her).....

Kuffi:(passes out).....

"The next morning "

(Kuffi's house, kitchen)....

Kuffi:(at the counter with a cup of coffee, wearing a black turtle neck)......

Kahilu:.... HOW OLD DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!.....



Kuffi:.... (Tears up).... I don't get why you treat me like a kid?...


Kuffi:.... I hate being yelled at.


Kuffi:(looking down).....

Kahilu:..... (in Xhosa).... FOR WHAT REASON ARE YOU LETTING A BOY TOUCH YOU!....




Kahilu:..... From today, no parties, no sleepovers, no walks home..... I'll be taking you to school and picking you up.......

Kuffi :(in Xhosa).... Over my dead body


Kuffi:..... (Rolls her eyes).....

Kahilu:.... I'll be in the car park everyday when schools over got that?

Kuffi:........ You know I walk with my best friend right?

Kahilu:...... She won't die walking alone....


Kahilu:.... My word is my word.

Kuffi:...... (In Xhosa)...... I hate you..... (Storms out of the room)...


Kuffi:(bangs her bedroom door)....

"C's Bakery".....

Zara:...... (Walks in with her hoodie over her head)......

Choolwe:(sees her, smiles)...... Hi beautiful........

Zara:. (Smiles)..... Hey. (Reaches the counter)....... How are you?

Choolwe:.... As great as you found me last time. How are you? Its so hot outside and you're in that hoodie..... Do you have a cold?

Zara:...... No, I didn't notice that heat. I'm okay.....

Choolwe:..... (Not convinced)..... Really?...

Zara:(chuckles).... Yes Choolwe. Anyway, I have a surprise for you...

Choolwe:.... (Excited).... So do I

Zara:(smiles).... Okay you've got me excited so whats my surprise?.......

Choolwe :(smiles)...... Drum roll..... (Drums on the counter)...


Choolwe :.........(takes out an iPhone box).....

Zara:(freezes in happiness, her hand over her mouth, almost in tears)....

Choolwe:..... I could have got you the latest one but...... I'm just a baker.

Zara:..... (Tears roll down her face).....

Choolwe:..... No no. No, not the tears Zara....


Choolwe :..... (Worried)...... (Gets away from the counter and goes to her)..... Zara

Zara:..... (Wipes her tears)..... Don't get me wrong, I love it...... I'm just....... Emotional

Choolwe:(hugs her)...... That's new

Zara:(hugging him tight)...... Thank you

Choolwe:(breaks the hug)..... You're welcome....

Zara:(smiles, excited).....

Choolwe:.... Now that's more like the Zara I know....

Zara:(gets the box)......wow, I can't believe my eyes..... am I dreaming?

Choolwe:(now behind the counter)..... No, you are wide awake girl ..... (Smiles)...... I put my music on it, apps I thought people your age like...

Zara:..... Thank you, I know I'll love every song...... Thank you.

Choolwe:...... Okay enough of the thank yous. What my surprise?

Zara:........its not as grand as yours but........ (Takes money out her pocket)........ I'm here to buy something for the first time in years........ (Puts the money on the counter)........ I had more, but I lost it. So I figured why not spend the least of it on cake.

Choolwe:..... You don't have to Zara. You are my friend....

Zara:.... Exactly, I need to contribute to your business.....

Choolwe :........ (Happy)..... May God bless you

Zara:(smiles)..... Same.

Choolwe:(gets the money).... Okay, take a seat as I bring you a masterpiece......

Zara:.... Okay.... (Goes to her seat)....

"After a while"

Zara:(on her phone, her air pods on, listening to music)......

Ndasi:(walks into the store, his sisters run in after him)...... Not too much sugar okay

Natalie:(one of the pair, 6 years old).... We know already...

Nathaniah :(the other of the pair)....... Let's get the chocolate fountain........

Ndasi:(turns)...... (See's Zara)......

Zara:..... (Singing silently to herself, swaying a bit,on her phone).....

Ndasi:... (Walks up to her)......

Zara:..... (Notices him)..... (Takes her air pods off)..... Hi......

Ndasi :..... No phone huh?

Zara:....... I just got it, like right now....

Ndasi :..... You could have just told me....

Zara:..... I wasn't lying to you, I get the box?..... (Gets the box out)..... I got the phone right now, I swear. Choolwe got it for me.

Ndasi:. (Sits opposite her).... Why?

Zara :(shrugs).... It was a gift....

Ndasi:..... You're that tight?.... Cool

Zara:..... Yeah. So how are you here, you here to buy cake?cupcakes? Sweets?

Ndasi:..... Not really, I brought my sisters. I'm babysitting and they insisted on a car ride here...

Zara:.... Awwwwwww...... (looks back at Ndasi's sisters)....

Ndasi:..... Yeah. I hate all this but my mum dumps them on me anyway....(looking at Zara cake, on a plate in front of her)..... What flavor of cake is this?....

Zara:..... I can't tell for sure, I've barely had a taste of it....

Ndasi:(gets the fork beside the plate).......

Zara:...... I used that

Ndasi:...... Yeah and..... (Dishes himself and gets a taste of the cake).....


Ndasi:(puts the fork back as he chews)...... Mm mm mm, its mostly chocolate.......

Zara:..... (Gets another fork from the bundle on the table)....

Ndasi:.... Oh so you're that type.

Zara:...... Yeah. (Chuckles)....

