
Exploration pt.2

I walk through the forest looking for an easy prey. As this was an area with only weak monsters, I wasnt worried about getting injured. I just wanted to see how strong my power could be.

I finally found something after walking for several minutes. One of the weakest creatures in this world and considered pretty much a just a trash eater. The monster I am talking of is a slime.

"Ah, a newbies best friend." I giggled as I approached the slime. It noticed my presence and then began trying to wriggle away. Slimes are mostly cowards as they move slowly and can't attack. They are the kind of monsters that typically only eat dead things they find on the ground. So when this slime saw me it chose to flee.

I almost felt bad for it as it wriggled away for its life. I approached it easily and then reach my hand out to the fleeing slime and attacked using the dark tendril.

It turned into a long needle and easily pierced the core of the slime, causing it to slump into a pile of jelly.

"It pierced the core with no problems..." I still needed to see what else I could do with it a little more so I decided to look for more preys.

While I looked for other monsters to kill, I practiced with the darkness on my hand. I made the darkness change shapes and do other things like form a layer over my fists. I could wear the darkness like a glove and harden it and just when I was thinking about when I would get to use it, I found another monster.

This one was another first order monster like the slime, it had a body like a chipmunk but had red eyes and sharp claws. Its teeth were bared and it growled a warning at me.

This monster is called a Killer Munk. It's one of the few first order monsters that's known as a rookie killer. They are highly territorial and aggressive and can easily kill a weak prey through surprise attacks. They wait and ambush unsuspecting prey and kill them quickly by slashing their throats with their claws.

The monster in front of me is a first order. Meaning that it is still in the weakest tier of monsters. The ranking of monsters goes from first order up to the tenth and then are ranks above that such as king, demi-God and God tier. But a monster is still a monster even if it's in the first order. It can still kill a weak human like me if I'm not careful.

I cautiously moved closer to the Killer Munk. It stopped growling and jumped from tree to tree until it was at my side before it lunged directly at my throat. It claws poised to slash me as it flew through the air.

I quickly stepped back to avoid it.

'Its fast!' I was sweating a little in nervousness. One mistake could mean the end of me, but the same is true for it.

It missed its attack and jumped back onto the trees to prepare another strike. I willed my darkness to expand into a circular disk in front of my fist and punched at its direction.

The killer munk couldn't change its trajectory in time and its body slammed into the disk. It claws extended and it slashed my arm but it was only a futile struggle. The second the killer munk hit the dark disk, I willed it grab the killer munk. The darkness slithered over its body and nearly wrapped itself all around it.

It thrashed and clawed trying to free itself but the darkness wrapped tighter around it. All the while fresh blood from a slash I took on my forearm dropped heavily onto the ground.

'Just a little more...' My head was beginning to hurt a little. Controlling the darkness is still difficult for me as I've only just learned how to use it a few hours ago.

The killer munk was desperate and flailing while the darkness constricted tighter around it. Its movement came to a halt when a eerie crunch sound echoed out. The darkness had crushed its body successfully.

With a thud the small body of the killer munk which was the size of a small dog hit the ground.

'Haah...ah...ah' With the battle over, my adrenaline stopped and I started feeling the pain in my arm.

"Wont the darkness heal this?" It hurt a lot as my veins on my forearm were torn to shreds from the killer munk.

I sat on the ground and started feeling dizzy... and then cold. My eyelids drifted closed and... I died.

A tendril of darkness wriggled out of my open wound on my arm as my consciousness floated in the sea of darkness. My blood and flesh were gathered by the darkness before it spread out over my wound. The skin closed behind it as the darkness slid into my body and then melted as it finished its task. My heart restarted and I sat up with a gasp.

"Again? Fuck..." I looked at my arm and it was healed. I could feel another small of amount of darkness had been used up from my inner sea.

It doesn't get any easier when dying for a fourth time. There's always pain and fear before I die. The uncertainty whether that's really my end or not always fills me with dread.

I looked at the ground I was sitting on and couldn't find even a drop of my blood. There was however a small corpse nearby of a dead killer munk. It body was crushed and deformed creating a gruesome picture.

Sometimes monsters have what's called an energy stone within their bodies, and while the killer munk did not show any abilities that doesn't necessarily mean it doesnt have an energy stone.

I crouched next to the body was about to reach out to it with my hand when something happened that surprised me.

A shadowy wisp rose out of the body and floated gently towards me. I felt it wasn't a bad thing and let it do what it wanted. It floated to my open palm and a tendril of darkness rose out on it's own to greet the wisp.

The two of them merged in front of my eyes and the the tendril of darkness appeared to have gained more mass before its receded back into my sea.

"Is that how I can replenish the sea? Killing living things and absorbing those wisps?"

I couldn't help but think that the ability I was given was OP! If I can replenish the darkness like that then aren't I actually really immortal?

When I thought about it deeper though, Her Majesty Death told me others had been tested and failed so is there a weakness I haven't figured out yet? Was their performance just bad or was there a flaw with this power?

I didn't think I was get any answers at the moment and decided to head back home since I didn't find an energy stone in the killer munk. Once out of the forest and back on the main road, I called a cab and had it drop me off at my house. I really wanted to bathe and eat something.

I had been out in the forest for most the day but I learned a lot about my powers. I figured out after absorbing the wisp from that killer munk that I could refill expended darkness back into my sea but I still wasn't able to call out more at once. The same pint size darkness is all I can call upon.

But I now have a hunch that if I complete a punishment then I might be able to get stronger and will more out.

'Her Majesty told me I'd get stronger by absorbing souls. Is that what that wisp was?'

It wasn't a lot that I gained from it as It was only a first order monster but I could imagine a human soul might give me much more benefits.

After taking a shower and eating some food I had left in my fridge I took at look at my savings. It was a pitiful amount but it was enough to last one more week.

I still need to complete the punishment of Henry Ostwick, but I'm still nervous. I've never killed a person even though I have the desire to. I thought about when and how I was going to do it.

Henry Ostwick works at a bank and most nights doesnt return home right after work. He goes out and does shady shit and then returns home to a loving wife and dog.

"It's starting to get dark. Why don't I see what that guy is gonna do tonight." I got dressed into a black hoodie and jeans and left my apartment. As soon as I walked out i noticed the sun was now setting and night was beginning.