Ndasi :.... Cool. Even with your parents?

Zara:..... No, I mean...... I'm here because of them so....... Its gross with other people.

Ndasi:.... Shit. If that's gross then whats a kiss?

Zara:....... Even grosser I guess. I don't know, I've never done that.....

Ndasi:(shocked)....... Are you for real?


Ndasi:..... How come? When you came to Waterford, every guy was crazy about you.

Zara:....... Maybe. But, I didn't want anything like that so....

Ndasi :........ I see

Natalie:(pops up)...... We want the chocolate bags

Ndasi :(gives her a card)..... Make sure only you see the code okay.....

Natalie:..... I know(grabs it then goes).....

Zara:(chuckles)..... I wish I had a younger sibling....

Ndasi:..... You don't mean that....

Zara:..... I do actually

Ndasi:..... They are beyond annoying, there's literally nothing admirable.

Zara:...... I wish I could say that. "Oh my brothers are so annoying"....

Ndasi:(laughs)...... So what were you doing on your phone before I got here?

Zara:....... Letting music take me to the usual wonder of ease and relief....

Ndasi:..... Why?

Zara:.... (In a posture of thought)..... I love how music separates me from the present moment........... I know that's a cringe thing to say but It takes me to this sound place where I can't see anything really, but perceive it to be perfect regardless......

Ndasi:..... That's something you don't hear people say everyday

Zara:(chuckles)...... Yeah I know.....

Natalie:(runs back to with Nathaniah, both holding medium sized boxes)...... We got them.

Ndasi:.... I can see that.

Nathaniah :(to Zara)...... Hi

Zara:.... Hi

Natalie:.... Hi

Zara:.... Hi. You took look so...

Natalie:alike...... We know..... (Smiles)...... Nathaniah was trying to be like me even before we were born...

Nathaniah :.... No I wasn't

Natalie:..... Yes you were.

Nathaniah :.... No I wasn't...

Ndasi:.... Okay thank you, this will keep going on. Guys this is Zara...... Zara, Natalie and Nathaniah

Zara:..... How do you tell whose who?...

Ndasi:..... You grow to get used to them....

Natalie:.... I'm taller.

Nathaniah :... No I'm taller


Ndasi:..... Okay its high time we left.... (Gets up).... Do you have an Instagram?

Zara:..... Yeah.

Ndasi:..... Whats your Instagram....

Zara:..... I'm yet to make an account, but what's yours?

Ndasi:..... Just my name, you should text me your number there....


Natalie :(giggles with Nathaniah)....

Ndasi:....... Bye

Zara:bye....... (Watches him leave)....

"Zara's house"

Zara:....... (In her bathroom)....... (Wearing a boob tube, looking at the bruises on her arms......... Breathes out, tears roll down her face).....


(The hall)....

Kross:(by his locker)...... I don't know what Ndasi is up to but his getting me really upset

Asani:...... Bro are you blind. Each time he wins a race he looks to Zara and she smiles at him...

Marques:his clearly trying to impress her....... How's that bad?

Kross :firstly, his ruining my perfect record....... And his flirting with Zara but I liked her first......

Marques and martin:(roar in shock)....

Martin:..... Bro, since 5th grade you're still on this....

Marques :..... And where does Lebana fall in all this

Asani:.... You two should just stop the drama. We all know why his dating Lebana......

Martin:....... Shit. She has no idea she's a sex object....

Kross:..... Its not the sex?

Martin:.... What is it?

Kross:...... She's pretty......

Marques:..... Cap. Like she is pretty but that can't be the reason

Kross:..... Whatever. Believe what you want to...... (Spots Zara).....

Martin:.... Aren't you always so rude to Zara though?

Kross:.... She pisses me off. Like, why doesn't she want me?

Martin:.... I can give a thousand reasons why man.....

Kross:.... Give me two....

Martin:..... You are arrogant, two you are rude...... Not just to her but like....... Your attitude is trash all together


Asani :..... Apologize to Zara, that's the best start....


Marques:..... And lower your pride, you anger..... And all that bitch thing you have going on.

Kross:..... All these years. You tell me today....

Martin:(taps Kross on the shoulder)...... You're not the easiest to confront bro.... (Walks away)....

Asani:all the best bro....... (Goes off with marques).....

Kross:.... Thanks.

Zara :....... (Closes her locker, walking away).....

Kross:...... (Loudly).... Zara...

Zara:.... (Stops, Looking around)....

Kross:(reaches her)...... Hi

Zara :(looks behind)...... Me?... (Pointing at herself)....

Kross:.... Yeah you, hi....

Zara:.... Hey

Kross:..... Let's walk..... (They start walking)...

Zara:(confused).... What happened?..... What do you want?

Kross:...... I wanted to be friends...

Zara:..... With me?..... Why?...

Kross :.... Because I want to settle the beef between us.

Zara:(stops)..... What beef?

Kross:(also stops)...... I know you hate me.

Zara:..... (Defensively)..... I wouldn't waste my time hating people like you......

Kross:.... See that, that right there....... You hate me and I understand.

Zara:........ What do you really want Kross...

Kross:.... To apologize, I want us to be friends....... I don't want a beef between us...


Kross :..... I know I'm a jerk, I get like that sometimes....

Zara:.... All the time.

Kross:...... So because of that, I'm here to apologize

Zara:........ Okay

Kross:...... I'm sorry. Can we be friends.....

Zara:... It doesn't quite work like that but thanks for the apology...... If you even meant it.

Kross:.... I did mean it.

Zara :(breathes out)....... I have a class to get ready for.. Byyye(goes)...


"Later that day"

(Zara's house)....

Jennifer:(in the kitchen)..... DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!....

Zara:... (Standing in front of a broken plate by the sink)......

Jennifer:.....I SAID DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!.....

Zara :.... (Looking down).... No.


Zara:(looks up at her)......

Jennifer:...... Let me just confess........ I didn't want you, not at all.....


Jennifer:.... I talked to friends, got the pill....... And boom, you're still here....


Jennifer:........ I hated all the nine months I had to carry I creature that I didn't want.......

Zara:... (Tears up).....

Jennifer:....... YOU RUINED MY LIFE!......... (In Xhosa)...... THE LOVE OF MY LIFE LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU!..... YOU!...... NO ONE ELSE!.......


Jennifer:(with great pain in her voice)....... YOU TOOK AWAY THE ONE MAN I LOVED SO MUCH!......YOU SELFISH INCONSIDERATE.......... YOU..... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO CALL YOU!...... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DISAPPEAR!......... DIE FOR ALL I CARE!!!......

Zara:... (Tears rush down her face in silence)....

Jennifer :...... Oh spare me those fake tears......... NOW PICK THE BROKEN GLASS!........

Zara: (bends down to pick the glass).......

Jennifer:..... HURRY UP!.....

Zara:...... (Picking the glass slowly and carefully)....

Jennifer:....... WHAT ARE YOU DOING!.....

Zara:..... (Confused, crying)....


Zara:.... (Continues picking slowly)......

Jennifer:..... OH YOU'RE SCARED TO GET HURT NOW ARE YOU!....... LET ME SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN GET HURT...... (rushes up to her and knees on the glass free floor )...

Zara:.... (Confused).....

Jennifer:(takes Zara's arms and presses them against the broken glass).......

Zara:(screaming in pain)......


Zara:(crying the more as blood runs down her arms)....

Jennifer:...(storms off).....


"The next day"



Zara:( looking in one position, sad and low. Her pen in her hand on her note book)......

Kuffi:.... (Takes a glance at Zara)...

Ndasi:..... (Also notices Zara)......

Kross:(also notices).......

Lebana:(whispers to J'hream).... Why is Kross starring at Zara?...

J'hream:(shrugs)...... You should ask after class.


Teacher:(notices Zara)..... Zara

Zara:(looks up).....

Teacher:..... What I'm teaching is very important.

Zara:....(in a low voice)..... Sorry

Teacher:...... Are you okay? Daydreaming is unlike you....


Teacher:... (Continues teaching)......



(Behind the old unused chemistry lab)

Zara:(watching the basketball game occurring at a distance)....

Kross :.. (Pops up holding a small kindergarten book in his hand)....... Hey....... (Sits next to Zara)....


Kross:....(giving her the book)..... Check this out.

Zara:. (Looks at him)......

Kross:..... Check it out.

Zara :..... (Gets the book, reads the cover).... 'Ten ways to be happy when you're not'...... Wow.... (Smiles a bit). What are you? Five?

Kross:..... Just open it... (Smiles)....

Zara:.... (Opens the book)..... "1.Get yourself around a group of friends that make you happy"....... (Rolls her eyes, looks at him)...

Kross:(pointing at himself).... Like me.

Zara :..... It says a group. And anyway, what if the reader doesn't have friends, this book would just add to their misery.

Kross:... You think too much... (Chuckles)....

Zara:... I don't. Its just me being practical.

Kross:.... Okay. Go on.....

Zara:...... "2.find a fun game to play"....... (Drained)..... Why do you have this?

Kross:..... I get sad.

Zara :this is for kids though Kross

Kross:..... It gets better at page ten...

Zara:(chuckles)....... Is this for your younger sibling's?

Kross:I'm an only child, so no. Its mine....

Zara:(humorously)....... When did you get it?

Kross:..... (Laughs)..... At eight.

Zara :. Why?.... (Laughs)..

Kross:...... I used to get bullied a lot at school.

Zara:.... You?.... How come you're so worshipped now? Everyone just forgot about it?....

Kross:..... I was at a school in Ethiopia before here.


Kross:...... I hated school so much, I used to cry everyday. I hated every kid, every activity.....


Kross:..... When I told my mum, she got me this book......

Zara:..... And that helped?....... (Chuckles)....

Kross:...... Not really, but...... My mum always babied me, I liked that part.

Zara:..... Mummy's boy?

Kross:.... You can say that. Its been her and I ever since my dad died. That's what made us move actually....

Zara:..... Sorry about your dad.

Kross:.... Its all good.

Zara:..... How come you moved so far?

Kross:.... My mum's whole family is here..... She was raised here. I also loved it here so

Zara:...... You must be glad huh?..... From laughs to praises.

Kross:.... Yeah.

Zara:..... No wonder your like this...

Kross:.... Like what?

Zara:..... Arrogant,..... selfish, inconsiderate...... a bully..... a pain the ass and just so so awful a human being....

Kross:okay I get that. But I'm not to blame, I suffered injustice...... It feels great to actually have power over people for once.

Zara:....... Maybe, but that makes other peoples lives difficult. Because of your crew...... Others few insecure.... They feel inadequate....... They feel like outcasts.

Kross:..... Well sorry to them.

Zara:.... Right there...... Inconsiderate.

Kross:...... Okay enough of me....... Whats wrong with you. I saw you in class..... That wasn't your usual look.

Zara:...... (Breathes out).... Its nothing big.

Kross:...... You were sitting alone behind these labs, watching whatever it is you are....... It can't be that small.


Kross:..... Come on. I'm all ears...

Zara:.... (sighs)...,,I had an argument with my mum.

Kross:..... She said something?....

Zara:........... She always does........ She says these things without a thought.......... She says these things that hurt me, but she seems not to notice that they do.

Kross:...... Have you ever talked to her about it?

Zara:.... No. I just let it slide..

Kross:...... Then she'll never know that she hurts you.

Zara:...... I'm over it anyway...

Kross:....... Don't be, it never hurts to try.

Zara:...... (Breathes out)...... Why are you here?

Kross:..... I noticed you were upset, saw you come here and as your friend I wanted to make you feel better....

Zara:... (Chuckles)..... This friend thing is still on?...

Kross:..... Yes it is. Friends forever.......

Zara:...... Don't say that, you sound like a seven year old at some sleep over

Kross:(laughs).......... (Siren goes).....

Zara:.... Agh, more classes.

Kross:..... (Gets up)..... Suck it up, its Mrs Style.

Zara:(celebrates).... Great timing...

Kross:.... (Helps her up).....

"After class"

Zara:(packing her staff)...

Kuffi:(walks up to Zara)...... Hey are you okay? Where were you during lunch? Is it me?

Zara:I'm fine, I was behind the old chemistry lab and no, it's nothing that has to do with you...


Ndasi:(reaches them)... Hey.... (To Zara).... Are you okay?


Kuffi :(irritated)..... You see me talking to her right?

Ndasi:... Sorry, I was just concerned.

Zara:... I'm fine both of you.

Ndasi:.... Where were you during lunch?

Kuffi:.... Behind the old chemistry lab.

Ndasi:..... (To Zara).... Why would you be there? Alone?....

Zara:........ Its peaceful and no I wasn't alone...... I was with Kross ......

Ndasi:..... (Upset)... Why?

Kuffi:.... Kross, Kross..... As in Kross Kumenda?

Zara:..... Yeah he came to talk to me...

Ndasi:.... I thought you hated each other

Zara:..... Yes but he apologized. I still don't like him but he's not as bad. He made me feel better....

Ndasi:.... About what?

Zara:... Its a long story..

Kuffi:.. No story is ever too long for me...

Kross:... (Waiting by the door).... (Calls out)... Zara

Zara:.... (To Kross) I'm coming...

(Puts her bag on her back).... I have to go... (To Kuffi)... I call you.


Ndasi:...... (Watches Zara leave with Kross)....... What the hell is going on?

Kuffi:..... (Walks away)....


"That night"

Kuffi:(knocks at Zara's door)....

................................... (Waiting)

Zara :(opens the door).... Hey.... (Comes out, closes the door behind her quietly)....

Kuffi:I came to talk. Your phone's off and I needed to talk. Why is it off anyway?

Zara :... My mum has been storming into my room every second yelling at me as usual. I couldn't charge my phone worse off have it around in the open.

Kuffi:.... Okay. (Sits on the step)... Let's talk.

Zara:..... (Also sits).....

Kuffi:.... Whats up with you and Kross, more importantly, what was up with you?

Zara:.... I just didn't want to go to school today so.

Kuffi:(in Xhosa)... Lies

Zara:.... I'm telling the truth. My mum forced me to go.....

Kuffi :......

Zara:.... Kross and I just talked, I got to know about him...... His life story, he got me off the whole bad vibe.....

Kuffi:.... I know you're lying about what was up with you today friend........ but I can't force you to tell me...


Kuffi:... Where does Ndasi fall in all this?......

Zara:.... All this what?

Kuffi:... What's up with you and him?

Zara:.... Nothing.

Kuffi:.... Why are you lying to me?

Zara:I'm not.....

Kuffi:.... I'm your best friend you can tell me if you've found love?.... Why are you so against love?

Zara:I'm not against it, I'm just not looking for love especially not at Waterford.

Kuffi :... Well you're missing at boo...... I love Hakeem.

Zara:...... I saw it at the party, he was all over you...

Kuffi:.... That's not the point. One you're lying about your issues.... Two, you have this love triangle but you're keeping me in the dark.

Zara:..... Kuffi, I'd never lie to you, I don't like Ndasi nor Kross.... Facts. And I just didn't want to come to school......

Kuffi:... Why would you be sad about going to school, like to that extent....

Zara:.... My mum forced me. You know how she does it.

Kuffi:(scared)... Did she hit you?

Zara:.... No. But almost..... Look, I'm fine now. That's what matters.

Kuffi:(looking at her)......

Zara :.... I'm fine and thank you for checking on me.

Kuffi:.... Its my job.

Zara:.... I should go in before bad things happen... (Gets up).

Kuffi:(also gets up).....

Zara:.... Tomorrow?

Kuffi:.... Tomorrow.......

"The next day"


Ermias Ahli (male)

-41 years old

-very tall


-long black hair always tied at the back with a beard

-good looking


Ermias:(walking out of the prison gates as they slowly open).....

Guard:..... Free man now huh Mr Ahli?

Ermias:(kindly).... Yes finally

Guard:.... Don't come back here, I don't want to open these gates for you to enter....

Ermias:.... Thats nothing to worry about.... (Walking, see's London, smiles).....

London:.... (Also smiles)....

London Ahli(female)

-32 years old

- medium height

-light skinned

-straight hair

-African American

-dimples on both sides of her cheeks.....

Guard :..... Enjoy your life as a free man

Ermias:..... Thank you. (Gate closes behind him)........ (Walking up to London).....

London:.... (Standing beside a black range rover, smiling).....

Ermias:..... (Reaches her).....

London :.... Finally...

Ermias:... Finally.. (Puts his arms around her, kisses her).....

London:.... (Holding his arms)... We need to get you home, the kids miss you so much....

Ermias:..... (Smiles).... And my wife.....

London :................. (Looking at him)..... She's been waiting very patiently for this very moment. Having to kiss you without guards around..... Being able to hold you....

Ermias :(smiles).....

London:...... Being able to take you home............ I love you.

Ermias :.... I love you (they kiss).....

London :(breaks the kiss)..... Let's go home now.... (Unlocks the car)........ To be continued

Ermias :...(laughs abit, they both enter the car)........

"South Africa "

(Waterford, Zara's Biology class).....

Students :.... (All paying attention)....

Teacher:..... (Explaining )..... The phenotype is seen,its the physical traits of a person..... (Siren goes)....

Students:.... (Start fidgeting)...

Teacher:..... Okay, continuation tomorrow.

Students:.... (Start getting up, noise building up).....

Hakeem:(walks in... Walks up to Kuffi)... Hey.. (Smiles)...

Kuffi:(smiles)..... Hi

Lebana:(from a distance, standing about to leave)..... I can't believe he likes that pig

Kross:(standing next to her)......

Asani:.... She's not a pig

J'hream :....(upset)... Why would it matter to you?


Ndasi:... (Gets up and walks up to Zara)....

Kross:(watching him).....

Marques:(looks at Kross)......

Kross :(pissed)....

Lebana :... (To Kross).... Babe let's go for lunch

Kross:... I'm not hungry.

Lebana :.... We can just sit then

Kross:.... I'm going for early practice.... (Going)....

Lebana:.... I can come with you.. (About to go)...

Martin:.... How don't you get it.. (About to laugh).... He doesn't want you

The guys:... (Laugh a bit)....

Tandeo:. (Also joins in)....

Lebana:.... (Looks at her)..... Don't test me Tandeo


Jhene:... (To Tandeo)..... Let's go...... (They both got out)...

J'hream :(leaves with Asani).....

Lebana:... (Watches everyone leave, angry).....

"Cafeteria "

Lebana:... (Sitting with her girls)..... Zara is a joke, what is she even doing talking to Ndasi?

J'hream :... His way out of her league...

Tandeo:... She's actually really pretty.

Lebana:... (Looks at her in disgust)....... Bitch whose side are you on?..... Like everyday?

Tandeo:.... Its not a side. It was just a well deserved complement.

J'hream :do that at another table not here.

Tandeo:(rolls her eyes)....

Lebana:(laughs)..... I see whats going on here.......... Tandeo watch yourself really, we are not at the same level and we'll never be

Tandeo :....

Lebana :... I rubbed off some clout on you and now you want to act like you're so mighty. Know your place....

Jhene:........ This isn't necessary..

J'hream :... It wouldn't have been if your girl here watched her actions........

Tandeo:... Some comments you make are unnecessary.

J'hream :........ Suck a dick

Lebana :....... (Almost laughing)..... Baby steps J'hream, she's never even kissed anyone....


J'hream :...... Oh my bad.

Lebana:..... (To Tandeo).... Look sweetheart, let's help you get a boyfriend first before you rebel

J'hream :.... Yeah like if you're having struggles now, what more when you're alone?.....

Lebana:......... No one would have known you if it weren't for us, so be more grateful....


Jhene:...... Okay, she's heard you....

Roshai:....... (Looks at Tandeo)

Tandeo:.... (Looking down at her food).....

"Last period of class"

(Rain pouring outside).....

Students:... (Talking, others sleeping, laughing, texting..... At the absence of a teacher).....

Zara:.... (In thought)...

"Flash back"

(Nine years ago, Mauritius)...

Zara:(doing her homework on her father's work desk)....

Ermias:(watching her).... I see your getting good with you calculations....

Zara:(smiles).....its too easy

Ermias:..... You're taking after your daddy....


Jennifer :(shouting from another room).....

Zara:..... Is that mummy?

Ermias :..... (Gets up and goes)....

Zara:... (Watches him leave, gets back to her work ).........................

................ (Hears a loud bang, turns in fear, looking at the shut door)...... Daddy...... (Rushes out of the room)....

Ermias:... (Bleeding from his arm)......

Zara:... (Frozen in fear).....

Ermias:...... (See's Zara)..

Zara:....... What happened?

Ermias:......... It was the dog sweetie

Zara:.... (Wondering).... Why would Marie hurt you?

Ermias :... He was mad I guess (puts his hand over the cut).....


Kuffi:.... Yo... (Tapping Zara).... Class is over

Zara :.... Oh

Kuffi:.... What were you thinking about?

Zara:...... I don't even know.

Kuffi:..... You have to come with us today, I don't think this rain will stop...

Zara:.... Mmm, I can wait

Kuffi:... Is the crush thing that deep? (Laughs)...

Zara:... I don't have a crush on kahilu

Kuffi:...but you admitted it

Zara:... Years ago. Now I'm grown...

Kuffi:.... Whatever you say, let's just go.......(they leave together).....

"Later that day, 9:16pm"

(The rain even heavier with thunder and lightening).....

Zara:(on her bed, wearing an oversized long sleeved shirt with pajama bottoms, her hair tied up in a bin) ..........( Her air pods on listening to music, writing in a large brown journal)....

Jennifer :(downstairs at her desk)...... (Calling out).... ZARA!...... ZARA!........ is this girl deaf?...... ZARA!.......


Jennifer:... (Gets up).....

Zara:..... (Now drawing, singing lightly).....

Jennifer:(storms into Zara's room)....... Don't you hear me calling you?...... (Realises the situation)...... Wow, so this is what is going on here.......... ZARA!.....

Zara: (looks up, freaks out.... Takes the air pods off, trying to hide the phone)......

Jennifer :STOP IT!.....

Zara:... (Freezes in fear)....

Jennifer:GET UP!...... GET UP!...

Zara:.. (Gets off the bed quickly)....


Zara:(quickly gets them off the bed).....

Jennifer:...... Who got you that?


Jennifer:I SAID WHO GOT YOU THAT!........




Jennifer:...... WHO GOT YOU THAT PHONE!.....

Zara:.. (In a low voice)... Choolwe.

Jennifer:... (Rushes up to her and forcefully grabs the phone)...... I WILL NOT BE LIED TO. THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING BAKER WOULDN'T HAVE GOT YOU THIS!.....

Zara:.... He did.


Zara:..... Mum I....

Jennifer:(throws the phone forcefully against the wall, breaking it)...... YOU HAVE ZARA!.........

Zara:..... (Crying)...... CHOOLWE DID GET IT FOR ME!.....

Jennifer:.. (Slaps her)..... WATCH HOW YOU TALK TO ME!....... (throws the air pods out the open window).....

Zara:(crying even more)..... NOOOOOOOO

Jennifer:....SHUT UP!........ TELL ME HOW YOU GOT THAT PHONE!....

Zara:.... (Crying even more)....

Jennifer :.... I WILL GIVE YOU A REASON TO CRY!......... YOU THIEF!....... (Punches her across the face).......

Zara:(falls to the ground)......

Jennifer:.... (Grabs her shirt).... (IN XHOSA)..... YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE DEMON!..... STEALING FROM YOUR MOTHER NOW ARE YOU?.... (slaps her hard multiple times across her face).....

Zara:... (Screaming)......

Jennifer:...... (Let's her free).... SHUT UP!........ NOW GET UP!....

Zara: (her face red and swollen, bleeding from her nose).....

Jennifer:...... I SAID GET UP!.... (lifts her off the ground by her arm)........ UNTIL YOU TELL ME THE TRUTH YOU WILL STAY OUTSIDE.......

Zara:..... (Crying)...... Choolwe got it for me

Jennifer:(slaps her)...... STOP LYING TO ME!..... (drags her out of the room)........ Today you will see my wrath....

Zara:.... (Following behind, crying).....

Jennifer:....... (At the entrance door)..... You have a chance to tell me the truth.....

Zara:...... (Looking at her powerlessly..)

Jennifer:(opens the door)...... Get out now......


Jennifer:GET OUT!....... (PUSHES HER OUT).......

Zara:... (Falls on the ground).....


Zara:...... (Still on the ground, raining pouring on her harshly).....


Zara:(gets up slowly and walks to the rose bush which is at the centre on the yard)......

Jennifer:.... (Bangs the door closed)......

Zara:(hugging herself, crying).................. (Thunder rumbles every now and then).....

"Kuffi's house"...

(Cinema room)....

Kuffi:. (Both watching a movie, eating popcorn ).... I can so relate to this movie

Kahilu:... Its practically us and mum's relationship, except with them its their father.

Kuffi:.... When will she be back?

Kahilu:.. No one ever knows.


Kahilu:.. This rain has ruined my plans with my mates

Kuffi:(in Xhosa)...... Praise be to God. For once stay home....

Kahilu:(laughs)....... Its ruined plans with my mates yes but not with Siwe

Kuffi:.... Is that a girl?.... I can't sleep home alone again.

Kahilu:.... I'll be back this time, don't worry about it

Kuffi:..(drained)... That's what you said last time

Kahilu:...... This time I promise. (Gets up)...... I have to go

Kuffi :.... You won't even finish the movie?

Kahilu:..... I don't have time

Kuffi:........... (Still watching)..... Come back soon enough....

Kahilu:(going)......, I will


"garage "

Kahilu :(in his ford explorer, reversing as the garbage door opens)...

Zara:...... (Outside still, her skin pale, her eyes halfway open)....

Kahilu :(drives out of the garage, turns the car lights on).....


Kahilu :(turns to look back, see's Zara)...... What the fuck.... (Quickly gets out of the car)......... (Runs and jumps over the fence between the houses).... Zara


Kahilu:(reaches her, holds her by her arms).....Zara what are you doing outside in this rain?.... (Panicking).....

Zara:(barely audible).... My...... My.... My mum.

Kahilu:... (Grabs her in his arms, rushing out of her yard, rain pouring harshly on him).......

Kuffi:( in the kitchen, puts the now empty bowl of popcorn in the sink).....

Kahilu:... (Storms in).... KUFFI!

Kuffi:(scared)...... Kahilu?

Kahilu :(lays Zara on the couch).... KUFFI!.... KUFFI!...

Kuffi :(rushes up to him).... Whats going on?.... (Sees Zara)... Shit.

Zara:(shivering, shaking the whole couch)....

Kahilu:.... GET HER WARM CLOTHES!....

Kuffi:.... (Runs to her room)......

Kahilu:..... Phone, phone, phone.. (Looking for his phone)......


Kahilu:(gets hold of the home telephone)..... (Puts in a number, waiting)....

Kuffi:(reaches with a bundle of clothes and a blanket)....

Kahilu:..... (Turns the other side).... Doctor Levy, we you need you right now.......... Its an emergency...

Kuffi:(gets Zara out of her shirt, see's the blood clotted cuts on both her arms........ Looking at them)...shit.......

Zara:...(still shivering)......

Kuffi:(gets Zara into the warm clothes).....

Kahilu:... Thank you. (Cuts the call)... (Turns to face Kuffi and Zara).....

Kuffi:... (Puts a warm blanket around her)...... You'll be fine... (Drying her hair with a towel)....

Zara:...(shivering less)......

Kahilu:.... Let me get the heater.... (Rushes off).....

Kuffi:(tucking her in)........

"After a while"

Zara :(now Sitting up in a chair near the fire place)...... (A covering over her).....

Doctor :..... Keep her away from that bad boyfriend

Zara:... (Her face swollen and pale)....


Kahilu:.... definitely

Doctor :the cream should be applied on her face twice a day, it will help with the swelling. She should take hot beverages too and stay in bed for at least a day.

Kahilu:.... Noted

Doctor :(gets up).....

Kahilu :(also gets up).... Thank you so much doctor...

Doctor :.... You're welcome...

Kahilu:... Let me walk you to the door. (The two of them go).....

Kuffi:...(walks to Zara, sits next to her)....

Zara:(leans her head on the couch)....

Kuffi:(leans her head on Zara....)

Zara :(tears roll silently down her face)........

Kuffi:... (Puts her arm around Zara)......

"The next morning"

(Kuffi's house, kitchen 9am)

Zara:(her face less swollen, holding a mug of coffee)...

Kahilu :(opposite her at the breakfast counter)... You still won't tell me anything?


Kahilu:...... I know its hard for you, I'm here to help you....

Zara:..... (Sips her coffee)...

Kahilu :.......

Zara:... (Gets up and goes upstairs).....


"Waterford "

(Class switch)......

Kross:(pulls Kuffi out of the crowd).....

Kuffi:...(confused)... What?

Kross :where's Zara?

Kuffi:(drained)...... At her house

Kross :... Why?

Kuffi:(in Xhosa)... What do you mean why?....... (Back to English).... I can't be late over this

Kross:.. Please just a minute.

Kuffi:.... What Kross?

Kross:.... Is she sick? , I've been trying to call her

Kuffi:not really.. (Going)...

Kross:(holds her back)...... (In Xhosa)... Please (back to English).... Why are you tripping? I just want to know if she's okay.

Kuffi:... Kross, she's home sick.... What else do you want to know and why are you so concerned?

Kross:... Look....

J'hream :. (Walks passed them suspiciously).....



Kross:look she's my friend..

Kuffi:.... That's new, what happened to her being a loser and all those names you used to call her?

Kross: I was young and immature.....

Kuffi:.... (With sarcasm).... Yeah sure, was....you still are..... You have a girlfriend......I see what you're trying to do. Leave my best friend out of this....(going).....

Kross:.... I broke up with Lebana

Kuffi:(turns).... What?

Kross :..... I broke up with her......... Or rather I will, today.

Kuffi:.... Please leave Zara alone, she doesn't even like you....

Kross :.... She does, we both know that

Kuffi:...... I don't know that. Thats all on you and your dreams... Just stay with Lebana, she's your type.... (Going)....

Kross :...... You're taking me to her house today...

Kuffi:(continues going without a word).....

Kross :(breathes out)....

"Kuffi's house"

Zara:(in kuffi's room, playing a game on kuffi's phone)....


Zara:....... Its open

Kahilu:..... (Walks in with a photograph in his hand)....hi..

Zara:(puts the phone down)... Hi

Kahilu:(sits on the bed next to Zara).... I found something


Kahilu:(gives her the photograph)....

Zara:(gets it and takes a look at it)..... (Laughs a bit)..... Oh my God....


Zara:.... How old was I?

Kahilu :.... 11,I think

Zara:(looks at the photograph again)....... (Laughs)..... Wow my forehead was so wide.....

Kahilu:.... No comment

Zara:....... This picture is so priceless, most of the kids at this party would never come if it happened now.

Kahilu:..... Like who?

Zara:.... Lebana and her friends.... Asani, marques..... Martin..... Just you know most guys....... You also wouldn't attend

Kahilu:....... Of course I would, you're my neighbor....

Zara:............ Kross Kross Kross ..... His always been cute.

Kahilu:.... What? (Laughs)....

Zara:.... No like a compliment, I don't like him at all....

Kahilu:.... Its okay I'm not judging you

Zara:..... Well I don't, for the record..........


Zara:..... How and why did you come to my parties. I never talked to you till like last year.

Kahilu:.... How and why. Kuffi....

Zara:.... How did Kuffi make you come?

Kahilu:... She told me you had a crush on me.


Kahilu:.... And to be nice, I popped up each time. I don't know how true it was but yeah.

Zara:... (Ashamed)......

Kahilu:(looks at Zara)..... So was it true?

Zara:....... (Smiles)..... Shit uhm. Yeah somehow........ That was then though.

Kahilu:..... I was a frog then and you had a crush on me?

Zara:.... You weren't that bad.. (Laughs)....

Kahilu:.... Okay, and now that I'm presentable if I can say........ You have no crush on me?

Zara:..... No. (Trying not to smile)...

Kahilu:.... Cool....

Zara:(looks at the picture again)..... My mum was so happy....


Zara:....... I can't even place her here right now......... She's this psycho ....

Kahilu:.... (Listening)....

Zara :... Till today, I don't quite understand how and why she suddenly changed..


Zara:(breathes out)..... The shouting...... I got used to it, I got a little irritated but still took it..... Then she started hitting me..... (Sighs).....

Kahilu:........ Why don't you report this?

Zara:.... She's sick. She doesn't do it on purpose and whatever the situation, she's my mum.....


Kuffi:(walks in)...... Hey..... (Confused)..... What happened to you coming to pick me up?

Kahilu:..... Shit. I forgot, I'm sorry...

Kuffi:(smiles)..... What are you talking about?....


Kahilu:... Nothing much..... (gets up)... I have to grab some things from the grocery store...


Kuffi :(smiles)...

Kahilu:(walks out)....

Zara:..... Stop please

Kuffi:(excited).... What was the conversation? Did he propose?


Kuffi:(dives on the bed).... I know you still like him

Zara:..... I don't and I can't believe you told him I had a crush on him, you promised not to....

Kuffi :..... Well sorry, I was doing you both a favor....

Zara:.... I was so embarrassed..... You have no idea. He asked me to my face if I did like him...

Kuffi:(sits up).... And you said?.... (Smiles)...

Zara:.... The truth....


Zara:that I did but I don't now....

Kuffi :..... Can we bet on this

Zara:.... Okay

Kuffi:...... 600 rands?

Zara:..... Deal... (They make a bet)....

Kuffi:...... Before I forget. Kross asked about you at school

Zara:.... What did you say?

Kuffi:.... That you were home sick. Whats going on with you two?


Kuffi:... I don't think its nothing, he said he was going to break up with Lebana for you....

Zara :(confused, shocked).......



(Old chemistry lab).....

Kross:(waiting, on his phone, leaned against an experiment station)......

Lebana:(walks in angry)...... Why were you talking to Zara some day ago and since when do you talk to Kuffi ?

Kross:..... (Puts his phone away, straight faced)..... Get in here.

Lebana:(reaches him, her arms folded)....

Kross:firstly. I talk to who I want and when I want to. I don't need any permission....


Kross:what I'm going to say is for you to hear, I don't need your opinion or contribution.....

Lebana:..can we skip this part already, just apologize and then we can get back to us.... (Puts her arms around him).....

Kross:(pushes her arms away)... I'm not here for that......

Lebana:... Why are you in this mood?.....

Kross :... We're done.

Lebana:... Excuse me?

Kross:... I know you heard me. We're done

Lebana:(tears up)... Kross we, we can't be.....

Kross :.... No more we. I'm done with you.....

Lebana:.... If I did something I'm sorry babe.....

Kross :..... You did nothing, I'm just sick and tired of us....

Lebana:(tears roll down her face).... Babe whatever it is we can fix it.

Kross:... There's nothing to fix.

Lebana:.... (Crying).... We can't be done, I love you and you love me too...... You tell me everyday...

Kross:.... Did I tell you today? Or yesterday, or the other day and day before that?


Kross :... I don't want this.

Lebana:...... What do you want? I can change.

Kross:.... Lebana we're done, thats it. No change needed.

Lebana:(gets angry)...... I'VE DONE SO MUCH FOR YOU!....

Kross:.... And I appreciate it

Lebana :YOU USED ME FOR SEX!....

Kross :... Bro. I never used you, you wanted it as much as I did. I never forced you.......

Lebana:....(crying)..... I'll tell everyone that I broke up with you

Kross:.... Go ahead. I don't give a shit....


Kross :.... My friends already know though and they must have told other people so good luck convincing everyone....

Lebana :,.... I hate you

Kross:..er, okay. Stay blessed..... (Walks out)....

Lebana:(remains crying).....

"Kuffi's house"


Zara :(eating).....

Kuffi :(also eating).... I was with Jhene and Tandeo today

Zara:(shocked).... Why?

Kuffi :.... I just found myself sitting next to them during the physics lesson, it was awkward at first but it caught on

Zara :...... Don't they hate us?

Kuffi:..... It was a Lebana policy but now they're no longer friends so

Zara;... Why? What happened?

Kuffi:.... A fight. I think they're cool, you'll love them

Zara:you said the same thing about Zenzele, Thandy and Kachi......

Kuffi:... I lied then, but now I'm saying the truth

Zara:(laughs)...... You're so mean

Kuffi:.... I don't think so but okay. I know you'll love them

Zara:.... I hope so.....